930 research outputs found

    Unveiling the Sources of the Catastrophic 1456 Multiple Earthquake: Hints to an Unexplored Tectonic Mechanism in Southern Italy

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    We revisited data related to the 1456 seismic crisis, the largest earthquake to have ever occurred in peninsular Italy, in search of its causative source(s). Data about this earthquake consist solely of historical reports and their intensity assessment. Because of the age of this multiple earthquake, the scarcity and sparseness of the data, and the unusually large damage area, no previous studies have attempted to attribute the 1456 events to specific faults. Existing analytical methods to identify a likely source from intensity data also proved inappropriate for such a sparse dataset, since historical evidence suggests that the cumulative damage pattern contains at least three widely separated events. We subdivided the 1456 damage pattern into three independent mesoseismal areas; each of these areas falls onto east–west tectonic trends previously identified and marked by deep (>10 km) right-lateral slip earthquakes. Based on this evidence we propose (1) that the 1456 events were generated by individual segments of regional east–west structures and are evidence of a seismogenic style that involves oblique dextral reactivation of east–west lower crustal faults; (2) that each event may have triggered subsequent but relatively distant events in a cascade fashion, as suggested by historical accounts; hence (3) that the 1456 sequence reveals a fundamental but unexplored mechanism of tectonic deformation and seismic release in southern Italy. This style dominates the region that lies between the northwest–southeast system of large extensional faults straddling the crest of the southern Apennines and the buried outer front of the chain. Although the quality of the available information concerning the 1456 earthquake is naturally limited, we show that the overlap of the damage distribution, the orientation and characteristics of regional tectonic structures, the seismicity patterns, and the focal mechanisms all concur with our interpretations and would be difficult to justify otherwise

    Medical treatment of early-onset mild gestational hypertension reduces total peripheral vascular resistance and influences maternal and fetal complications

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    OBJECTIVE: Complications in early-onset mild gestational hypertension (GH) are better predicted by total peripheral vascular resistance (TPVR) > 1350 dyne than by blood pressure. We therefore aimed to assess the possible reduction of severe complications by lowering TPVR with nitric oxide (NO) donors, oral fluids and standard antihypertensive therapy in women with early-onset mild GH. METHODS: A group of 400 patients with early-onset (20-27 weeks' gestation) mild GH (systolic and diastolic blood pressure < 170/110 mmHg) and TPVR > 1350 dyne were enrolled in a prospective non-randomized trial with sequential allocation: 100 patients were treated with nifedipine (Group A); 100 with nifedipine and NO donors (Group B); 100 with nifedipine and oral fluids (Group C); and 100 with nifedipine, NO donors and oral fluids (Group D). TPVR was checked 1 month after initiation of therapy, and the number of patients with severe maternal and fetal complications was recorded in each group. The relationship between reduction in TPVR and the frequency of severe complications was assessed. RESULTS: Severe complications developed in 51% of patients in Group A, 48% in Group B, 53% in Group C and 35% in Group D, the frequency in Group D being significantly lower than that in the other treatment groups (P < 0.05). A reduction in TPVR of < 15% predicted the occurrence of severe complications with sensitivity 95.2% and specificity 88.3%. In Group D a reduction in TPVR of ≥ 15% was more probable (odds ratio (OR) = 2.03; 95% CI, 1.15-3.60; P < 0.015) and severe complications were less probable (OR = 0.52; 95% CI, 0.29-0.91; P < 0.023). CONCLUSION: In women with early-onset mild GH, combined treatment with NO donors, oral fluids and nifedipine optimally reduces TPVR and seems to reduce maternal and fetal complications

    On the complexity of earthquake sequences: a historical seismology perspective based on the L'Aquila seismicity (Abruzzo, Central Italy), 1315-1915

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    Most damaging earthquakes come as complex sequences characterized by strong aftershocks, sometimes by foreshocks and often by multiple mainshocks. Complex earthquake sequences have enormous seismic hazard, engineering and societal implications as their impact on buildings and infrastructures may be much more severe at the end of the sequence than just after the mainshock. In this paper we examine whether historical sources can help characterizing the rare earthquake sequences of pre-instrumental times in full, including fore-, main- and aftershocks. Thanks to the its huge documentary heritage, Italy relies on one of the richest parametric earthquake catalogues worldwide. Unfortunately most current methods for assessing seismic hazard require that earthquake catalogues be declustered by removing all shocks that bear some dependency with those identified as mainshocks. We maintain that this requirement has led most modern historical seismologists to focus mainly on mainshocks rather than also on the fore- and aftershocks. To shed light onto major earthquake sequences of the past, rather than onto individual mainshocks, we investigated 10 damaging earthquake sequences (MwM_w 수식 이미지 4.7-7.0) that hit the L'Aquila area and central Abruzzo from the 14th to the 20th century. We find that most of the results of historical research are important for modern seismology, yet their rendering by the current parametric catalogues causes most information to be lost or not easily transferred to the potential users. For this reason we advocate a change in current strategies and the creation of a more flexible standard for storing and using all the information made available by historical seismology

    Terremoto Calabro Messinese 1908/2008

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    An inventory of river anomalies in the Po Plain, Northern Italy: evidence for active blind thrust faulting

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    The Po Plain is a low-relief area characterised by active shortening accommodated by blind thrust faulting. In this almost flat region depositional rates are similar to tectonic rates and deformation is seldom expressed by noticeable surface anticlines. We adopted a geomorphological approach based on the detailed analysis of the drainage network to identify the location of active thrust faults. A total of 36 anomalies represented by sudden river diversions and shifts in channel pattern were accurately mapped. After comparison with the location of subsurface buried anticlines and of historical seismicity, these anomalies could be related to a tectonic origin and included in a database. Their distribution highlights the activity of the buried outer thrust fronts of both the Southern Alps and the Northern Apennines. Among all the anomalies, we identified one related to the seismogenic source responsible for the 12 May 1802 earthquake (Me 5.7), which struck the Oglio River Valley near Soncino (Cremona). We propose that this earthquake was generated by an east-west trending, north-dipping, blind thrust fault that roots into the Alpine system. If this inference is correct, other faults along the Southern Alpine margin are potentially seismogenic

    The seismotectonics of the Po Plain (northern Italy): tectonic diversity in a blind faulting domain

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    We present a systematic and updated overview of a seismotectonic model for the Po Plain (northern Italy). This flat and apparently quiet tectonic domain is in fact rather active as it comprises the shortened foreland and foredeep of both the Southern Alps and the Northern Apennines. Assessing its seismic hazard is crucial due to the concentration of population, industrial activities and critical infrastructures, but it is also complicated because a) the region is geologically very diverse, and b) nearly all potential seismogenic faults are buried beneath a thick blanket of Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments, and hence can be investigated only indirectly. Identifying and parameterizing the potential seismogenic faults of the Po Plain requires proper consideration of their depth, geometry, kinematics, earthquake potential and location with respect to the two confronting orogens. To this end we subdivided them into four main homogeneous groups. Over the past 15 years we developed new strategies for coping with this diversity, resorting to different data and modeling approaches as required by each individual fault group. The most significant faults occur beneath the thrust fronts of the Ferrara-Romagna and Emilia arcs, which correspond to the most advanced and buried portions of the Northern Apennines and were the locus of the destructive May 2012 earthquake sequence. The largest known Po Plain earthquake, however, occurred on an elusive reactivated fault cutting the Alpine foreland south of Verona. Significant earthquakes are expected to be generated also by a set of transverse structures segmenting the thrust system, and by the deeper ramps of the Apennines thrusts. The new dataset is intended to be included in the next version of the Database of Seismogenic Sources (DISS; http://diss.rm.ingv.it/diss/, version 3.2.0, developed and maintained by INGV) to improve completeness of potential sources for seismic hazard assessment

    La sorgente del Terremoto del 1908 nel quadro sismotettonico dello Stretto di Messina

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    La costruzione di un modello della faglia responsabile del terremoto del 1908 ha impegnato diversi ricercatori negli ultimi decenni e si è basata sulle deformazioni del suolo rilevate grazie alla ripetizione di misure di livellazione geodetica sulle due sponde dello Stretto. Il modello preferito è una faglia estensionale lunga circa 40 km, posta al centro dello Stretto e cieca, ovvero non direttamente visibile in superficie. Questo modello si accorda bene con l’evoluzione recente dello Stretto come un elemento fisiografico ben distinto all’interno dell’Arco Calabro. L’accordo tra la sorgente del terremoto e l’evoluzione geologica dello Stretto suggerisce che l’evento del 1908 sia un “terremoto caratteristico” di quest’area, con lunghi tempi di ritorno

    The 28 December 1908 Messina Straits Earthquake (Mw 7.1): A Great Earthquake throughout a Century of Seismology

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    Early in the morning on 28 December 1908, just a few days after Christmas, a severe earthquake struck the Messina Straits, a rather narrow sound that separates Calabria, in southern Italy, from Sicily. The shaking was distinctly felt in Albania, Montenegro, and the Greek Ionian islands, about 400 km to the east and northeast of the Straits; in Malta, about 250 km to the south; and as far as Ustica Island, about 220 km to the west. The earthquake was catastrophic in the epicentral area and was immediately followed by fires and a large tsunami. Messina (Sicily) and Reggio Calabria (Calabria), two significant cities located less than 10 km apart on the two facing shores of the straits, were almost completely destroyed, and buildings were severely damaged over an area in excess of 6,000 km2

    Impressioni di viaggio nella Calabria Ulteriore dal diario di Dominique Vivant Denon

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    The urban and territorial representation of the Kingdom of Naples mediated by the Voyage Pittoresque, of the expedition organized by Jean Claude Richard, Abbot de Saint-Non and coordinated by Dominique Vivant Denon assumes – for Calabria – a new value transforming itself, after the earthquake of 1783, into the last documentary testimony of a practically disappeared world, as evidenced by the review of the work written by Gabriel Brizard on the Mercure de France in February 1787.The sentimental journey of Denon, in his bewitching original version published in 1785-86, describes the journey also through the description of the emotions experienced in the different places visited.Calabria, and above all, the Ulteriore (Lower part) appears a wild Arcadia where «il n'y a que le temps qui dure».In this sense, the descriptions of Denon are nothing more than the literary transposition of an aesthetic of nature that is expressed in the corpus of drawings of the visited places and which subverts the definition of "beauty" according to the traditional criteria.In the intrinsic relationship between town centres and the natural landscape of southern Calabria narrated by Denon, the three villages of Roccella, Gerace and Scilla are distinguished by their impact on a territorial scale, crystallized in the views of Claude-Louis Châtelet and Louis-Jean Desprez, that will become true figurative topoi.La rappresentazione urbana e territoriale del Regno di Napoli mediata dal Voyage Pittoresque frutto della spedizione organizzata da Jean Claude Richard, Abate de Saint-Non e coordinata da Dominique Vivant Denon assume – per le Calabrie – una nuova valenza trasformandosi, dopo il terremoto del 1783, nell’ultima testimonianza documentale di un mondo praticamente scomparso, come evidenziato dalla recensione dell’opera scritta da Gabriel Brizard sul Mercure de France nel febbraio 1787.Il sentimental journey di Denon, nella sua ammaliante versione originale pubblicata nel 1785-86, descrive il viaggio compiuto anche attraverso la descrizione delle emozioni provate nei diversi luoghi visitati. La Calabria, e quella Ulteriore soprattutto, appare un’arcadia selvatica, dove «il n'y a que le temps qui dure». In questo senso le descrizioni di Denon non sono altro che la trasposizione letteraria di un’estetica della natura che si esplicita nel corpus di disegni dei luoghi visitati e che sovverte la definizione di “bellezza” secondo i criteri tradizionali.Nell’intrinseco rapporto tra centri abitati e paesaggio naturale della Calabria meridionale raccontato da Denon, i tre borghi di Roccella, Gerace e Scilla si distinguono per il loro impatto a scala territoriale, cristallizzato nelle vedute di Claude-Louis Châtelet e Louis-Jean Desprez, che diventeranno dei veri e propri topoi figurativi