6 research outputs found

    Non-linear dynamic analysis of offshore structures

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    This work discusses the methodological issues related to the design, to the implementation and to the data analysis of a field experiment, part of the project \u201cPiccoli che Valgono\u201d funded by \u201cFondazione Con i Bambini\u201d, that will take place in some Italian lower secondary schools and aimed to measure the efficacy of peer-learning and peer-assessment. These activities represent zero-cost interventions in education with a high potential for fostering learning and social skills of pupils. There is a fruitful debate on how to design and implement peer-learning activities and on how to make them effective and assessable. After mentioning the liter-ature on peer-learning in both education sciences (interested in how to implement the activities and on their pedagogical princi-ple) and economics (mainly focused on the measurement and the isolation of the effects of peer-learning activities), we describe the experimental protocol and the main methodological issues con-cerning the measurement of the outcome, the implementation in class and the design

    Management Strategy of Obesity in the Public Health System: Proposal of a New Model to Optimize Human Resources and Patient\u2019s Motivation

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    Introduction: Obesity, a disease characterized by an excess of adipose tissue, is a worldwide issue of growing interest in public health. Methods: The multifactorial etiology and pathogenesis of obesity strongly orient the scientific community in considering it as a chronic disease without an effective therapy that works for all patients affected by this clinical condition. This leads to a proliferation of non-scientific and dangerous treatment proposals and fake news. The Dietetic and Clinical Nutrition Unit at Bolzano Hospital in Italy has adopted a new strategy based on transparency to optimize time for the first visit and particularly to increase patients\u2019 knowledge and motivation. Results: This new strategy provides a preliminary consultation between patients who ask for a nutritional examination and a clinical team composed of a clinician, a dietician and a psychologist. We discuss the preliminary results obtained during the period between February 2010 and March 2016