306 research outputs found


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    Background: Il fumo di tabacco è causa di numerose malattie a livello respiratorio, cardiovascolare e di altri apparati/tessuti. Il numero dei fumatori di sigarette al tabacco sta progressivamente diminuendo negli ultimi anni, aprendo la strada al mercato della sigaretta elettronica, un dispositivo elettronico dotato di una batteria ricaricabile, che consente di inalare vapore di una soluzione di acqua, glicole propilenico, glicerolo, nicotina e aromi alimentari. Scopo: 1. Effettuare una revisione della letteratura esistente per capire quello che emerge dai primi studi relativi alla sicurezza, i potenziali benefici o danni, l'impatto ambientale e il quadro legislativo, riguardo alla sigaretta elettronica. 2. Analizzare le variazioni di abitudini al fumo di tabacco, le principali associazioni tra l'abitudine al fumo e i sintomi/diagnosi in un campione di popolazione generale residente a Pisa, indagato nell'ambito di tre indagini epidemiologiche. Metodi: Utilizzo del motore di ricerca Google per informazioni generiche e divulgative e del portale PubMed e di siti web istituzionali per la ricerca della letteratura scientifica esistente sulla sigaretta elettronica. Per lo studio del campione della popolazione generale di Pisa sono state eseguite analisi di frequenza e analisi bivariate: test del chi quadrato per il confronto dei tassi di prevalenza tra gruppi e test ANOVA per il confronto dei valori medi tra gruppi. L'elaborazione dei dati è stata effettuata mediante analisi statistica con il pacchetto statistico SPSS (16.0) . Risultati: Dai risultati emergono dati non sempre rassicuranti rispetto al contenuto della cartuccia delle sigarette elettroniche, che potrebbero ripercuotersi sulla salute delle persone, sia per chi ne fa uso sia per coloro che sono esposti al fumo di seconda mano. Al momento il quadro legislativo non è ancora definitivo. Per quanto riguarda lo studio della popolazione di Pisa, i dati da una parte evidenziano una generale una tendenza alla riduzione del fumo di tabacco e dall’altra, confermano l’importante associazione fra malattie/sintomi respiratori ed abitudine al fumo. Conclusioni: Lo studio sul campione di Pisa, ha confermato la relazione significativa tra fumo di sigaretta al tabacco e la presenza di malattie respiratorie, quali asma, rinite, ostruzione e BPCO. Tuttavia si osserva un segnale positivo dovuto alla sostanziale riduzione dell’abitudine al fumo nel campione di Pisa. Sistemi di incentivazione alla cessazione dell’abitudine al fumo divengono quindi molto importanti, ma, al livello attuale di conoscenza, non possiamo considerare la sigaretta elettronica come un'alternativa sicura alla sigaretta al tabacco, né possiamo affermare che sia priva di effetti nocivi sia per gli usufruitori che per i fumatori passivi e non può essere considerata strumento di cessazione dell' abitudine al fumo

    The star formation history of galaxies: the role of galaxy mass, morphology and environment

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    We analyze the star formation history (SFH) of galaxies as a function of present-day environment, galaxy stellar mass and morphology. The SFH is derived by means of a non-parametric spectrophotometric model applied to individual galaxies at z ~ 0.04- 0.1 in the WINGS clusters and the PM2GC field. The field reconstructed evolution of the star formation rate density (SFRD) follows the values observed at each redshift (Madau & Dickinson 2014), except at z > 2 where our estimate is ~ 1.7x higher than the high-z observed value. The slope of the SFRD decline with time gets progressively steeper going from low mass to high mass haloes. The decrease of the SFRD since z = 2 is due to 1) quenching - 50% of the SFRD in the field and 75% in clusters at z > 2 originated in galaxies that are passive today - and 2) the fact that the average SFR of today's star-forming galaxies has decreased with time. We quantify the contribution to the SFRD(z) of galaxies of today's different masses and morphologies. The current morphology correlates with the current star formation activity but is irrelevant for the past stellar history. The average SFH depends on galaxy mass, but galaxies of a given mass have different histories depending on their environment. We conclude that the variation of the SFRD(z) with environment is not driven by different distributions of galaxy masses and morphologies in clusters and field, and must be due to an accelerated formation in high mass haloes compared to low mass ones even for galaxies that will end up having the same galaxy mass today.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures. Published on MNRA


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    Only few studies have compared the psychopathological features in first episode psychosis (FEP) and chronic schizophrenia (CS) patients. The aim of our study was to compare sociodemographic and clinical aspects of FEP and CS inpatients using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) in order to better characterize FEP. We did not find significant socio-demographic differences between the two groups apart from age and nationality. About PANSS we found that conceptual disorganization, poor rapport and lack of insight items scores were significantly higher in patients with FEP. Related to BPRS the items of somatic concerns, grandiosity and motor hyperactivity were significantly higher in the CS group; uncooperativeness was significantly higher in FEP group. Our study offers a characterization of FEP patients that confirms evidence and adds some information from the current literature. FEP patients seem to be more uncooperative with a worse interpersonal empathy and insight into the illness than CS patients; this could reduce their compliance with the treatment


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    Background: A link between abnormalities in circadian rhythms and the development of eating disorders was extensively hypothesized, mainly in consideration of the influence of the circadian clock on eating behavior. The present review is aimed at summarizing the evidence about biological rhythms disruptions in eating disorders, possibly clarifying their impact on the psychopathological profile of such patients. Methods: Electronic database MEDLINE/PubMed/Index Medicus was systematically searched for original articles examining the prevalence of circadian rhythms disruptions in eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder). Results: Studies included in the review confirmed the hypothesis of a high prevalence of circadian disruptions in eating disorders. The analyzed research mainly focused on sleep-wake cycle, rest-activity abnormalities and hormonal secretion, whilst literature about other circadian rhythms was scanty. Altered biological rhythms presented higher association with specific psychopathological features, but such relationship was assessed in few studies. Conclusions: Circadian rhythms disruptions were confirmed to be relevant aspects in the context of eating disorders. Further research is needed in order to clarify the role of biological rhythms in such illnesses, in the attempt to address adjunctive treatment strategies with the possible focus of circadian abnormalities


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    Objective: The primary aim is to verify the efficacy of long-acting injectable (LAI) and oral antipsychotics (AP) in terms of rehospitalisation rate of patients with psychotic disorders. The second aim is to evaluate socio-demographic and clinical differences in patients that were re-hospitalised after the index discharge compared to patients that were not re-hospitalised. Finally, socio-demographic and clinical differences of re-hospitalised patients that were prescribed at discharge with oral or LAI AP were analysed. Methods: A retrospective observational study including all patients discharged with diagnosis of psychotic disorders from July 2011 to July 2013 was conducted. Patients discharged with LAI or with oral AP were included. Re-hospitalisations occurred during a followup period of 24 months after the index discharge were considered. Chi-square test or Student’s t-test were used for comparisons. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the incidence of re-hospitalisation for LAI or oral AP were provided. Results: No significant differences between LAI and oral AP in terms of re-hospitalisation rate in a 24-month period were found. Clinical and socio-demographic characteristics did not significantly differ between the groups. Conclusions: LAI seemed to be similar to oral AP in terms of prevention of re-hospitalisation in psychotic patients


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    Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) is a deciduous species characterized by high morphological variability and a widespread distribution range along with South-East Europe. The wood of Turkey oak is scarcely considered as industrial lumber and is mainly used as firewood. Biomass pre-processing by heating improves feedstock consistency (mainly loss of water) and thereby improves its energetic efficiency. The main goal of this research was to evaluate how different hydro-thermal treatments affect the high calorific values and the relative ash content of lignin-derived from Turkey oak wood differentially treated by combining temperature, time and steam parameters. Sapwood and heartwood were distinguished for each treatment. Twelve different treatments were performed by using samples randomly selected. Samples were treated in a small heating unit with ± 1 °C accuracy under atmospheric pressure, according to two different heating cycles namely 120 and 180 °C. The Klason lignin content was assessed by a modified TAPPI method. High calorific value (HCV) was calculated by the fire testing technology bomb calorimeter method. Thermal treatment and the steaming processes significantly increased the HCV in examined wood samples. The strongest effect was highlighted when steaming was associated with the highest temperature. The combined effect of steaming and heating was shown to be effective in the process improvement in order to obtain both a higher content of lignin and a corresponding improvement of HCV. Keywords: treatment, high calorific value, lignin


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    G.B., 21-year-old patient of Albanian origin suffering from acute psychotic burning on schizotypal personality disorder induced by substance abuse, was admitted to the Psychiatric Service at Perugia’ General Hospital, Italy. On admission, antipsychotic therapy was set up which had the role to reduced delusional and hallucinatory symptoms but the suspiciousness, the presence of magical thought and the closure towards surrounding world that characterize it, combined with the presence of intrusive images, consequently increased the anxiety experiences and negatively affects the establishment of a therapeutic relationship with the operators. During the hospitalization, daily support interviews were carried out: G.B. showed clear difficulty in expressing his own thought contents in presence of more than two operators emerged jointly with the tendency to project different emotional experiences based on the gender of the operator. Following these observations, with the aim to carrying out an intervention that could integrate a psychological approach to the pharmacological therapy in place, a specific personalized support setting was set up, consisting of a female and a male operator. This setting was structured coherently with the therapeutic goals to be achieved: creation of a therapeutic alliance, the integration of the patient\u27s emotional experiences and containing the splitting through the transference analysis. By means of this setting, the patient has obtained a substantial improvement of the splitting framework allowing a better integration of his emotional experiences. At the end of the sessions, G.B. showed more confidence with the medical staff and showed himself to be more aware of his pathological and non-pathological mental states and consequently more adherent to taking drug therapy and to the continuation of post-discharge psychological therapy

    Management of Candida guilliermondii joint infection in a dog

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    Background: Candida spp. are dimorphic fungi in the family Cryptococcaceae. Infections with Candida spp. are usually rare conditions in dogs, but immunocompromised patients have a higher risk for developing invasive candidal infections. Case presentation: A 5-year-old male Boxer, positive to Leishmania infantum, was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Perugia, Italy for examination of a non-weight bearing left hind limb lameness of a duration of at least 3 months. During this period, treatment involved systemic anti-inflammatory medications and intra-articular corticosteroid administration. On presentation, clinical examination and radiographic findings were suggestive of cranial cruciate ligament deficiency. To support this diagnosis a stifle arthroscopy was performed: it confirmed a partial rupture of cranial cruciate ligament. Samples culture of synovial fluid and membrane was routinely collected as well, and revealed Candida guilliermondii joint infection. Treatment for the C. guilliermondii joint infection involved systemic anti-fungal therapy, joint lavage and intra-articular administration of antifungal drugs. Lameness improved markedly during this treatment, but lameness did not resolve completely, probably due to cranial cruciate ligament deficiency. Tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) was chosen in order to treat stifle instability and was performed 4 weeks following cessation of treatment of the C. guilliermondii joint infection. Six month after TTA the dog showed a completely recovery with no lameness. Conclusions: To the authors' knowledge, this is the first case of Candida spp. joint infection reported in dogs. The cause of the progression of the joint C. guilliermondii infection remains unclear but it may be associated with leishmaniasis or intra-articular corticosteroid injections. Treatment with systemic and intra-articular anti-fungal therapies was successful. In the evaluation of hind limb lameness in a chronically immunocompromised dog, it would be advisable to consider also an intra-articular Candida spp. infection
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