2 research outputs found

    Research on correlation between nitrogen compounds, iron and manganese concentrations in drinking water supply systems

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    A wide range of material sources potentially contribute to contaminant loads in potable water. The ability of water supply systems to act as emission control barriers to tap water micro pollutants, thereby providing environmental benefits in addition to potable water savings, have not been fully explored. This paper investigates the sources, presence and potential fate of a selection of nitrogen micro pollutants in water supply systems. All of the investigated compounds are listed under the requirements to the quality of water intended for human consumption. Significant water quality changes are identified. A wide range of potential treatment trains are available for water treatment and reuse but treatment efficiency data for nitrogen substances is very limited. Nitrogen substances removal through water treatment is following to be predominantly due to ammonium ions, nitrate and nitrite limited concentrations requirement, with only minor contributions to the water supply network. The majority of conventional water treatment plants periodically supply water with nitrogen compounds residual to the potable water distribution system. Hence, it is important to ensure that other nitrogen sources control options (e.g. pipelines materials, and groundwater sources controls) for potable water supply continue to be pursued, in order that nitrogen compounds emissions from these sources are effectively reduced and/or phased out as required under the demands of the requirements to the quality of water intended for human consumption. The aim of this research was to estimate the correlation between nitrogen compounds, iron and manganese concentrations in drinking water supply pipelines in Vilnius (Lithuania) and Warsaw (Poland). First published online: 11 Oct 201

    Removal of petroleum products from water using natural sorbent zeolite

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    An experimental investigation on the removal of petroleum products (PP) from wastewater by natural sorbent zeolite was carried out in a laboratory on a pilot‐scaled test bench. The pilot test bench consisted of: a tank in which gasoline (1 portion) and diesel (1 portion) were mixed mechanically with water; a pump for supplying the mixture to a filter model; a filter model filled with a zeolite layer of 0,2 m height. Zeolite used in this study was from a deposit near the village of Sokyrnytsa in the Ukrainian Transcarpathian region. The test zeolite particle size was 2,5–3,0 mm; 1,5–2,0 mm; 0,63–1,0 mm. The concentration of PP in water was measured before and after the filter every hour. The TOG/ TPH analyser was used for concentration measurements. The experimental study showed that the best adsorption results were reached in the filter with 0,63–1,0 mm particle size of zeolite media. There were 2,25 mg/1 of light hydrocarbons left in the filtrate. Such a concentration satisfies the requirements of standards regulating the percentage of PP in treated wastewater. Naftos produktų šalinimas iš vandens naudojant natūralųjį sorbentą ceolitą Santrauka Gamtinio ceolito geba šalinti iš vandens naftos produktus tirta sumontuotame eksperimentiniame stende. Stendą sudarė: bakas, kuriame mechaniškai maišant benzinas (1 dalis) ir dyzelinas (1 dalis) skiedžiamas vandenyje; siurblys, tiekiantis tirpalą į filtro modelį; filtro modelis, 0,2 m sluoksniu pripildytas ceolito. Tyrimams pasirinktas į Lietuvą iš Ukrainos atvežamas Sokirnicos radimvietėje kasamas ceolitas. Eksperimentuojant naudotos 2,5–3,0 mm; 1,5–2,0 mm; 0,63–1,0 mm stambumo ceolitų grūdelių frakcijos. Naftos produktų koncentracija vandenyje prieš filtrą ir filtrate buvo nustatoma kas valandą analizatoriumi TOG/TPH. Eksperimentiniai tyrimai atlikti 2005 m. sausio ‐ balandžio mėnesiais. Kaip matyti iš tyrimo duomenų, geriausiai naftos produktus adsorbavo 63–1,0 mm stambumo ceolito grūdelių frakcijos užpildas. Filtrate likdavo 2,25 mg/l naftos produktų koncentracija. Tai pagal ištirpusių naftos produktų koncentraciją atitinka į nuotekų tinklus išleidžiamam vandeniui keliamus normatyvinius reikalavimus. First Published Online: 14 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: naftos produktai, vandens teršimas, natūralusis sorbentas ceolita