7 research outputs found

    Esthetics practice posibilities using hybrid ceramic

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    Summary The hybrid ceramic ESTENIA (Kuraray-Dental) combines the advantages of porcelain (esthetic, strengthens) with composite (elasticity, low abrasive effect upon the opposite teeth, way of work). This study tries to solve some clinical cases with reduced partial edentulous using mixed bridges where the physiognomic part was made from hybrid ceramic. The results show that these types of restorations fulfill the esthetic and biomechanical needs.Rezumat Ceramica hibridă ESTENIA (Kuraray-Dental) reuneşte avantajele porţelanului (estetică, rezistenţă, etc.) cu cele ale compozitului (elasticitate, efect abrazant redus la nivelul dinţilor antagonişti, mod de lucru, etc.).(3,5) In studiul realizat am urmărit rezolvarea unor cazuri clinice care au prezentat edentaţii partiale reduse, prin aplicarea unor punţi conjuncte mixte la care componenta fizionomica a fost realizată din ceramică hibridă. Rezultatele obţinute demonstrează că restaurările de acest tip asigură satisfacerea concomitentă atât a cerinţelor de ordin estetic, cât şi pe cele de ordin biomecanic

    Periodontal Changes in Conjunct Prostheses

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    Introduction. The treatment of reduced partially edentulous patients with gnatprosthetic bridges, linked to the organic substructure, determines on the gum¡¦s tissue many adaptive changes, related to the following factors: previous state of sulcular epithelium, quality of the finishing edges of the microprostheses, material from which the bridge is made, definitive cementing materials, etc. The aim of our study is to assess the impact of the fixed prostheses upon the periodontal health. Material and method. The study includes 112 patients (54 males and 58 females) with ages between 20-60 years. The evaluation was made on 282 conjunct prostheses. The statistical processing was made by the program STATISTIC (dedicated to medical research) and specific tests as ANOVA, Spjotvol/Stoline, Pearson, CHI ¡V square (ƒÓ2), Fisher, Spearman, etc. Results. Periodontal changes appeared in 44.64% of cases. This aspect was correlated with different particularities of the prosthetic device. These can be taken into consideration as potential risk factors for periodontal changes. The study of periodontal health, related to the material that was used, showed a low prevalence in metal ceramic bridges (14.3%) and metal composite bridges (8.9%). Periodontal changes are more important in case of high amplitude and older bridges, and they are influenced by the material and the quality of their finishing. Although, there is a correlation between oral hygiene and periodontal changes of the prosthetic bridges patients. Conclusions. Results show a close relation between periodontal changes and: the amplitude and age of the prosthetic bridges, quality of the finishing edges of the microprostheses, surface texture, axial and transversal adjustment and the materials used for the bridge and final cementation

    Influence Of Restaurative Therapy On Marginal Periodontal Tissue

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of fixed prosthodontics on the periodontal health status, emphasising the pathological changes induced by the restorative materials. Materials and methods The study group was made by 112 patients with 282 dental fixed bridges evaluated by clinical and paraclinical exams. The clinical evaluation included the age of the dental bridge, the material it was made of, the periodontal changes, the bleeding index. For the statistical processing of the data it was used STATISTICA, a special program for medical research. Results and discussions Periodontal changes consisted of significant values of periodontal bleeding index for 46.43% of the cases, periodontal pockets in 12.5% of the cases, recession in 3.57% of the studied cases. Conclusions There is a significant correlation between the material in use for the dental bridges and the presence of the periodontal damage, especially for the metal-acrylic and cast metal crowns


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    Aim: Removable partial dentures (RPDs) can influence the oral health and have the potential to cause further tooth loss, especially of abutment teeth. However, no evidence indicates the effective interval of regular periodontal maintenance after RPD provision. This study aimed to examine the impact of regular periodontal maintenance visits on survival of RPD abutment teeth. Materials and Methods: Patients were included if they had been provided with a clasp-retained RPD and had used it for 2 years or more. According to the frequency of periodontal maintenance, study samples were divided into three groups; every 3–6 months (3–6M) group, 1-year (1Y) group and no-maintenance (NM) group. Results: Five-year cumulative survival rates were 82.6% (3–6M), 74.4% (1Y) and 70.8% (NM) respectively. Survival of abutment teeth in the 3–6M group was significantly better than both 1Y and NM groups. Conclusion: The periodontal maintenance at least once in 6 months had the most favorable outcome. Frequent periodontal maintenance after RPD provision could be effective in preventing further tooth loss


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    Orthodontic treatment has become nowadays more popular than ever. The time when orthodontic treatment was just addressing to children has long passed. We are dealing now with a lot of adult cases that are more difficult to treat and raise many problems not only from the specialist cooperation but also from the ethical perspective. In the end of every orthodontic treatment we should focus only on one thing: the outcome. The outcome of an orthodontic treatment is not only a perfectly aligned row of teeth, it’s a sum of many periodontal aspects viewed from a very critical and ethical point of view. Although dental medicine is a liberal profession in which most of the patients have to pay the costs of the treatments privately this is no excuse to ignore the ethical dimension and not to give the patient the right to have access to the best possible specialized interdisciplinary care, autonomy and, self-determinatio


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    The TMJ exam represents a main stage in clinical examination of each patient, especially in temporomandibular desorder. Usually the clinical examination in dentistry is concentrated in oral aria, TMJ is examed just when the patients acuse simptoms. In a few minutes we can diagnose completely and corectly all problems of oro-facial system following a standard protocol