19 research outputs found

    Instagram y gamificación para incorporar los procesos fisiológicos al día a día de los estudiantes de Fisiología

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    El presente proyecto de innovación docente se basa en la utilización de la red social Instagram para incentivar el estudio diario y el aprendizaje cooperativo de una forma lúdica, autónoma y divertida. Se aplicó en la docencia de la Fisiología Humana en distintos grados en los que participa el Departamento de Fisiología. La metodología consiste en que los alumnos, trabajando en grupo, publiquen contenidos en Instagram, para repasar, sintetizar y compartir información de la asignatura. Los objetivos alcanzados fueron: motivación en el estudio continuado, implicación en el proceso de aprendizaje, trabajo en equipo y adquisición de competencias transversales como creatividad, liderazgo y compromiso. La participación en el proyecto fue muy alta (94%), así como la satisfacción de los alumnos, sobre todo en aspectos motivacionales (interés y curiosidad por la asignatura) y de integración, gracias al trabajo en equipo. En conclusión, la red Instagram es una herramienta útil como complemento de las clases, con objeto de incentivar el estudio diario, sintetizar la información y transmitirla mediante trabajo cooperativo

    Virus papiloma humano y cáncer cérvico-uterino

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    Molecular, clinical and epidemiological studies have established beyond doubt that human papiloma viruses (HPV) cause cervical cancer. The virus is also associated with genital warts and other less common cancers in oropharynx, vulva, vagina and penis. Worldwide, VPH genotypes 16 and 18 are the most common high risk genotypes, detected in near 70% of women with cervical cancer. The discovery of a cause-effect relationship between several carcinogenic microorganisms and cancer open avenues for new diagnostic, treatment and prevention strategies. In this issue of Revista Médica de Chile, two papers on HPV are presented. Guzman and colleagues demonstrate that HPV can be detected in 66% to 77% of healthy male adolescents by polymerase chain reaction and that positivity depends on the site of the penis that is sampled. These results support the role of male to female transmission of high risk HPVs in Chile and should lead to even more active educational campaigns. The second paper provides recommendations for HPV vaccine use in Chile, generated by the Immunization Advisory Committee of the Chilean Infectious Disease Society. To issue these recommendations, the Committee analyzes the epidemiological information available on HPV infection and cervical cancer in Chile, vaccine safety and effectiveness data, and describes cost-effectiveness studies. Taking into account that universal vaccination is controversial, the Committee favors vaccine use in Chile and it’s incorporation into a national program. However, there is an indication that the country requires the implementation of an integrated surveillance approach including cross matching of data obtained from HPV genotype surveillance, monitoring of vaccination coverage, and surveillance of cervical cancer. The final decision of universal vaccine use in Chile should be based on a through analysis of informatio

    Present situation of hepatitis B in Chile Situación actual de la hepatitis B en Chile

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    Background: Hepatitis B virus infection generates carriers and 8% will evolve to a chronic phase. Aim: To perform a compilation of studies on hepatitis B in Chile and other sources of information to estimate the impact of this disease in our country. Material and methods: Published and unpublished evidence about the infection, in the general population and risk groups in our country, was compiled and reviewed critically. Informal interviews to experts, revision of the mandatory notification book of the Ministry of Health and collection of data from laboratories that study hepatitis B virus, were also carried out. Results: The seroprevalence of chronic carriers in blood donors is nearly 0.3%. Among risk groups such as health care personnel, the figure is 0.7%, among homosexuals 29%, among HIV positive patients 30%, among sexual workers 2% and among children with chronic hemodialysis, 9%. Prevalence rate according to notified cases in 2004 was 1.8 x 100,000 habitants. Detection of vira

    Situación actual de la hepatitis B en Chile

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    Hepatitis B virus infection generates carriers and 8% will evolve to a chronic phase. Aim: To perform a compilation of studies on hepatitis B in Chile and other sources of information to estimate the impact of this disease in our country. Material and methods: Published and unpublished evidence about the infection, in the general population and risk groups in our country, was compiled and reviewed critically. Informal interviews to experts, revision of the mandatory notification book of the Ministry of Health and collection of data from laboratories that study hepatitis B virus, were also carried out. Results: The seroprevalence of chronic carriers in blood donors is nearly 0.3%. Among risk groups such as health care personnel, the figure is 0.7%, among homosexuals 29%, among HIV positive patients 30%, among sexual workers 2% and among children with chronic hemodialysis, 9%. Prevalence rate according to notified cases in 2004 was 1.8 x 100,000 habitants. Detection of viral hepatitis B surface antigen in laboratories occurs in 0.2% of donors and 1.3% of non donors. Conclusions: The seroprevalence of hepatitis B virus, the lack of notification, and the introduction of hepatitis B vaccine to our Regular Program of Immunizations, are arguments to develop in Chile a hepatitis B and C surveillance syste

    Climate change and infectious diseases. A novel epidemiological scenario Cambio climático y enfermedades infecciosas. Un nuevo escenario epidemiológico

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    For the international scientific community, it is undoubted that planetary temperature is increasing, being projected an average raise of 1.0°C-3.5°C by the year 2100. Forecasted consequences are diverse, most of them adverse for human health, including the establishment of favorable epidemiological scenarios for the emergence and reemergence of infectious diseases. The present article summarizes the available evidence regarding the mechanisms that promote climate change, its environmental effects and its consequences on human health. In order to accomplish this objective, demonstrated changes in the dynamics of zoonotic, vectorial, food and water-borne diseases are described. The position of Chile in the international community is commented, as well as multiple pending challenges, among which outstands the importance of incorporating professionals that work in the health sector to the national debate

    Climate change and infectious diseases. A novel epidemiological scenario

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    For the international scientific community, it is undoubted that planetary temperature is increasing, being projected an average raise of 1.0 degrees C-3.5 degrees C by the year 2100. Forecasted consequences are diverse, most of them adverse for human health, including the establishment of favorable epidemiological scenarios for the emergence and reemergence of infectious diseases. The present article summarizes the available evidence regarding the mechanisms that promote climate change, its environmental effects and its consequences on human health. In order to accomplish this objective, demonstrated changes in the dynamics of zoonotic, vectorial, food and water-borne diseases are described. The position of Chile in the international community is commented. as well as multiple pending challenges, among which outstands the importance of incorporating professionals that work in the health sector to the national debate

    Cost-effectiveness of universal childhood hepatitis A vaccination in Chile

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    A is an important public health problem in Chile. Childhood vaccination has reduced hepatitis A rates in several countries, prompting this evaluation of its cost-effectiveness in Chile. Using a Markov model, we project mass vaccination would reduce hepatitis A cases among birth cohort members and their personal contacts > 80%. Vaccination costs of US5.36.4millionwouldbeoffsetbyUS 5.3-6.4 million would be offset by US 9.2-9.4 million reductions in disease costs. Further, approximately 70 fatal infections would be averted and > 4600 quality-adjusted life years would be saved. This analysis supports the cost-effectiveness of universal childhood hepatitis A vaccination in Chile

    23-Valent Pneumococcal Vaccine. Statement of the Consultive Committee of Immunizations on behalf of the Chilean Infectious Diseases Society. February 2010

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    The article summarizes the scientific evidence related with protection conferred by the 23 valent polysacchar-die vaccine against invasive pneumococcal disease, non bacteriemic pneumococcal pneumonia, and probable pneumococal pneumonia in the elderly. Eider patients with and without risk factors are considered. The impact of herd immunitty conferred by vaccination of children with conjugated pneumococcal vaccine in reduction of penumonia in adults is discussed. Based on this analysis, the Advisory Committee on Immunizations of the Chilean Infectious Disease Society makes recommendations on the most efficient vaccine strategy for reduction of pneumococcal pneumonia in the elderly

    Human papillomavirus vaccine. Statement of the Consultive Committee of Immunizations on behalf of The Chilean Infectious Diseases Society. September 2008 Declaración del Comité Consultivo de Inmunizaciones de la Sociedad Chilena de Infectología respecto a

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    The article briefly reviews the epidemiology of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and associated diseases in the world and in Chile and the scientific information of the licensed HPV vaccines: Gardasil® and Cervarix®. Considering the available information, the Consultive Committee of Immunizations of the Chilean Society of Infectious Diseases, summarizes its conclusions and makes recommendations for vaccination against HPV in Chile

    Fichas Fisiológicas: Aprendizaje cooperativo y desarrollo de habilidades transversales

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    El proyecto Fichas Fisiológicas fue capaz de crear un espacio pedagógico centrado en el alumno y construir un aprendizaje contextualizado y autónomo da fisiología. El uso de las Fichas Fisiológicas mejoró el aprendizaje de los conceptos de la de la Fisiología, fue capaz de desarrollar las habilidades transversales de los estudiantes. Además, el métodos fue percibido como atractivo, motivador y eficiente. Los estudiantes mostraron satisfacción con el método, deseando su utilización en otras asignaturas.Depto. de FisiologíaFac. de MedicinaFALSEsubmitte