3 research outputs found

    Diagnostic approach to the incorrect position of lower second premolars

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    Abstract: The lower second premolar is regarded as the third most common impacted tooth after lower wisdom teeth and upper canines. The aim of the present study is to apply objective diagnostic methods to help determine the impaction likelihood of lower second premolars and their distal inclination. For the purpose of this study 137 panoramic radiographs (OPGs) have been examined of children aged 8 - 16 years. The methodology used in this study helped measure the inclination and angle between the lower second premolar and the crown and axis of the first permanent molar and the mandibular plane. Prevalence of the distal inclination of lower second premolars was observed. Indicators for the impacted lower second premolar proved to be the germ inclination of the lower fifth tooth in relation to the first molar of more than 30° and the intersection of the crown of the sixth tooth by the axis of premolar as well as the inclination towards the mandibular plane of less than 68°. Early extraction of deciduous molars, reserving or creating space when there is a lack of space, allow for favourable conditions for altering the eruption path of the premolar

    Dentoalveolar Malocclusions in Primary and Mixed Dentition in Children with Chronic Mouth Breathing // Зъбно-челюстни деформации във временно и смесено съзъбие при деца със затруднено носово дишане

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    Difficult nasal breathing is the condition where there is a partial or full, temporary or permanent obstruction of the airway and the processes of inhalation and exhalation are carried out through the mouth. Where there is no morphological or anatomical reason for the occurrence of mouth breathing, it is defined as bad habit. Mouth breathers are those people who breathe through the mouth even during times of rest and relaxation. They should be distinguished from nose breathers who breathe through their mouth during intensive physical activities, but during rest – through their nose. The aim of this dissertation to establish the relationship between the severity of the difficult nasal breathing and the frequency of deviation in the development of the dental arches and the occlusion in children in primary or mixed dentition. From the study of children with difficult nasal breathing, bad habit of staying and sleeping with open mouth; and a control group of nasal breathing children, we can draw the following conclusions: 1. We found that difficult nasal breathing is found in 24.70% оf all the studied children. 2. We found that the main cause of the occurrence of mouth breathing in deciduous dentition is allergic rhinitis (54.50%), in early mixed dentition is the adenoid hypertrophy (40.90%), and in late mixed dentition – it is the bad habit of sleeping with an open mouth (64.70%). 3. We found that in mouth breathing children there is the presence of occlusion class II, overjet and open bite in varying degrees.[BG] Затрудненото носово дишане е състояние, при което имаме частична или пълна, временна или постоянна обструкция на дихателните пътища и процесите на вдишване и издишване се осъществяват през устата. Случаите когато няма налична морфологична или анатомична причина за появата на устно дишане, то се определя като вреден навик. Устно дишащи са тези хора, които дишат през устата дори по време на почивка и покой. Те трябва да се различават от носово дишащите, които при интензивни физически натоварвания дишат през устата, но при покой – през носа. Целта на настоящата дисертационна тема е да се установи връзката между степента на затрудненото носово дишане и честотата на отклонение в развитието на зъбните дъги и оклузията при деца във временно и в смесено съзъбие. От направеното проучване на децата със затруднено носово дишане, вреден навик да се стои и спи с отворена уста и контролна група носово дишащи деца може да направим следните изводи: 1. Установихме, че затруднено носово дишане се среща при 24.70% от всички изследвани деца. 2. Установихме, че основната причина за появата на устно дишане във временно съзъбие е алергичния ринит (54.50%), в ранно смесено е хипертрофия на третата сливица (40.90%), а в късно смесено съзъбие -вредния навик да се стои и спи с отворена уста (64.70%). 3. Установихме, че при устно дишащите деца е налице II зъбен клас, овърджет и отворена захапка изразени в различна степен


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    Lower second premolars, closely followed by upper premolars, are regarded as the third most common teeth prone to impaction, after wisdom teeth and upper canines. Objective of this article is to show the possibility for spontaneous eruption of impacted premolars upon extraction of deciduous molars and removal of the follicular cyst as described in several clinical cases. The present paper reports four clinical cases supporting the thesis that regardless of the reason behind impacted premolars, undertaking preventive measures significantly improves the position of the germ of those teeth. Conclusions: The early extraction of the deciduous molar, monitoring the patient and reserving the space for the succeeding impacted premolar can lead to non-invasive or relatively short orthodontic treatment (secondary prevention).If root development is incomplete yet there is a good growth potential which could lead to spontaneous eruption (primary prevention). Age specifics particular to children such as the great regenerative abilities of the bone, provide a good prognosis for spontaneous eruption or significant improvement in the position of impacted premolars and facilitate the orthodontic treatment