6 research outputs found

    Torsades de pointes u bolesnice starije životne dobi s paroksizmalnom atrijskom fibrilacijom liječene kratkoročnom parenteralnom primjenom amiodarona

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    One of the drugs that are widely used in the treatment of atrial fibrillation is amiodarone. Despite considerable prolongation of the corrected QT interval and a substantial degree of bradycardia, amiodarone exhibits a remarkably low frequency of pro-arrhythmic events and <1.0% incidence of torsades de pointes, mostly after long-term usage. We present a case of an 80-year-old female with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation accompanied by acute heart failure treated by short-term parenteral amiodarone therapy and development of torsades de pointes.Jedan od lijekova koji se široko rabi u liječenju atrijske fibrilacije je amiodaron. Unatoč značajnom produljenju korigiranog QT intervala i usporavanju srčanog rada, amiodaron pokazuje iznimno nisku učestalost pro-aritmičkih događaja i <1,0% učestalosti torsades de pointes, uglavnom nakon dugotrajne uporabe. U radu je prikazan slučaj 80-godišnje žene s paroksizmalnom atrijskom fibrilacijom praćenom akutnim zatajenjem srca liječenom kratkotrajnom parenteralnom primjenom amiodarona i razvojem torsades de pointes

    Heart Rate Variability after Off-Pump versus On-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery

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    Background. It is known that after coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) heart rate variability (HRV) becomes significantly decreased with a gradual recovery in a few months after surgery. However, literature data about the impact of the off-pump CABG on postoperative HRV are not complete. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze postoperative value of HRV in CABG patients operated on with off-pump versus on-pump coronary surgery. Methods. This study included 206 consecutive patients who underwent CABG. Sixty six patients (32%) were operated on off-pump while 140 patients (68%) were operated on using the machine for extracorporal circulation. HRV was analyzed from 24-hours Holter electrocardiogram recordings. Results. No significant differences in postoperative values of HRV variables were found between off-pump versus on-pump CABG patients (Mean RR interval 885 ± 106 versus 879 ± 125 ms, standard deviation of all normal R-R intervals 107 ± 30 versus 105 ± 34 ms, NS, total power 2298 ± 2472 versus 2156 ± 1913 ms2, NS). Conclusions. The results of the study showed that there are no differences in HRV few months after surgery between patients operated on with off-pump versus on-pump CABG