2 research outputs found

    Distribución geográfica de Scincella incerta (Squamata: Scincidae) en el estado de Chiapas, México

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    New records of Sincella incerta in Chiapas State are presented and its presence confirmed in the central region of the State. One of the records from the southeastern coastal foothills fills a gap in the distribution of the species between previous records from Chiapas and Guatemala.Se presentan nuevos registros de Sincella incerta en el estado de Chiapas y se confirma su presencia en la región central del estado. Uno de los registros de las estribaciones costeras del sureste llena un espacio en la distribución de la especie entre registros anteriores de Chiapas y Guatemala

    Geographical distribution and potential geographical range of the Red Skink Scincella assata (Cope, 1864) (Squamata, Scincidae) in El Salvador

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    Scincella assata (Cope, 1864) is known from eight departments from El Salvador. Based on recent fieldwork and research in scientific collections and databases, we report 12 new records of S. assata from the country, bringing the total number of verified occurrences to 40. Scincella assata is recorded for first time in the departments of Morazan and Usulatán. Additionally, we conducted potential distribution modeling of S. assata. Results from the distribution modeling suggest the presence of this species in all 14 departments of El Salvador, four of which currently lack verified records