13 research outputs found

    Measurements of Extended Magnetic Fields in Laser-Solid Interaction

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    Magnetic fields generated from a laser-foil interaction are measured with high fidelity using a proton radiography scheme with in situ x-ray fiducials. In contrast to prior findings under similar experimental conditions, this technique reveals the self-generated, Biermann-battery fields extend beyond the edge of the expanding plasma plume to a radius of over 3.5 mm by t=+1.4 ns, a result not captured in state-of-the-art magneto-hydrodynamics simulations. An analysis of two mono-energetic proton populations confirms that proton deflection is dominated by magnetic fields far from the interaction (>2 mm) and electric fields are insignificant. Comparisons to prior work suggest a new physics mechanism for the magnetic field generation and transport in laser-solid interactions.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Investigating radiatively driven, magnetized plasmas with a university scale pulsed-power generator

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    We present first results from a novel experimental platform which is able to access physics relevant to topics including indirect-drive magnetised ICF; laser energy deposition; various topics in atomic physics; and laboratory astrophysics (for example the penetration of B-fields into HED plasmas). This platform uses the X-Rays from a wire array Z-Pinch to irradiate a silicon target, producing an outflow of ablated plasma. The ablated plasma expands into ambient, dynamically significant B-fields (~5 T) which are supported by the current flowing through the Z-Pinch. The outflows have a well-defined (quasi-1D) morphology, enabling the study of fundamental processes typically only available in more complex, integrated schemes. Experiments were fielded on the MAGPIE pulsed-power generator (1.4 MA, 240 ns rise time). On this machine a wire array Z-Pinch produces an X-Ray pulse carrying a total energy of ~15 kJ over ~30 ns. This equates to an average brightness temperature of around 10 eV on-target

    Characterization of quasi-Keplerian, differentially rotating, free-boundary laboratory plasmas

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    We present results from pulsed-power driven differentially rotating plasma experiments designed to simulate physics relevant to astrophysical disks and jets. In these experiments, angular momentum is injected by the ram pressure of the ablation flows from a wire array Z pinch. In contrast to previous liquid metal and plasma experiments, rotation is not driven by boundary forces. Axial pressure gradients launch a rotating plasma jet upward, which is confined by a combination of ram, thermal, and magnetic pressure of a surrounding plasma halo. The jet has subsonic rotation, with a maximum rotation velocity 23 3 km=s. The rotational velocity profile is quasi-Keplerian with a positive Rayleigh discriminant κ2 ∝ r−2.8 0.8 rad2=s2. The plasma completes 0.5–2 full rotations in the experimental time frame (∼150 ns)

    Radiative cooling effects on reverse shocks formed by magnetised supersonic plasma flows

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    We study the structure of reverse shocks formed by the collision of supersonic, magnetised plasma flows driven by an inverse (or exploding) wire array with a planar conducting obstacle. We observe that the structure of these reverse shocks varies dramatically with wire material, despite the similar upstream flow velocities and mass densities. For aluminium wire arrays, the shock is sharp and well defined, consistent with magneto-hydrodynamic theory. In contrast, we do not observe a well-defined shock using tungsten wires, instead, we see a broad region dominated by density fluctuations on a wide range of spatial scales. We diagnose these two very different interactions using interferometry, Thomson scattering, shadowgraphy, and a newly developed imaging refractometer which is sensitive to small deflections of the probing laser corresponding to small-scale density perturbations. We conclude that the differences in shock structure are most likely due to radiative cooling instabilities which create small-scale density perturbations elongated along magnetic field lines in the tungsten plasma. These instabilities grow more slowly and are smoothed by thermal conduction in the aluminium plasma

    Radiative cooling effects on reverse shocks formed by magnetized supersonic plasma flows

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    We study the structure of reverse shocks formed by the collision of supersonic, magnetized plasma flows driven by an inverse (or exploding) wire array with a planar conducting obstacle. We observe that the structure of these reverse shocks varies dramatically with wire material, despite the similar upstream flow velocities and mass densities. For aluminum wire arrays, the shock is sharp and well-defined, consistent with magneto-hydrodynamic theory. In contrast, we do not observe a well-defined shock using tungsten wires, and instead we see a broad region dominated by density fluctuations on a wide range of spatial scales. We diagnose these two very different interactions using interferometry, Thomson scattering, shadowgraphy, and a newly developed imaging refractometer that is sensitive to small deflections of the probing laser corresponding to small-scale density perturbations. We conclude that the differences in shock structure are most likely due to radiative cooling instabilities, which create small-scale density perturbations elongated along magnetic field lines in the tungsten plasma. These instabilities grow more slowly and are smoothed by thermal conduction in the aluminum plasma

    Collective optical Thomson scattering in pulsed-power driven high energy density physics experiments (invited)

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    Optical collective Thomson scattering (TS) is used to diagnose magnetized high energy density physics experiments at the Magpie pulsedpower generator at Imperial College London. The system uses an amplified pulse from the second harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser (3 J, 8 ns, 532 nm) to probe a wide diversity of high-temperature plasma objects, with densities in the range of 1017–1019 cm−3 and temperatures between 10 eV and a few keV. The scattered light is collected from 100 μm-scale volumes within the plasmas, which are imaged onto optical fiber arrays. Multiple collection systems observe these volumes from different directions, providing simultaneous probing with different scattering K-vectors (and different associated α-parameters, typically in the range of 0.5–3), allowing independent measurements of separate velocity components of the bulk plasma flow. The fiber arrays are coupled to an imaging spectrometer with a gated intensified charge coupled device. The spectrometer is configured to view the ion-acoustic waves of the collective Thomson scattered spectrum. Fits to the spectra with the theoretical spectral density function S(K, ω) yield measurements of the local plasma temperatures and velocities. Fitting is constrained by independent measurements of the electron density from laser interferometry and the corresponding spectra for different scattering vectors. This TS diagnostic has been successfully implemented on a wide range of experiments, revealing temperature and flow velocity transitions across magnetized shocks, inside rotating plasma jets and imploding wire arrays, as well as providing direct measurements of drift velocities inside a magnetic reconnection current sheet