13 research outputs found

    Phytolacca acinosa Roxb. (Phytolaccaceae), a new alien species in the Croatian flora

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    Phytolacca acinosa Roxb., an East Asian plant species naturalised in many parts of the European continent, has been recorded for the first time in Croatia in two anthropogenic habitats in Varaždin city (NW Croatia). This study reports the newly discovered localities and presents the characteristics of the new alien species in the flora of Croatia. A determination key is given for Phytolacca taxa registered in Croatia and neighbouring countries

    A Review of Research About Inclusive Education From Perspectives of Teachers And Teacher Students

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    Inkluzija je sveobuhvatan i složen proces koji, u okviru socijalnog modela, potiče i usmjerava razvoj društva u kojem je svatko tretiran kao njegov jednakopravan član. Učenicima s teškoćama inkluzivna obrazovna politika osigurava dostupnost redovnog odgojno-obrazovnog sustava, uvažavanjem individualnih potreba i pružanjem podrške koja će osigurati razvoj njihovih potencijala. Uspješna implementacija inkluzivne politike u velikoj mjeri ovisi o pozitivnim namjerama učitelja prema inkluzivnom obrazovanju. Stoga je cilj ovog rada dati pregled cjelovitih znanstvenih radova koji su analizirali stavove, mišljenja i osposobljenost hrvatskih učitelja za provedbu inkluzivnog obrazovanja te utvrditi čimbenike koji su s njima povezani. Uz generalno proinkluzivne stavove prema inkluzivnom obrazovanju, istraživanja su identificirala i brojne prepreke, među kojima su najizraženiji nedostatna educiranost učitelja za provedbu inkluzivne prakse, nedostatna stručna podrška te nedovoljna materijalna opremljenost škola.Istraživanja jednoznačno ukazuju da postoji velika potreba za osiguranjem kvalitetnijih programaobrazovanja učitelja o poučavanju u inkluzivnim razredima tijekom formalnog obrazovanja, ali i kvalitetnija stručna pomoć u svakodnevnom radu s učenicima s teškoćama.Inclusion is a comprehensive and complex process that, within the social model, encourages and directs the development of a society in which everyone is treated as an equal member. Inclusive education policy for students with disabilities ensures the availability of a regular education system, respecting individual needs and providing support that will ensure the development of their potential. The successful implementation of inclusive policy largely depends on the positive intentions of the teacher towards inclusive education. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to give an overview of the full range of scientific papers that analyzed attitudes, opinions and competences of Croatian teachers for the implementation of inclusive education and to identify the factors that are related to them. Along with generally pro-active attitudes towards inclusive education, research has also identified many obstacles, including insufficient teacher education for the implementation of inclusive practice, insufficient professional support, and insufficient material equipment of schools. Research shows unequivocally that there is a great need to provide higher quality education programs for teachers in inclusive classes during their formal education, as well as sufficient professional guidance in day-to-day work with students

    Floristički sastav travnjaka Arboretuma Opeka (Vinica, sjeverozapadna Hrvatska)

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    During the vegetation seasons 2008 and 2009 the floristic composition of the grasslands of Opeka Arboretum was surveyed. In total, 276 plant taxa were found, and 223 taxa were recorded for the first time for the investigated area. The taxa were classified into 66 families, the Poaceae (10.51%), Asteraceae (6.52%) and Lamiaceae (6.16%) families appearing among them with a relatively high number of taxa. In the Arboretum Opeka,12 red-listed native herbaceous plant taxa were found. There were also 36 species protected and 9 species strictly protected by law. Non-indigenous plants made up 14.13% of the flora of the investigated area: 6 archaeophytes, 6 neophytes, 28 cultivated species and 8 of them were invasive alien species. Floristic composition of native herbaceous vegetation in Opeka Arboretum should be maintained by regular mowing of grasslands.Tijekom vegetacijskih sezona 2008. i 2009. istraživan je floristički sastav travnjaka Arboretuma Opeka. Utvrđeno je 276 biljnih svojti, a 223 svojte su zabilježene prvi put za istraživano područje. Svojte su svrstane u 66 porodica, a među njima su s relativno visokim brojem svojti porodice Poaceae (10,51%), Asteraceae (6,52%) i Lamiaceae (6,16%). U Arboretumu Opeka je zabilježeno 12 svojti autohtonih zeljastih biljaka s Crvenog popisa, 36 vrsta zaštićenih i 9 vrsta strogo zaštićenih vrsta. Alohtone biljke čine 14,13% flore istraživanog područja: 6 arheofita, 6 neofita, 28 kultiviranih vrsta i 8 invazivnih stranih vrsta. Floristički sastav prirodne zeljaste vegetacije u Arboretumu Opeka trebao bi biti održavan redovitom košnjom travnjaka

    Readiness of Roma children for reading and writing acquisition in the croatian language – an equal starting point for all?

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    U Republici Hrvatskoj živi više od 16 tisuća pripadnika romske nacionalne manjine. Budući da nemaju standardiziran vlastiti jezik i pismo, djeca Romi školuju se po redovnom planu i programu na hrvatskome jeziku. To podrazumijeva i usvojenost predvještina čitanja i pisanja prije polaska u prvi razred. Cilj je ovoga rada ispitati razinu usvojenosti predvještina čitanja i pisanja kod djece Roma te utvrditi razlikuju li se djeca Romi (N = 56, 62,5 % dječaka, M = 6 god., 8 mj., SD = 0,46) i djeca čiji je materinski jezik hrvatski (N = 55, 50,9 % dječaka; M = 6 god., 8 mj., SD = 0,4) u razvijenosti pojedinih sastavnica predvještina čitanja i pisanja. Ispitivanje je provedeno odabranim zadacima iz Testa za procjenu predvještina čitanja i pisanja (PredČip test, Kuvač Kraljević i Lenček, 2012). Rezultati su očekivani i ukazuju na to da djeca Romi na većini ispitanih varijabli odstupaju od urednoga postignuća. U odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu sudionika istraživanja djeca Romi pokazuju statistički značajno niže rezultate na gotovo svim testiranim varijablama (izuzev mjera slogovnog i fonemskog stapanja). Dobiveni rezultati pokazatelj su nedovoljne usvojenosti pojedinih sastavnica predvještina čitanja i pisanja na hrvatskome jeziku te nedostatno razvijenih vizualno-perceptivnih sposobnosti. Budući da su predvještine čitanja i pisanja važan preduvjet za usvajanje tečnoga čitanja i pisanja, kao i akademskih postignuća, vidljivo je da djeca Romi nisu spremna za školu i već u samome početku ne mogu održati korak sa svojim vršnjacima. Samim time potrebno je sustavno mijenjati sustav predškolskoga i školskoga odgoja i obrazovanja kada je u pitanju ova posebno ranjiva skupina djece.Over 16,000 people belong to the Roma national minority in the Republic of Croatia. Given the fact that they do not have their own standardised language and orthography, Roma children attend regular schools and regular curriculum in the Croatian language. This also implies the acquisition of reading and writing prerequisites prior to enrolment into first grade. The aim of this paper is to examine the level of acquisition of reading and writing prerequisites in Roma children and to determine whether Roma children (N = 56, 62.5% of boys, M = 6 years, 8 months, SD = 0.46) differ from children whose first language is Croatian (N = 55, 50.9% of boys; M = 6 years, 8 months, SD = 0.4) in the development of individual components of reading and writing prerequisites. Testing was performed through selected tasks from the Test for the assessment of reading and writing prerequisites (PredČip test, Kuvač Kraljević & Lenček, 2012). The results were as expected and indicate that Roma children deviate from regular achievement on most of the examined variables. In comparison to the control group of participants, Roma children demonstrated significantly lower results on almost all tested variables, apart from syllable and phonemic blending. The obtained results are an indicator of insufficient acquisition of certain components of reading and writing prerequisites in the Croatian language and insufficiently developed visual perceptual abilities. Considering that reading and writing prerequisites are the important precondition for fluent reading and writing, it is clear that Roma children are not prepared for school education and that they demonstrate difficulties in keeping up with their peers at the beginning of formal school education. This implies the need for a systematic change of the preschool and school system with regards to this especially vulnerable group of children

    Unterrichtsstrategien der Lehrer in der Unterrichtung der Schüler mit spezifischen Lernstörungen Zusammenfassung

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    Učenici sa specifičnim teškoćama učenja (STU), usprkos dobrim kognitivnim sposobnostima, iskazuju znatne teškoće u temeljnim obrazovnim vještinama pa je neophodno modificirati uobičajene načine poučavanja. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi učestalost korištenja pojedinih nastavnih strategija i postupaka učitelja u poučavanju ovih učenika te utvrditi postoje li među njima razlike u odnosu na neke sociodemografske varijable. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 109 osnovno‐školskih učitelja. Korištena je prilagođena inačica upitnika „Strategije poučavanja učenika sa specifičnim teškoćama učenja“ (engl. Teaching Strategies for Students with Learning Difficulties) autora Yuena, Westwooda i Wonga (2004). Dobivena je dvofaktorska struktura, s koeficijentima pouzdanosti Cronbachov alfa 0.72 – 0.84. Učitelji najčešće osiguravaju učenicima sa STU‐om dodatno vrijeme za pisane radove, pružaju im više neposredne pomoći te potiču druge učenike na pomoć. Odgovarajuće didaktičke postupke u radu s učenicima sa STU‐om češće primjenjuju učitelji razredne nastave, učitelji s više od pet godina radnog staža, oni koji su tijekom inicijalnog obrazovanja slušali kolegij o poučavanju učenika s posebnim potrebama i imali volontersko iskustvo u radu s njima, oni koji se procjenjuju sposobnima prepoznati STU i oni koji diferencirano ocjenjuju učenike sa STU‐om. Rezultati jednoznačno ukazuju na važnost educiranosti učitelja za rad s učenicima sa STU‐om primjenom individualiziranih postupaka kako bi učenik sa STU‐om u najvećoj mjeri razvio svoje potencijale.Students with specific learning disabilities (SLDs) show significant difficulties in handling the basic educational skills, despite having normal cognitive abilities, so it is necessary to differentiate the standard educational approaches. The aim of this study was to examine how often Croatian teachers use individualized strategy instruction for SLD students and whether they differ according to the to certain sociodemographic variables. The participants were 109 primary school teachers. The questionnarie „Teaching Strategies for Students with Learning Difficulties“ (Yuen, Westwood and Wong, 2004) was used. Two factors were obtained by factor analysis, resulting in subscales that have good psychometric characteristics (Cronbach α 0.72 – 0.841). The results have shown that teachers most often ensure additional time for written tasks, give students additional hands‐on help and encourage other students to help those with SLDs. Individualized strategy instruction for SLD students were often used by teachers from 1‐4 grade, with over five years of work experience, attending a course on special education, with experiences in volunteering with SEN students, with percieved ability to recognize STU and those who use different criteria when grading SLD students. The results clearly indicate the importance of teacher education in use of individualized strategy instruction for SLD students.Die Schüler mit spezifischen Lernstörungen haben erhebliche Probleme im Zusammenhang mit den grundlegenden Ausbildungsfertigkeiten trotz ihrer sehr guten kognitiven Fähigkeiten. Aus dem Grund ist es notwendig, die üblichen Unterrichtsmethoden zu modifizieren. Das Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es festzustellen, wie oft Lehrer einzelne Unterrichtsstrategien und ‐verfahren in der Unterrichtung dieser Schüler anwenden und ob es in Bezug auf einige soziodemographische Variablen unter ihnen Unterschiede gibt. An der Befragung nahmen 109 Grundschullehrer teil. Dabei wurde die angepasste Version des Fragebogens „Strategien der Unterrichtung von Schülern mit spezifischen Lernstörungen“ (Yuen, Westwood und Wong, 2004) angewandt. Wir bekamen die Zweifaktorenstruktur mit den Zuverlässigkeitskoeffizienten Cronbach α 0.72–0.84. Von den angebotenen Strategien räumen die Lehrer den Schülern mit spezifischen Lernstörungen meistens zusätzliche Zeit für schriftliche Arbeiten ein, leisten mehr direkte Hilfe und regen andere Schüler an, ihren Mitschülern zu helfen. Entsprechende didaktische Verfahren in der Arbeit mit Schülern mit spezifischen Lernstörungen setzen öfters die Grundschullehrer mit mehr als 5 Jahren Erfahrung ein, dann die Lehrer, die während ihrer Ausbildung auch das Fach Unterrichtung von behinderten Schülern hatten oder jene, die als Freiwillige Erfahrung gesammelt haben. Bei der Anwendung der genannten Strategien sind auch jene Lehrer aktiver, die selber imstande sind, die genannten Störungen zu erkennen und wenden bei der Benotung von Schülern mit spezifischen Lernstörungen andere Kriterien an. Die Ergebnisse weisen eindeutig auf die Wichtigkeit der Ausbildung von Lehrern für die Arbeit mit Schülern mit spezifischen Lernstörungen, bzw. der Anwendung von individualisierten Verfahren hin

    Učiteljski stavovi o poučavanju učenika s disleksijom

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    The aim of this paper is to examine teachers’ attitudes toward teaching dyslexic students and to determine whether there are statistically significant differences in their attitudes regarding gender, workplace, initial education, and continual professional development. The study involved 233 elementary school teachers. The Scale of Teachers’ Attitudes toward Teaching Dyslexic Students was used with a three-factor structure: (1) individualized teaching methods; (2) adaptation of teaching materials and evaluation procedures; and (3) support of classroom atmosphere and cooperation. The teachers had positive attitudes toward teaching dyslexic students in all three dimensions. The class teachers and those trained during their initial and continuing professional development and informal education to teach students with learning difficulties had positive attitudes that were statistically more significant. In conclusion, the obtained differences in the teachers’ attitudes toward teaching dyslexic students with regard to their professional qualifications during initial and continual professional development indicate the need for systematic teacher education, particularly considering the ways of adapting teaching materials and evaluation procedures so that dyslexic students would receive education appropriate to their abilities and strengths at all levels of education.Cilj je ovoga rada istražiti stavove učitelja o poučavanju učenika s disleksijom te utvrditi postoje li statistički značajne razlike u stavovima s obzirom na spol, radno mjesto, inicijalno obrazovanje i trajni profesionalni razvoj. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 233 osnovnoškolska učitelja. Koristila se Skala stavova učitelja prema poučavanju učenika s disleksijom trofaktorske strukture: (1) individualizirani postupci poučavanja; (2) prilagodba nastavnih materijala i postupaka vrednovanja i (3) podrška razrednim ozračjem i suradnjom. Učitelji imaju pozitivne stavove prema poučavanju učenika s disleksijom u svim trima dimenzijama. Pritom statistički značajno pozitivnije stavove imaju učitelji razredne nastave i oni koji su se usavršavali za rad s učenicima s teškoćama tijekom inicijalnoga i trajnoga profesionalnog razvoja, kao i samostalnim učenjem. Zaključno, dobivene razlike u stavovima učitelja prema poučavanju učenika s disleksijom s obzirom na njihovu stručnu osposobljenost tijekom inicijalnoga i trajnoga profesionalnog razvoja ukazuju na nužnost sustavnije edukacije učitelja, osobito o načinima prilagodbe nastavnih materijala i postupaka vrednovanja, kako bi na svim razinama obrazovanja učenici s disleksijom dobili obrazovanje primjereno svojim sposobnostima i jakim stranama

    Teacher Competencies in the Teaching of Students with Dyslexia

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    Uvažavanje različitosti i individualnih potreba učenika s disleksijom u suvremenom odgoju i obrazovanju doprinosi punom razvoju njihovih potencijala. U osiguravanju kvalitetnog učenja i poučavanja učenika s disleksijom ključne su učiteljske kompetencije koje su djelomično i rijetko istraživane u hrvatskom kontekstu. Cilj je ovog rada utvrditi međuodnos učiteljskih kompetencija za poučavanje učenika s disleksijom (poznavanja činjenica, samoprocijenjenih vještina i stavova), njihovu povezanost s odabranim sociodemografskim pokazateljima (spol, godine radnog staža i radno mjesto), podrškom stručnog suradnika logopeda i profesionalnim razvojem (samoprocjena stečenih kompetencija i spremnost). U istraživanju je sudjelovao 431 učitelj iz 62 osnovne škole u šest županija Republike Hrvatske. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja izrađeni su mjerni instrumenti za procjenu učiteljskih kompetencija za poučavanje učenika s disleksijom sukladno holističkom pristupu kompetencijama. Utvrđene su zadovoljavajuće metrijske karakteristike novokonstruiranih mjernih instrumenata, osim jednodimenzionalnog konstrukta poznavanja činjenica o disleksiji iz kojeg je izostavljen dio čestica o poznavanju etiologije i obilježja disleksije. Utvrđena je pozitivna povezanost između poznavanja činjenica o disleksiji, samoprocijenjenih vještina i stavova te njihova povezanost s profesionalnim razvojem, podrškom stručnog suradnika logopeda i sociodemografskim pokazateljima. Sociodemografski pokazatelji djelomično su relevantni u pojašnjavanju učiteljskih kompetencija, a uz kontrolu ovih varijabli samoprocjena samostalnog učenja značajno objašnjava poznavanje činjenica o disleksiji, samoprocijenjene vještine i stavove. Procjena kompetencija stečenih stručnim usavršavanjem i spremnost za profesionalni razvoj djelomično objašnjavaju učiteljske kompetencije za poučavanje učenika s disleksijom, dok općenito aktivna uloga učitelja u kontinuiranom profesionalnom razvoju i suradnja sa stručnim suradnicima logopedima doprinose višoj razini učiteljskih kompetencija. Nalazi ovoga rada utemeljeni na operacionaliziranim konstruktima imaju uporište u holističkom pristupu učiteljskim kompetencijama i ukazuju na nužnost podizanja kvalitete profesionalnog razvoja učitelja za poučavanje učenika s disleksijom.Respecting the diversity and individual needs of students with dyslexia in a contemporary education enables them to reach their full potential. Teachers' competencies, which are only partially and rarely researched in the Croatian context, are crucial for ensuring the quality of teaching for students with dyslexia. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between teachers' competencies in the teaching of students with dyslexia (knowledge, self-assessed skills and attitudes) and their relationship with relevant sociodemographic indicators, support from speech and language therapists and professional development (self-assessment of acquired competencies and readiness). 431 teachers from 62 primary schools in six counties of the Republic of Croatia participated in the study. Measuring instruments were developed to assess teachers' competencies in the teaching of students with dyslexia using a holistic approach. It was found that metric characteristics of the newly constructed measuring instruments were satisfactory, with the exception of unidimensional construct of dyslexia facts knowledge where a set of items related to specific knowledge about the etiology and symptoms of dyslexia was omitted. A positive correlation was found between teachers' knowledge of dyslexia facts, selfassessed skills and attitudes, as well as the correlation between competencies and professional development, professional support and sociodemographic indicators. Sociodemographic variables are partially relevant in explaining teachers' competencies, and when controlling for these variables, self-assessment of informal learning significantly explained teachers' factual knowledge of dyslexia, self-assessed skills and attitudes. Assessment of competencies acquired through professional development and readiness for professional development partially explaine teachers' competencies in the teaching of students with dyslexia. In general, teachers' active role in continuing professional development and collaboration with speech and language therapists contribute to higher levels of competencies. The findings of this study are based on operationalized constructs and a holistic approach to teacher competencies, and point to the need to improve the quality of teacher professional development for teaching students with dyslexia

    Teacher Competencies in the Teaching of Students with Dyslexia

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    Uvažavanje različitosti i individualnih potreba učenika s disleksijom u suvremenom odgoju i obrazovanju doprinosi punom razvoju njihovih potencijala. U osiguravanju kvalitetnog učenja i poučavanja učenika s disleksijom ključne su učiteljske kompetencije koje su djelomično i rijetko istraživane u hrvatskom kontekstu. Cilj je ovog rada utvrditi međuodnos učiteljskih kompetencija za poučavanje učenika s disleksijom (poznavanja činjenica, samoprocijenjenih vještina i stavova), njihovu povezanost s odabranim sociodemografskim pokazateljima (spol, godine radnog staža i radno mjesto), podrškom stručnog suradnika logopeda i profesionalnim razvojem (samoprocjena stečenih kompetencija i spremnost). U istraživanju je sudjelovao 431 učitelj iz 62 osnovne škole u šest županija Republike Hrvatske. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja izrađeni su mjerni instrumenti za procjenu učiteljskih kompetencija za poučavanje učenika s disleksijom sukladno holističkom pristupu kompetencijama. Utvrđene su zadovoljavajuće metrijske karakteristike novokonstruiranih mjernih instrumenata, osim jednodimenzionalnog konstrukta poznavanja činjenica o disleksiji iz kojeg je izostavljen dio čestica o poznavanju etiologije i obilježja disleksije. Utvrđena je pozitivna povezanost između poznavanja činjenica o disleksiji, samoprocijenjenih vještina i stavova te njihova povezanost s profesionalnim razvojem, podrškom stručnog suradnika logopeda i sociodemografskim pokazateljima. Sociodemografski pokazatelji djelomično su relevantni u pojašnjavanju učiteljskih kompetencija, a uz kontrolu ovih varijabli samoprocjena samostalnog učenja značajno objašnjava poznavanje činjenica o disleksiji, samoprocijenjene vještine i stavove. Procjena kompetencija stečenih stručnim usavršavanjem i spremnost za profesionalni razvoj djelomično objašnjavaju učiteljske kompetencije za poučavanje učenika s disleksijom, dok općenito aktivna uloga učitelja u kontinuiranom profesionalnom razvoju i suradnja sa stručnim suradnicima logopedima doprinose višoj razini učiteljskih kompetencija. Nalazi ovoga rada utemeljeni na operacionaliziranim konstruktima imaju uporište u holističkom pristupu učiteljskim kompetencijama i ukazuju na nužnost podizanja kvalitete profesionalnog razvoja učitelja za poučavanje učenika s disleksijom.Respecting the diversity and individual needs of students with dyslexia in a contemporary education enables them to reach their full potential. Teachers' competencies, which are only partially and rarely researched in the Croatian context, are crucial for ensuring the quality of teaching for students with dyslexia. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between teachers' competencies in the teaching of students with dyslexia (knowledge, self-assessed skills and attitudes) and their relationship with relevant sociodemographic indicators, support from speech and language therapists and professional development (self-assessment of acquired competencies and readiness). 431 teachers from 62 primary schools in six counties of the Republic of Croatia participated in the study. Measuring instruments were developed to assess teachers' competencies in the teaching of students with dyslexia using a holistic approach. It was found that metric characteristics of the newly constructed measuring instruments were satisfactory, with the exception of unidimensional construct of dyslexia facts knowledge where a set of items related to specific knowledge about the etiology and symptoms of dyslexia was omitted. A positive correlation was found between teachers' knowledge of dyslexia facts, selfassessed skills and attitudes, as well as the correlation between competencies and professional development, professional support and sociodemographic indicators. Sociodemographic variables are partially relevant in explaining teachers' competencies, and when controlling for these variables, self-assessment of informal learning significantly explained teachers' factual knowledge of dyslexia, self-assessed skills and attitudes. Assessment of competencies acquired through professional development and readiness for professional development partially explaine teachers' competencies in the teaching of students with dyslexia. In general, teachers' active role in continuing professional development and collaboration with speech and language therapists contribute to higher levels of competencies. The findings of this study are based on operationalized constructs and a holistic approach to teacher competencies, and point to the need to improve the quality of teacher professional development for teaching students with dyslexia

    Professional Collaboration Between Speech and Language Therapists and Teachers in Teaching Students with Dyslexia

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    Suradnički rad u školskim ustanovama podrazumijeva postizanje zajedničkih ciljeva i rezultata koji su učinkoviti za one koji surađuju, ali i za ostale članove grupe. Otvara mogućnosti učenju, profesionalnom rastu i razvoju. Ostvarivanje kontinuirane profesionalne suradnje stručnih suradnika logopeda i učitelja ključan je čimbenik kvalitetnog poučavanja učenika s disleksijom. Cilj je ovog rada analiza strukture odgovora učitelja na Skali percipirane podrške stručnoga suradnika logopeda, sa svrhom izdvajanja onih obilježja i aktivnosti koje učitelji smatraju pozitivnim i pridonose podršci, te prepoznavanja onih obilježja koje smatraju nedostatnim. Ciljani uzorak čini 127 učitelja iz šest županija Republike Hrvatske (87,4 % učiteljica; M = 43 god.; SD = 9,583). Svi su učitelji zaposleni u osnovnim školama koje imaju stručne suradnike logopede, te su imali iskustvo poučavanja učenika s disleksijom. Za potrebe istraživanja sastavljena je Skala percipirane podrške stručnoga suradnika logopeda, kojom se ispituje razina dobivene podrške u različitim aspektima individualiziranog poučavanja i vrednovanja, te suradnji s roditeljima učenika s disleksijom. Eksploratornom faktorskom analizom utvrđena je jednofaktorska struktura skale, kao i visoka pouzdanost. Rezultati jednoznačno pokazuju da učitelji percipiraju podršku stručnoga suradnika logopeda u izradi individualiziranih kurikuluma, provedbi metodičko-didaktičkih postupaka u poučavanju, izradi kriterija vrednovanja i suradnji s roditeljima učenika s disleksijom. Istraživanjem je potvrđen važan doprinos stručnih suradnika logopeda osnovnoškolskih ustanova u pružanju podrške učiteljima u provedbi individualiziranog poučavanja učenika s disleksijom.Collaborative work in school instututions implies the achievement of common goals and outcomes that are effective for those who cooperate, but also for other members of the group. It opens opportunities for learning, professional growth, and development. Achieving continuous professional collaboration between speech and language therapists and teachers is the key factor in quality teaching of students with dyslexia. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the structure of teachers’ responses on the Perceived Support from a Speech and Language Therapist Scale, to identify features and activities that teachers view as positive and contributing to support, and to identify features that they view as inadequate. The target sample consists of 127 teachers from six counties of the Republic of Croatia (87.4% female teachers; M = 43 years; SD = 9,583). All teachers are employed at elementary schools that have speech and language therapists and have had experience in teaching students with dyslexia. For the purpose of the study, the Perceived Support from a Speech and Language Therapist Scale was constructed, consisting of items examining the level of support received in various aspects of individualized teaching and assessment, as well as collaboration with parents of students with dyslexia. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a one-factor structure of the scale with high reliability. The results clearly indicate that teachers perceive the support of speech and language therapists in the creation of individualized curricula, the implementation of methodological-didactic procedures in the classroom, the creation of assessment criteria and cooperation with parents of students with dyslexia. The conducted research confirms the important contribution of speech and language therapists in elementary schools in supporting teachers in implementing individualized instruction for students with dyslexia