17 research outputs found

    Morphometric analysis of differently degraded simple craters on the moon

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    The main focus of this PhD research is the morphologic characterization of simple impact craters on lunar maria in order to find out a correlation between craters morphological degradation and absolute model ages of the surfaces where they were emplaced. Crater degradation can be indeed used to constrain the chronological evolution of planetary surfaces. The crater degradation is usually retrieved through visual inspection by subdividing craters into 4 classes: C1 represents the freshest ones, C2 are the ones with the first evidence of degradation (smoothed rim), C3 and C4 are related to morphologies ranging from heavily eroded to totally flattened respectively [Arthur, 1963]. We firstly conducted a morphometric analysis of craters representative of the four classes starting from the freshest one represented by the Linné crater. Craters were chosen on a homogeneous geological unit, the S28 unit in mare Serenitatis, with an absolute model age of 2.84 Gy [Hiesinger et al., 2011]. This analysis allowed us to establish the thresholds of mean slope from craters inner wall, in order to constrain the morphometric characterization of the four degradation classes. Successively we have extracted all impact craters (383) from a unique geological unit and we have defined the morphologic relationships among the degradation classes in function of the craters diameters. Finally, we expanded our analysis to six lunar maria, considering six lunar maria with different average absolute model ages, in order to perform this analysis with the wider range of ages. For each mare we considered a unique surface (dataset) derived from the merging of geological units with similar absolute model ages within the basin, in order to guarantee the most homogeneous possible surfaces, both in terms of impact rheology and absolute age. From the six surfaces we have extracted inner wall mean slopes from over 1000 impact craters. The mean slope values of the inner walls have shown a relation between crater morphology and the absolute model ages of the geological units where they are located. Older basins are characterized by craters with lower mean slope values, suggesting a dominance of older craters in their population, whereas the younger units have shown higher mean slope values of their simple craters, suggesting a population dominated by recent impacts. This tendency is the expression of the morphological alteration strictly connected to the lunar maria age. Since the geomorphometry of impact craters is influenced by the absolute age of the target area, we have constrained potential isochrones by fixing absolute age thresholds based on the morphological variations of impact craters

    Hydrological regimes in different slope environments and implications on rainfall thresholds triggering shallow landslides

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    Assessing hazard of rainfall-induced shallow landslides represents a challenge for the risk management of urbanized areas for which the setting up of early warning systems, based on the reconstruction of reliable rainfall thresholds and rainfall monitoring, is a solution more practicable than the delocalization of settlements and infrastructures. Consequently, the reduction in uncertainties afecting the estimation of rainfall thresholds conditions, leading to the triggering of slope instabilities, is a fundament task to be tackled. In such a view, coupled soil hydrological monitoring and physics-based modeling approaches are presented for estimating rainfall thresholds in two diferent geomorphological environments prone to shallow landsliding. Based on the comparison of results achieved for silty– clayey soils characterizing Oltrepò Pavese area (northern Italy) and ash-fall pyroclastic soils mantling slopes of Sarno Mountains ridge (southern Italy), this research advances the understanding of the slope hydrological response in triggering shallow landslides. Among the principal results is the comprehension that, mainly depending on geological and geomorphological settings, geotechnical and hydrological properties of soil coverings have a fundamental control on the timing and intensity of hydrological processes leading to landslide initiation. Moreover, results obtained show how the characteristics of the soil coverings control the slope hydrological response at diferent time scales, making the antecedent soil hydrological conditions a not negligible factor for estimating landslide rainfall thresholds. The approaches proposed can be conceived as an adaptable tool to assess hazard to initiation of shallow rainfall-induced landslides and to implement early-warning systems from site-specifc to distributed (catchment or larger) scales

    Morphometric analysis of differently degraded simple craters on the moon

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    The main focus of this PhD research is the morphologic characterization of simple impact craters on lunar maria in order to find out a correlation between craters morphological degradation and absolute model ages of the surfaces where they were emplaced. Crater degradation can be indeed used to constrain the chronological evolution of planetary surfaces. The crater degradation is usually retrieved through visual inspection by subdividing craters into 4 classes: C1 represents the freshest ones, C2 are the ones with the first evidence of degradation (smoothed rim), C3 and C4 are related to morphologies ranging from heavily eroded to totally flattened respectively [Arthur, 1963]. We firstly conducted a morphometric analysis of craters representative of the four classes starting from the freshest one represented by the Linné crater. Craters were chosen on a homogeneous geological unit, the S28 unit in mare Serenitatis, with an absolute model age of 2.84 Gy [Hiesinger et al., 2011]. This analysis allowed us to establish the thresholds of mean slope from craters inner wall, in order to constrain the morphometric characterization of the four degradation classes. Successively we have extracted all impact craters (383) from a unique geological unit and we have defined the morphologic relationships among the degradation classes in function of the craters diameters. Finally, we expanded our analysis to six lunar maria, considering six lunar maria with different average absolute model ages, in order to perform this analysis with the wider range of ages. For each mare we considered a unique surface (dataset) derived from the merging of geological units with similar absolute model ages within the basin, in order to guarantee the most homogeneous possible surfaces, both in terms of impact rheology and absolute age. From the six surfaces we have extracted inner wall mean slopes from over 1000 impact craters. The mean slope values of the inner walls have shown a relation between crater morphology and the absolute model ages of the geological units where they are located. Older basins are characterized by craters with lower mean slope values, suggesting a dominance of older craters in their population, whereas the younger units have shown higher mean slope values of their simple craters, suggesting a population dominated by recent impacts. This tendency is the expression of the morphological alteration strictly connected to the lunar maria age. Since the geomorphometry of impact craters is influenced by the absolute age of the target area, we have constrained potential isochrones by fixing absolute age thresholds based on the morphological variations of impact craters.Il principale obiettivo di questa tesi di dottorato è stato la caratterizzazione morfologica dei crateri di impatto semplici all’interno dei maria lunari, al fine di trovare una correlazione tra la degradazione dei crateri e l'età assoluta stimata delle superfici ad essi correlate. La degradazione dei crateri può essere infatti utilizzata per comprendere meglio l'evoluzione cronologica delle superfici planetarie. In questa ricerca abbiamo considerato le quattro classi di degradazione generalmente impiegate nella classificazione visuale dello stato di degradazione dei crateri. Sulla Luna la classe C1 rappresenta crateri freschi, la C2 crateri al primo stadio di degradazione (rim smussato) e le ultime due classi sono riferite ai crateri con morfologie profondamente modificate dall’erosione (C3) e totalmente erosi (C4) [Arthur, 1963]. In primo luogo abbiamo condotto una analisi morfometrica su crateri rappresentativi delle 4 classi a partire da Linné che viene considerato il riferimento dei crateri semplici di tipo C1 sulla luna. Quest’analisi è stata fondamentale per stabilire le soglie di inclinazione media relativa alla scarpata interna di crateri rappresentanti le quattro classi. Attraverso queste soglie è stato possibile caratterizzare morfometricamente le quattro classi di degradazione. Successivamente abbiamo estratto 383 crateri da una singola unità geologica per confrontare le relazioni morfologiche tra le classi di degradazione in funzione del diametro dei crateri. Infine l’analisi morfometrica è stata estesa a diversi maria lunari, mediante l'estrazione di migliaia di crateri di impatto semplici provenienti da superfici con diversa età. Successivamente sono stati considerati sei bacini lunari con età medie molto differenti, per sviluppare l’analisi su un range di età il più grande possibile. Per ogni bacino è stata creata una superficie (dataset), derivata dal raggruppamento di unità geologiche coeve del bacino stesso, così da estrarre crateri posti su una superficie il più omogenea possibile sia in termini di reologia di impatto che di età assoluta. I valori di pendenza media delle scarpate interne dei crateri estratti hanno dimostrato una relazione con l’età assoluta stimata delle unità geologiche in cui si trovano. I bacini più vecchi, infatti, sono caratterizzati da crateri con valori inferiori di pendenza media, il che suggerisce una predominanza di crateri antichi ed erosi. Le unità più giovani, invece, hanno mostrato crateri con alti valori di pendenza media, suggerendo una popolazione dominata da impatti più recenti. Questa tendenza è espressione della degradazione morfologica, strettamente legata all'età assolute dei maria lunari. Poiché la Geomorfometria dei crateri da impatto è risultata essere influenzata dall'età assoluta delle stesse superfici di impatto, abbiamo potuto creare delle potenziali isocrone fissando soglie di età assoluta basate sulle variazioni morfologiche dei crateri da impatto

    A Data-Driven Method for the Temporal Estimation of Soil Water Potential and Its Application for Shallow Landslides Prediction

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    Soil water potential is a key factor to study water dynamics in soil and for estimating the occurrence of natural hazards, as landslides. This parameter can be measured in field or estimated through physically-based models, limited by the availability of effective input soil properties and preliminary calibrations. Data-driven models, based on machine learning techniques, could overcome these gaps. The aim of this paper is then to develop an innovative machine learning methodology to assess soil water potential trends and to implement them in models to predict shallow landslides. Monitoring data since 2012 from test-sites slopes in Oltrepò Pavese (northern Italy) were used to build the models. Within the tested techniques, Random Forest models allowed an outstanding reconstruction of measured soil water potential temporal trends. Each model is sensitive to meteorological and hydrological characteristics according to soil depths and features. Reliability of the proposed models was confirmed by correct estimation of days when shallow landslides were triggered in the study areas in December 2020, after implementing the modeled trends on a slope stability model, and by the correct choice of physically-based rainfall thresholds. These results confirm the potential application of the developed methodology to estimate hydrological scenarios that could be used for decision-making purposes

    Comparison between mechanical and hydrological reinforcement effects of cultivated plants on shallow slope stability

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    Root reinforcement, provided by plants in soil, can be exerted by a mechanical effect, increasing soil shear strength for the presence of roots, or by a hydrological effect, induced by plant transpiration. No comparisons have been still carried out between mechanical and hydrological reinforcements on shallow slope stability in typical agroecosystems. This paper aims to compare these effects induced by sowed fields and vineyards and to assess their effects towards the shallow slope staibility. Root mechanical reinforcement has been assessed through Root Bundle Model-Weibull. Root hydrological reinforcement has been evaluated using an empirical relationship with monitored or modelled pore water pressure. Each reinforcement has been inserted in a stability model to quantify their impacts on susceptibility towards shallow landslides. Considering the same environment, corresponding to a typical agroecosystem of northern Italian Apennines, land use has significant effects on saturation degree and pore water pressure, influencing hydrological reinforcement. Root hydrological reinforcement effect is higher in summer, although rainfall-induced shallow landslides rarely occur in this period due to dry soil conditions. Instead, in wet and cold periods, when shallow landslides can develop more frequently, the stabilizing contribution of mechanical reinforcement is on average higher than the hydrological reinforcement. In vineyards, the hydrological reinforcement effect could be observed also during autumn, winter and spring periods, giving a contribution to slope stability also in these conditions. This situation occurs when plants uptake enough water from soil to reduce significantly pore water pressure, guaranteeing values of hydrological reinforcement of 1-3 kPa at 1 m from ground, in agreement with measured mechanical root reinforcement (up to 1.6 kPa). These results suggest that both hydrological and mechanical effects of vegetation deserve high regard in susceptibility towards shallow landslides, helping in selection of the best land uses to reduce probability of occurrence of these failures over large territories

    Environmental Electronic Vape Exposure from Four Different Generations of Electronic Cigarettes: Airborne Particulate Matter Levels

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    Electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) were introduced into the market in 2006 and their technological features have evolved substantially over time. Currently, there are four different generations of e-cigs that are broadly considered less harmful than the use of combusted tobacco products although passive exposure to aerosols often occurs in public spaces and indoor environments. The study aim was to evaluate the levels of airborne particulate matter (PM) emitted during the use of all the four generations of e-cigs, testing different use modalities. PM10, PM4, PM2.5 and PM1 were measured through a Dusttrak ™ II Aerosol Monitor, for a total of 20 independent experiments. All tested e-cigs devices produced PM during their use, and PM10 was almost made of PM1 size fraction. In addition, we observed a progressive increase in PM emission from the first to the fourth generation, and an upward trend of PM1 emitted by the fourth generation e-cig with an increase in the operating power. The results showed that, whatever the model adopted, passive vaping does occur. This finding supports the need for legislative interventions to regulate the e-cigs use in public places and other enclosed environments, in order to protect the health of any subject who is potentially exposed

    Empirical and Physically Based Thresholds for the Occurrence of Shallow Landslides in a Prone Area of Northern Italian Apennines

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    Rainfall thresholds define the conditions leading to the triggering of shallow landslides over wide areas. They can be empirical, which exploit past rainfall data and landslide inventories, or physicallybased, which integrate slope physical–hydrological modeling and stability analyses. In this work, a comparison between these two types of thresholds was performed, using data acquired in Oltrepò Pavese (Northern Italian Apennines), to evaluate their reliability. Empirical thresholds were reconstructed based on rainfalls and landslides triggering events collected from 2000 to 2018. The same rainfall events were implemented in a physicallybased model of a representative testsite, considering dierent antecedent pore-water pressures, chosen according to the analysis of hydrological monitoring data. Thresholds validation was performed, using an external dataset (August 1992–August 1997). Soil hydrological conditions have a primary role on predisposing or preventing slope failures. In Oltrepò Pavese area, cold and wet months are the most susceptible periods, due to the permanence of saturated or close-to-saturation soil conditions. The lower the pore-water pressure is at the beginning of an event, the higher the amount of rain required to trigger shallow failures is. physicallybased thresholds provide a better reliability in discriminating the events which could or could not trigger slope failures than empirical thresholds. The latter provide a significant number of false positives, due to neglecting the antecedent soil hydrological conditions. These results represent a fundamental basis for the choice of the best thresholds to be implemented in a reliable earlywarning system