1,449 research outputs found

    Techniques for targeted Fermi-GBM follow-up of gravitational-wave events

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    The Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo ground-based gravitational-wave detectors are projected to come online 2015-2016, reaching a final sensitivity sufficient to observe dozens of binary neutron star mergers per year by 2018. We present a fully-automated, targeted search strategy for prompt gamma-ray counterparts in offline Fermi-GBM data. The multi-detector method makes use of a detailed model response of the instrument, and benefits from time and sky location information derived from the gravitational-wave signal.Comment: 2012 Fermi Symposium proceedings - eConf C12102

    Planned search for LIGO-GBM coincidence in the first advanced LIGO data run

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    In the fall of 2015 the first scientific observing run (O1) of the advanced LIGO detectors will be conducted. Based on the recent commissioning progress at the LIGO Hanford and Livingston sites, the gravitational wave detector range for a neutron star binary inspiral is expected to be of order 60 Mpc. We describe here our planning for an O1 search for coincidence between a LIGO gravitational wave detection and a gamma-ray signal from the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor. Such a coincidence would constitute measurement of an electromagnetic counterpart to a gravitational wave signal, with significant corresponding scientific benefits, including revealing the central engine powering the gamma-ray burst, enhanced confidence in the event as a genuine astrophysical detection, and a determination of the relative speed of the photon and graviton.Comment: Submitted to Moriond Gravitation Conference Proceedings 201

    Bringing Music to Underserved Children

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    84 pagesThe mission of this lecture document is to present a string education nonprofit startup model which addresses the need for equal access to string education. It includes original research from interviews with four nonprofits currently serving low-income children and families in the United States. Also included is a literature review of current scholarship regarding low-income children and the numerous struggles they face in life. Benefits of music education are discussed in relation to improving the lives of these children. Suzuki and El Sistema pedagogical philosophies are discussed. Guiding steps for nonprofit formation are included, but are specific to the state of Oregon
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