136 research outputs found

    Chemimechanical Pulping of Eucalyptus Grandis

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    Eucayptus is currently one of the main fibrous raw materials used in the pulp and paper industry in given parts of the world. The objective of the present paper is to optimize the chemimechanical pulping conditions for Eucalyptus grandis. evaluate the pulp quality obtained, and draw conclusions regarding its potential use. The raw material used was Eucalyptus grandis industrial chips obtained at a Celulosa Argentina mill in Puerto Piray, Misiones, Argentina. For all the experiments, the chemical stage was carried out in a stainless steel digester with a liquor recirculation system. The mechanical stage was carried out in an 8-in. atmospheric disk refiner. Sodium sulfite and sodium hydroxide were added as chemical reactives. The central composite experimental design used involved five levels for the two variables studied (LL factorial design + star + central point). Three repetitions of the central point were carried out to check for errors. The variables studied were: initial amount of sodium sulfite in the wood (0.9 to 3.5% oven-dry wood) and reaction temperature (96 to 124 C). Times until maximum temperature and time at maximum temperature were, respectively, 20 and 90 minutes. A constant level of sodium hydroxide was maintained in all the experiments (1.5% oven-dry wood). Pulp evaluation was carried out using the usual characterization techniques. Chemical and physical evaluations, including optical testing, were, for the most part, done in accordance with TAPPI procedures.The results obtained indicate that the central point of the design used in our research (110 C and 2.5% oven-dry wood sulfite), appears to represent the optimal conditions for the variables studied for the chemimechanical pulping of Eucalyptus grandis. The pulps obtained could be used as furnish in printing and writing paper grades. The positive correlation between sulfonate concentration and water retention value (WRV) suggests that by increasing fiber wall swelling, the number of sites accessible to sulfonation is increased. The tensile index correlates positively with the degree of sulfonation and with the water retention value of the pulps. It decreases according to the fraction retained in a 30-mesh screen (due to the presence of numerous shives) and increases according to the fraction of fines passing through a 270-mesh screen

    New Phase Induced by Pressure in the Iron-Arsenide Superconductor K-Ba122

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    The electrical resistivity rho of the iron-arsenide superconductor Ba1-xKxFe2As2 was measured in applied pressures up to 2.6 GPa for four underdoped samples, with x = 0.16, 0.18, 0.19 and 0.21. The antiferromagnetic ordering temperature T_N, detected as a sharp anomaly in rho(T), decreases linearly with pressure. At pressures above around 1.0 GPa, a second sharp anomaly is detected at a lower temperature T_0, which rises with pressure. We attribute this second anomaly to the onset of a phase that causes a reconstruction of the Fermi surface. This new phase expands with increasing x and it competes with superconductivity. We discuss the possibility that a second spin-density wave orders at T_0, with a Q vector distinct from that of the spin-density wave that sets in at T_N.Comment: Two higher K concentrations were added, revealing a steady expansion of the new phase in the T-P phase diagra

    A simple method for studying operant wheel running in rats

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    The present report describes an operant running device for rats. The apparatus makes use of an activity wheel driven by a small electric motor. The motor is started by a bar press; one activated, the wheel turns for 3-30 sec. depending on the setting of a timing device. The system is well suited to long term studies of activity patterns.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/22349/1/0000795.pd


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    No AbstractPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/38319/1/1687_ftp.pd

    Genetic Structure and Inferences on Potential Source Areas for Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) Based on Mitochondrial and Microsatellite Markers

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    Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) is mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical Asia and in the Pacific region. Despite its economic importance, very few studies have addressed the question of the wide genetic structure and potential source area of this species. This pilot study attempts to infer the native region of this pest and its colonization pathways in Asia. Combining mitochondrial and microsatellite markers, we evaluated the level of genetic diversity, genetic structure, and the gene flow among fly populations collected across Southeast Asia and China. A complex and significant genetic structure corresponding to the geographic pattern was found with both types of molecular markers. However, the genetic structure found was rather weak in both cases, and no pattern of isolation by distance was identified. Multiple long-distance dispersal events and miscellaneous host selection by this species may explain the results. These complex patterns may have been influenced by human-mediated transportation of the pest from one area to another and the complex topography of the study region. For both mitochondrial and microsatellite data, no signs of bottleneck or founder events could be identified. Nonetheless, maximal genetic diversity was observed in Myanmar, Vietnam and Guangdong (China) and asymmetric migration patterns were found. These results provide indirect evidence that the tropical regions of Southeast Asia and southern coast of China may be considered as the native range of the species and the population expansion is northward. Yunnan (China) is a contact zone that has been colonized from different sources. Regions along the southern coast of Vietnam and China probably served to colonize mainly the southern region of China. Southern coastal regions of China may also have colonized central parts of China and of central Yunnan

    CO[sub]2-responsive polyacrylamide copolymer vesicles with acid-sensitive morpholine moieties and large hydrophobic RAFT end-group

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    Sequential Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) polymerizations using 2,2′-azobis[2-(2-imidazolin-2-yl)propane]dihydrochloride (VA-044) and 2-(dodecylthiocarbonothioylthio)-2-methylpropionic acid (DDMAT) were used to give amphiphilic polyacrylamide block copolymers containing N-(2-morpholin-4-ylethyl)acrylamide (MEA), where the morpholine moieties are CO2-responsive. The order in which monomers were polymerized determined the placement of the large hydrophobic RAFT end group with more complex ABA′ type self-assembly (e.g. patterned and large worm-like vesicles, large compound micelles) obtained when the dodecyl trithiocarbonate end-group was attached to the hydrophilic poly(MEA) block. Cleaving the hydrophobic end group reverts self-assembly to simpler spherical vesicles observed in the triblock of the same chemical composition, but with the RAFT end group attached to the hydrophobic poly(tert-butyl acrylamide) block. Ionization of the hydrophilic poly(MEA) block through flushing with CO2 irreversibly shifts self-assembly towards lower order morphologies with spherical micelles being more favoured than vesicles.We thank the Irish Research Council (IRC) for a Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship for B.A. Chalmers and the IRC for a postgraduate scholarship award for C. Magee as part of the First IUPAC Transnational Call in Polymer Chemistry co-ordinated by F. Aldabbagh. We thank Eadaoin Timmins at the Centre of Microscopy and Imaging (NUI Galway) for TEM.2019-10-0

    Invasion Genetics of the Western Flower Thrips in China: Evidence for Genetic Bottleneck, Hybridization and Bridgehead Effect

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    The western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), is an invasive species and the most economically important pest within the insect order Thysanoptera. F. occidentalis, which is endemic to North America, was initially detected in Kunming in southwestern China in 2000 and since then it has rapidly invaded several other localities in China where it has greatly damaged greenhouse vegetables and ornamental crops. Controlling this invasive pest in China requires an understanding of its genetic makeup and migration patterns. Using the mitochondrial COI gene and 10 microsatellites, eight of which were newly isolated and are highly polymorphic, we investigated the genetic structure and the routes of range expansion of 14 F. occidentalis populations in China. Both the mitochondrial and microsatellite data revealed that the genetic diversity of F. occidentalis of the Chinese populations is lower than that in its native range. Two previously reported cryptic species (or ecotypes) were found in the study. The divergence in the mitochondrial COI of two Chinese cryptic species (or ecotypes) was about 3.3% but they cannot be distinguished by nuclear markers. Hybridization might produce such substantial mitochondrial-nuclear discordance. Furthermore, we found low genetic differentiation (global FST = 0.043, P<0.001) among all the populations and strong evidence for gene flow, especially from the three southwestern populations (Baoshan, Dali and Kunming) to the other Chinese populations. The directional gene flow was further supported by the higher genetic diversity of these three southwestern populations. Thus, quarantine and management of F. occidentalis should focus on preventing it from spreading from the putative source populations to other parts of China

    Placebo and other psychological interactions in headache treatment

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    We present a theory according which a headache treatment acts through a specific biological effect (when it exists), a placebo effect linked to both expectancy and repetition of its administration (conditioning), and a non-specific psychological effect. The respective part of these components varies with the treatments and the clinical situations. During antiquity, suggestions and beliefs were the mainstays of headache treatment. The word placebo appeared at the beginning of the eighteenth century. Controversies about its effect came from an excessive interpretation due to methodological bias, inadequate consideration of the variation of the measure (regression to the mean) and of the natural course of the disease. Several powerful studies on placebo effect showed that the nature of the treatment, the associated announce, the patients’ expectancy, and the repetition of the procedures are of paramount importance. The placebo expectancy is associated with an activation of pre-frontal, anterior cingular, accumbens, and periacqueducal grey opioidergic neurons possibly triggered by the dopaminergic meso-limbic system. In randomized control trials, several arms design could theoretically give information concerning the respective part of the different component of the outcome and control the natural course of the disease. However, for migraine and tension type headache attacks treatment, no three arm (verum, placebo, and natural course) trial is available in the literature. Indirect evidence of a placebo effect in migraine attack treatment, comes from the high amplitude of the improvement observed in the placebo arms (28% of the patients). This figure is lower (6%) when using the harder criterium of pain free at 2 h. But these data disregard the effect of the natural course. For prophylactic treatment with oral medication, the trials performed in the last decades report an improvement in 21% of the patients in the placebo arms. However, in these studies the duration of administration was limited, the control of attacks uncertain as well as the evolution of the co-morbid psycho-pathology. Considering the reviews and meta-analysis of complex prophylactic procedures, it must be concluded that their effect is mostly linked to a placebo and non-specific psychological effects. Acupuncture may have a slight specific effect on tension type headache, but not on migraine. Manual therapy studies do not exhibit difference between manipulation, mobilization, and controls; touch has no proven specific effect. A comprehensive efficacy review of biofeedback studies concludes to a small specific effect on tension type headache but not on migraine. A review of behavioral treatment conclude to an interesting mean improvement but did not demonstrated a specific effect with the exception of a four arm study including a pseudo meditation control group. Expectation-linked placebo, conditioning, and non-specific psychological effects vary according clinical situations and psychological context; likely low in RCT, high after anempathic medical contact, and at its maximum with a desired charismatic healer. The announcements of doctors strongly influence the beliefs of patients, and in consequence their pain and anxiety sensibilities; this modulates the amplitude of the placebo and the non-specific psychological effects and is therefore a major determinant of the therapeutic success. Furthermore, any repetitive contact, even through a placebo, may interfere positively with the psychopathological co-morbidity. One has to keep in mind that the non-specific psychological interactions play a major role in the improvement of the majority of the headache sufferers