4 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research was to evaluate the lifecycle honey product in the Consejo popular Palma del Perro, Guisa municipality in the province of Granma.  Magnitudes of the input and output of the product life cycle, and identification of potential environmental impacts were evaluated and the critical issues that affect them, tools such as environmental impact matrix of vester were used, and frame logical latter to analyze the technical feasibility and manage economic and financial feasibility of the project. The analysis showed unstable be havior of the volume of honey as main scale production system output indicating the direct dependence of fuel energy input and raw material forest, affected by human disturbance; in the two pilot sites studied there were conditions for competition in the market for organic honey certified because the production system does not generate a strong potential impact on the environment; also detected that the steady increase in deforestation is the most critical production system groups on the grounds of Palma del Perro problem, and likewise the feasibility was demonstrated from atechnical, environmental and economic - financial reforestation of natural forests for honey strengthening their potential in the popular advice.El prop贸sito de esta investigaci贸n fue elaborar un proyecto de innovaci贸n con especies mel铆feras para la producci贸n ap铆cola,  en el consejo popular Palma del Perro, municipio Guisa, provincia de Granma. Se identificaron los impactos ambientales potenciales, y los problemas cr铆ticos que lo afectaban, utilizando herramientas como la matriz de impacto ambiental, de vester y de marco l贸gico, esta 煤ltima para analizar la factibilidad t茅cnica y gestionar la factibilidad econ贸mica- financiera del proyecto. El an谩lisis revel贸 un comportamiento inestable del volumen de la producci贸n de miel, indicando dependencia directa del consumo energ茅tico combustible, existieron condiciones para el concurso en el mercado de mieles ecol贸gicas certificadas, porque el sistema productivo no genera un impacto potencial fuerte sobre el medio ambiente; asimismo se detect贸 que el incremento sostenido de la deforestaci贸n constituye el problema m谩s cr铆tico del sistema de producci贸n de miel en los predios de Palma del Perro, y de igual forma se demostr贸 la factibilidad desde el punto de vista t茅cnico, ambiental y econ贸mico - financiero de la reforestaci贸n de los bosques naturales para el fortalecimiento de sus potencialidades mel铆feras en el consejo popular

    Estructura morfom茅trica de las especies comerciales en el bosque de la estaci贸n experimental agroforestal Guisa (Original)

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    The work was carried out in the forest of the Experimental Agroforestry Station of Guisa to characterize the morphometric structure of the commercial species. A simple sampling was carried out with 20 plots of 500 m2 located in three altitude levels of the forest and the morphometric variables height of insertion of the cup, cup diameter, cup length, cup volume, as well as dasometric variables normal diameter and total height. Commercial species have a good condition of acclimatization to the site where they develop and meet the conditions conducive to produce biomass without inconvenience, since they show glasses of greater length than diameter, which allows it to maintain an optimal cup volume for biomass production, flowering and fruiting. Morphometric indices allow visualizing that commercial species are only vulnerable to high winds and therefore the degree of resilience would be affected by those with high Slenderness Index in the forestEl trabajo se realiz贸 en el bosque de la Estaci贸n Experimental Agroforestal de Guisa para caracterizar la estructura morfom茅trica de las especies comerciales. Se realiz贸 un muestreo simple con 20 parcelas de 500 m2 ubicados en tres niveles altitudinales del bosque y se utilizaron las variables morfom茅tricas altura de inserci贸n de la copa, di谩metro de copa, longitud de la copa, volumen de copa, as铆 como las variables dasom茅tricas di谩metro normal y altura total. Las especies comerciales poseen una buena condici贸n de aclimatamiento al sitio donde se desarrollan y re煤nen las condiciones propicias para producir biomasa sin inconvenientes, ya que muestran copas de mayor longitud que di谩metro, lo que le permite mantener un volumen de copa 贸ptimo para la producci贸n de biomasa, la floraci贸n y fructificaci贸n. Los 铆ndices morfom茅tricos permiten visualizar que las especies comerciales solo son vulnerables a los fuertes vientos y por tanto el grado de resistencia estar铆a afectado por aquellas con alto 脥ndice de Esbeltez en el bosque. &nbsp

    Magnitud de entrada principal del sistema de producci贸n de miel, para la gesti贸n econ贸mica del sector ap铆cola en palma del perro, Granma

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    The work was carried out to evaluate the potential of honey flora as the magnitude of main entrance of honey production system for the economic management of the Beekeeping Industry in the People's Council of Palma del Perro, Guise municipality in the province of Granma. Through an analysis of the vegetation by using the structural elements relative abundance, relative frequency value index ecological importance of honey species was calculated. 508 individuals of 42 tree species were identified, belonging to 23 botanical families grouped in 40 genera. The Tiberias Property provided 53 % of honey species not being Ortega Property Forest where only 47 % was found, in both sites converge very important species for honey production, as Zanthoxylum martinicense, Zanthoxylum elephantiasis, Trichilia hirta, Mangifera indica, and Roystonea regia. Honey species of greatest ecological importance were Roystonea regia and Nectandra coriacea, and the species showed lower ecological weight were Annona squamosa, Cedrela cubensis and Eugenia axylaris, which deserve special attention because of their limited ability to restore their populations to shocks. Knowledge of the composition and structure of vegetation allow more efficient use planning Product honey guide management compatible with the environment and reduce disturbances to the forest mass contributing to environmental sustainability, and strengthening the management of lasting value to local development.El trabajo se realiz贸 con el objetivo de evaluar las potencialidades mel铆feras de la flora como la magnitud de entrada principal del sistema de producci贸n de miel para la gesti贸n econ贸mica del Sector Ap铆cola en el Consejo Popular Palma del Perro municipio de Guisa, provincia de Granma. A trav茅s de un an谩lisis de la vegetaci贸n mediante el uso de los elementos estructurales abundancia relativa, frecuencia relativa se calcul贸 el 铆ndice de valor de importancia ecol贸gico de las especies mel铆feras. Se identificaron 508 individuos de 42 especies arb贸reas, pertenecientes a 23 familias bot谩nicas y agrupadas en 40 g茅neros. La Finca la Tiber铆a present贸 un 53 % de especies mel铆feras no siendo as铆 la Finca Forestal Ortega donde solo se encontr贸 un 47 %; en ambos sitios confluyen especies muy importantes para la producci贸n de miel, como: Zanthoxylum martinicense, Zanthoxylum elephantiasis, Trichilia hirta, Mangifera indica, y Roystonea regia. Las especies mel铆feras de mayor importancia ecol贸gica fueron Roystonea regia y Nectandra coriacea, y las especies que menor peso ecol贸gico mostraron fueron Annona squamosa, Cedrela cubensis y Eugenia axylaris, que merecen una especial atenci贸n por su escasa capacidad para restablecer sus poblaciones ante las perturbaciones. El conocimiento de la composici贸n y estructura de la vegetaci贸n permitir谩 hacer m谩s eficiente la planificaci贸n del aprovechamiento del producto miel, orientar un manejo compatible con el ambiente, as铆 como reducir las perturbaciones a la masa boscosa contribuyendo as铆 a la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente, y el fortalecimiento de la gesti贸n de valor imperecedero para el desarrollo local

    Relationship between morphology and dispersion of Juglansjamaicensis DC with the distance to the water course

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    The study was conducted in the Turquino National Park in the Zonal Conservation Units Santo Domingo and La Platica, to establish the relationship between the shape of the seeds of Juglansjamaicensis and distance to waterways as an adaptive response to their dispersal mechanism 7 groups of trees were selected. Each player is taken tree seeds 50 which were performed measurements of height (H), width (L) and thickness (E) to determine the rate of roundness (R). The distance of each tree nearest the course of water was also measured. The relationship between the two variables was performed through a simple correlation analysis; however the comparison of means was through a simple ANOVA, while the distribution of the shape of the seeds in relation to the distance to the watercourse was analyzed through the Tukey test. Those trees closer to water courses had more round seeds, indicating that the mechanism of scattering by water influences the environment in which they live. The roundness index varied and seeds were identified with rates ranging from medium to high (0, 81 to 1, 12; mean = 1, 01). These results suggest that the shape of the seeds is an adaptation of trees J. jamaicensis the medium in response to dispersal mechanism for water