7 research outputs found

    Mapping selected organic contaminants in the Barents Sea 2007 - Kartlegging av utvalgte organiske miljøgifter fra Barentshavet 2007

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    Årsliste 2008The report covers five investigations on chlorinated paraffins, alkyl phenols and alkyl phenol etoxilates, pentachlorophenol, tensides, polyfluorinated compounds, polybrominated diphenylethers, hexabromocyclododecane, tetrabromobisphenol A, bisphenol A, synthetic musk compounds, siloxanes, phosphorus flame retardants, diethylhexylphtalate, dioxins and furans, PCBs, organohalogens, biocides (toxaphenes, DDT, chlordanes, HCH, TBT), PAHs, trace metals and stable isotopes of C and N in samples of sediment, blue mussel, shrimp, capelin, cod and Brünnich’s guillemot eggs from the Barents Sea region. The report is a contribution to closing an information gap pointed out in the Governmental White Paper (St.mld. 8, 2005/2006, Management Plan Barents).Statens Forurensningstilsyn

    Mapping selected organic contaminants in the Barents Sea 2007 - Kartlegging av utvalgte organiske miljøgifter fra Barentshavet 2007

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    The report covers five investigations on chlorinated paraffins, alkyl phenols and alkyl phenol etoxilates, pentachlorophenol, tensides, polyfluorinated compounds, polybrominated diphenylethers, hexabromocyclododecane, tetrabromobisphenol A, bisphenol A, synthetic musk compounds, siloxanes, phosphorus flame retardants, diethylhexylphtalate, dioxins and furans, PCBs, organohalogens, biocides (toxaphenes, DDT, chlordanes, HCH, TBT), PAHs, trace metals and stable isotopes of C and N in samples of sediment, blue mussel, shrimp, capelin, cod and Brünnich’s guillemot eggs from the Barents Sea region. The report is a contribution to closing an information gap pointed out in the Governmental White Paper (St.mld. 8, 2005/2006, Management Plan Barents)