3 research outputs found

    Rapid methods to detect organic mercury and total selenium in biological samples

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Organic mercury (Hg) is a global pollutant of concern and selenium is believed to afford protection against mercury risk though few approaches exist to rapidly assess both chemicals in biological samples. Here, micro-scale and rapid methods to detect organic mercury (< 1.5 ml total sample volume, < 1.5 hour) and total selenium (Se; < 3.0 ml total volume, < 3 hour) from a range of biological samples (10-50 mg) are described.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For organic Hg, samples are digested using Tris-HCl buffer (with sequential additions of protease, NaOH, cysteine, CuSO<sub>4</sub>, acidic NaBr) followed by extraction with toluene and Na<sub>2</sub>S<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>. The final product is analyzed via commercially available direct/total mercury analyzers. For Se, a fluorometric assay has been developed for microplate readers that involves digestion (HNO<sub>3</sub>-HClO<sub>4 </sub>and HCl), conjugation (2,3-diaminonaphthalene), and cyclohexane extraction. Recovery of organic Hg (86-107%) and Se (85-121%) were determined through use of Standard Reference Materials and lemon shark kidney tissues.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The approaches outlined provide an easy, rapid, reproducible, and cost-effective platform for monitoring organic Hg and total Se in biological samples. Owing to the importance of organic Hg and Se in the pathophysiology of Hg, integration of such methods into established research monitoring efforts (that largely focus on screening total Hg only) will help increase understanding of Hg's true risks.</p

    Design and Implementation of an Application B2C Software for Drone Rental

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    La innovación en la tecnología ha abierto nuevas posibilidades, y una sociedad digital, de esta manera surge la idea de crear una aplicación software B2C, que beneficien a las empresas usuarias y arrendatarias de drones, existen pocas alternativas de renta tanto en la web como en aplicativos móviles que den facilidades, tanto al cliente como al arrendatario de optimizar la logística, las cotizaciones, las entregas y tener la posibilidad de emprender campañas de marketing como bonos de descuento. El prototipo realizado es el diseño e implementación de una aplicación software B2C, web y móvil, para el proceso de renta de drones, es importante, porque el proceso se hace más rápido y sencillo tanto para las empresas que renta como para la que busca rentar, evitando trámites innecesarios, logística poco segura, etc. La metodología que se usó fue el desarrollo ágil de scrum. Las metodologías ágiles son un conjunto de métodos que buscan que a través de su implementación haya una reducción de costos y tiempo en el desarrollo de las tareas en una organización. La creación del prototipo tuvo grandes aprendizajes para el equipo de desarrolladores, aspectos como la protección del servidor de la base de datos, la correcta estructuración de un proyecto, buenas prácticas de desarrollo, manejo avanzado de servidores, y uso de cloud computing, uso de librerías gráficas, uso, implementación y puesta en marcha de bots de Telegram y la interconectividad entre aplicaciones móviles de terceros. La validación del prototipo de las aplicaciones realizadas, los datos recogidos de la interacción con pares, y potenciales usuarios, dejó entrever que, si bien existen falencias, el prototipo creado resulta ser una solución sólida para el problema planteado.Innovation in technology has opened up new possibilities, and a digital society, in this way the idea of creating a B2C software application arises, which will benefit users and tenants of drones, there are few rental alternatives both on the web and in mobile applications that provide facilities, both to the client and the tenant, to optimize logistics, quotes, deliveries and have the possibility of undertaking marketing campaigns such as discount vouchers. The prototype carried out is the design and implementation of a B2C software application, web and mobile, for the drone rental process, it is important, because the process is made faster and easier both for the companies that rent and for the one that seeks to rent , avoiding unnecessary procedures, unsafe logistics, etc. The methodology used was agile scrum development. Agile methodologies are a set of methods that seek that through their implementation there is a reduction in costs and time in the development of tasks in an organization. The creation of the prototype had great learnings for the developer team, aspects such as the protection of the database server, the correct structuring of a project, good development practices, advanced management of servers, and use of cloud computing, use of graphic libraries, use, implementation and start-up of Telegram bots and the interconnectivity between third-party mobile applications. The validation of the prototype of the applications made, the data collected from the interaction with peers, and potential users, suggested that, although there are shortcomings, the prototype created turns out to be a solid solution to the problem posed

    Libro de Proyectos Finales 2021 primer semestre

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    PregradoIngeniero CivilIngeniero de SistemasIngeniero ElectricistaIngeniero ElectrónicoIngeniero IndustrialIngeniero Mecánic