19 research outputs found

    Serological Survey of Toscana Virus Infections in a High-Risk Population in Italy

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    Toscana virus is the most important agent responsible for meningitis in central Italy. We report a serosurveillance study, using an immunoenzymatic assay, of 360 serum samples harvested from a high-risk population occupationally exposed to Toscana virus in two regions of Italy, Tuscany and Piedmont. The results indicates a seroprevalence of Toscana virus of 77.2% in the forestry workers, particularly in the Tuscany region. This fact is strictly correlated with the ecological niches specific for the survival of Toscana virus arthropod vector

    Simultaneous amplification of multiple human immunodeficiency virus type 1 DNA sequences from clinical specimens by using nested-primer polymerase chain reaction

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    A sensitive and specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol with nested primers was developed for simultaneous amplification of three independent human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) DNA sequences from clinical specimens. DNA samples were first amplified with gag, pol, and env outer primer pairs and then with the corresponding three inner primer pairs in the same two-step reaction. Detection of the different amplification products was readily accomplished by simple agarose gel electrophoresis of the reaction product, even when starting with a single copy of HIV-1 DNA. Equivalent amounts of the three PCR products were generated, provided that the relative concentrations of the inner primer pairs were optimized. In addition, a beta-globin control primer pair could be conveniently included in the internal amplification step to verify that the DNA sample was suitable for PCR analysis. One nested multiplex PCR test was sufficient to detect HIV-1 DNA in all of 80 HIV-1-seropositive individuals and none of 50 HIV-1-seronegative healthy blood donors. The nested multiplex PCR procedure provides an attractive means for simple, rapid, and cost-effective direct detection of HIV-1 DNA in patient samples

    Fast duplex one-step RT-PCR for rapid differential diagnosis of entero- or toscana virus meningitis

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    Acute meningitis is the most common neurologic disease that involves the central nervous system. The spectrum of infectious agents that cause neurologic infection is remarkably broad and numerous viruses are the most frequent cause of the aseptic meningitis syndrome. We applied a multiplex one-step method for the rapid detection of the genomic RNA of different neurotropic viruses: particles in the genus Enterovirus and Toscana virus, which are the most representative aetiologic agents in our country during the spring-summer period. We have evaluated the sensitivity and the specificity of the multiplex one-step test on positive controls and on RNA extracted from clinical samples harvested from 475 patients with meningitis hospitalized during the 1996-2001 period. The multiplex one-step RT-nPCR protocol allows for the detection of enterovirus and Toscana virus RNA in a single sample, by using, at the same time, a very small clinical sample volume. In our study we were able to diagnose 192 cases of meningitis by Toscana virus and 31 cases by enteroviruses out of 475 cases of meningitis utilizing the described one-step multiplex method

    Analysis of the HIV-1 nef gene in five intravenous drug users with long-term nonprogressive HIV-1 infection in Italy.

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    Great variability in the course of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection results from a complex interplay between host and virus factors. Some of the patients with prolonged nonprogressive infection have been reported to harbor virus variants with gross deletions in the accessory nef gene that has been implicated in in vivo pathogenicity in simian and mouse models. To investigate the role of nef-deleted HIV-1 in long-term nonprogressor (LTNP) drug addicts in Italy the nef sequence from proviral DNA was analyzed from five LTNPs and five rapid progressor controls. Only small (2-12 amino acids) in-frame deletions and insertions were detected in the N-terminal polymorphic and variable regions obtained from three LTNPs and one rapid progressor. There was no evidence of premature termination of the Nef protein and all of the identified functional motifs were well conserved in both groups. Phylogenetic analysis showed interdigitation of nef sequences obtained from LTNPs and rapid progressors. The nef sequence of one LTNP, however, diverged significantly from those of the other patients. Availability of two additional blood DNA samples obtained previously from this subject allowed to detect evolution of nef at 14-17 years of HIV-1 infection, including progressive deletions. Although alterations of nef may be relatively frequent and continue to evolve in LTNPs, this study of a small number of patients does not indicate that gross deletions or loss of functional motifs play a major role in delaying or halting disease progression in infected drug abusers in Italy

    Recurrent septicemia in an immunocompromised patient due to probiotic strains of Bacillus subtilis.

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    Bacillus subtilis is a gram-positive, aerobic, spore-forming soil bacterium ubiquitous in the environment. The beneficial effects of B. subtilis spores on the balance of the intestinal microflora is the rationale for its general use as a probiotic preparation in the treatment or prevention of intestinal disorders. B. subtilis spores are available in Italy as a pharmaceutical preparation for oral use. Each dose contains a mixture of 109 spores of four distinct antibiotic-resistant derivatives of ATCC 9799 (Enterogermina; distributed by Sanofi Winthrop, Milan, Italy) (1, 4) per vial. The pathogenic potential ofB. subtilis is generally described as low or absent (2). Data on the general importance of infections due to B. subtilis are incomplete, since it is a general practice of most microbiological laboratories to discard these strains or to report them as contaminants. Also, in the cause-of-death statistics of the World Health Organization no data on B. subtilis infections are present since, even if reported, they would be “invisible” at the international comparative level due to the coding used for classification of death causes (2a). In the literature, only a few cases of infections due to B. subtilis are reported (3, 6-8, 10) and only one retrospective study describes the isolation of antibiotic-resistant strains of B. subtilis (6)

    Ultrasensitive in-house reverse transcription-competitive PCR for quantitation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 RNA in plasma

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    An ultrasensitive version of an 'in-house' reverse transcription-competitive polymerase chain reaction assay described previously for quantitation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) RNA in plasma was developed. The increase in sensitivity from 400 to 50 HIV-1 RNA copies/ml was achieved by pelleting virus particles from 1.8 ml plasma by centrifugation prior to RNA extraction, modifying competitor DNA structure and amounts, and redesigning primers. Quantitation of HIV-1 RNA in 130 samples tested previously by the standard assay showed that the two procedures yield comparable results (mean absolute difference, 0.26+/-0.20 log) and that the ultrasensitive version detects HIV-1 RNA below the threshold of sensitivity of the standard method. The ultrasensitive 'in-house assay' and the reference QUANTIPLEX HIV-1 RNA 3.0 had the same sensitivity and gave equivalent results (mean absolute difference, 0.19+/-0.11 log), as shown by parallel blinded testing of 47 plasma samples. Titration experiments with reconstructed plasma samples allowed the determination of a dynamic range of 50-500000 HIV-1 RNA copies/ml for the 'in-house' system. The interassay coefficient of variation for samples nominally containing 200, 4000 and 80000 HIV-1 RNA copies/ml were 33.4, 22.9 and 38.2%, respectively. The performance, turnaround time, and cost-effectiveness of this system make it suitable for medium-scale clinical application

    Development and significance of the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase M184V mutation during combination therapy with lamivudine, zidovudine and protease inhibitors.

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    To analyze the emergence and role of the lamivudine (3TC)-selected HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) M184V mutation under triple therapy, we performed a retrospective study of 40 nucleoside RT inhibitor-pretreated and 16 drug-naive patients who were switched to combined treatment with zidovudine (ZDV) plus 3TC plus a protease inhibitor (PI). Plasma viral load and pol genotype were analyzed at baseline and after 24 and 48 weeks of combination therapy. Emergence of the M184V RT mutation at week 48 was detected in 3 of 16 (18.7%) initially drug-naive subjects as opposed to 21 of 40 (52.5%) ZDV-pretreated patients. Multivariate logistic analysis detected HIV-1 RNA load at week 24 as the best predictor of subsequent selection of the M184V mutant (p = .0121). Among ZDV-resistant study subjects at week 24 (n = 17), those with mutant RT M184V codon had a more favorable HIV-1 RNA slope than those with wild-type RT 184M codon (p = .0551). This trend was observed, although in a less evident manner, even in pretreated ZDV-sensitive patients. These findings suggest that development of the 3TC-resistance M184V mutation under triple therapy with 3TC, ZDV, and a PI may have unexpected beneficial effects in vivo in addition to those associated with resensitization of ZDV-resistant virus to ZDV