206 research outputs found

    Siting Renewable Energy Facilities: A Spatial Analysis of Promises and Pitfalls

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    Recent efforts to site renewable energy projects have provoked as much, if not more, opposition than conventional energy projects. Because renewable energy resources are often located in sensitive and isolated environments, such as pristine mountain ranges or coastal waters, siting these facilities is especially difficult. Moreover, the viability of different renewable energy projects depends not only on complex economic and environmental factors, but also on the availability of supporting infrastructures, such as transmission lines. This paper examines the spatial relationships between four types of renewable energy resources – wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass – and an empirical measure of state-level transmission-line siting difficulty. Analyses explore the locations of renewable resource potential relative to areas of high siting difficulty, state electricity demand and imports, and states with renewable portfolio standards (RPSs). Major results reveal that state resource potential varies, and siting is significantly more difficult in states that import electricity and those with RPSs. These results suggest that states with the greatest incentives to develop renewable energy also face the most serious obstacles to siting new facilities.siting, renewable energy, transmission lines, wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, geographic information systems (GIS), renewable portfolio standards (RPS)

    Quantifying Siting Difficulty: A Case Study of U.S. Transmission Line Siting

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    The worldwide demand for new energy infrastructures has been paralleled in recent years by the increasing difficulty of siting major facilities. Siting difficulty is the subject of widespread discussion, but because of the complexity of the problem, potential solutions are not obvious or well understood. This paper presents a two-step policy-level framework that first develops an empirical measure of siting difficulty and then quantitatively assesses its major causes. The approach is based on the creation and aggregation of four siting indicators that are independent of the common causes and localized effects of siting problems. The proposed framework is demonstrated for the case of U.S. transmission line siting. Results of the analyses reveal significant variations in state siting difficulty and industry experts’ perceptions of its dominant causes, with implications for the long-term success of Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) and knowledge transfer among siting professionals in the deregulated industry.electric transmission lines, facilities siting, public opposition, Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs), siting difficulty

    An International Regulatory Framework for Risk Governance of Carbon Capture and Storage

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    This essay was prepared as part of a workshop on carbon capture and sequestration held by the International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) in Washington, DC, from March 15–16, 2007. The goal of the workshop was to bring together researchers, practitioners, and regulators from Europe, the United States, and Australia to outline the attributes that an effective regulatory regime for carbon capture and storage should possess. This essay focuses specifically on providing an overview of eight fundamental elements that we believe any effective international and national regulatory structure must address: 1) classification of carbon dioxide (CO2); 2) oversight of CO2 capture and storage; 3) site ownership and storage rights; 4) site operation and management; 5) long-term management and liability; 6) regulatory compliance and enforcement; 7) links to CO2 markets and trading mechanisms; and 8) risk communication and public acceptance. This essay is one of 12 collected for the workshop, and the recommendations herein are the views of the authors and do not reflect the views of their agencies, the IRGC, or specific workshop discussions.carbon sequestration, geologic storage, risk, regulation

    Long-Term Risks and Short-Term Regulations: Modeling the Transition from Enhanced Oil Recovery to Geologic Carbon Sequestration

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    Recent policy debates suggest that geologic carbon sequestration (GS) likely will play an important role in a carbon-constrained future. As GS evolves from the analogous technologies and practices of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) operations to a long-term, dedicated emissions mitigation option, regulations must evolve simultaneously to manage the risks associated with underground migration and surface tresspass of carbon dioxide (CO2). In this paper, we develop a basic engineering-economic model of four illustrative strategies available to a sophisticated site operator to better understand key deployment pathways in the transition from EOR to GS operations. All of these strategies focus on whether or not a sophisticated site operator would store CO2 in a geologic formation. We evaluate these strategies based on illustrative scenarios of (a) oil and CO2 prices; (b) leakage estimates; and (c) transportation, injection, and monitoring costs, as obtained from our understanding of the literature. Major results reveal that CO2 storage in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs after oil recovery is associated with the greatest net revenues (i.e., the “most-preferred” strategy) under a range of scenarios. This finding ultimately suggests that GS regulatory design should anticipate the use of the potentially leakiest, or “worst,” sites first.carbon sequestration, enhanced oil recovery, leakage, regulatory design, risk management

    Integrating EJ into Federal Policies and Programs: Examining the Role of Regulatory Impact Analyses and Environmental Impact Statements

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    Following Executive Order 12898 in 1994, federal agencies have taken a variety of steps to incorporate environmental justice (EJ) into their programs and practices. Two scales at which these efforts are critical are regulatory design and enforcement. This study evaluates Regulatory Impact Analyses (RIAs) and Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) across three federal agencies (the Department of Energy, the Department of Transportation, and the Environmental Protection Agency) to compare the extent to which EJ is addressed at these two scales, across agencies, and over time. By searching agency documents for key EJ variables, such as site, population, and impact characteristics, we develop a framework to determine if RIAs and EISs include sufficient information to identify disproportionate impacts of proposed regulations or projects on minority and low-income communities. Results of this analysis reveal that EJ issues are noted more frequently in all three agencies’ EISs over time, but few RIAs or EISs contain enough data to assess whether EJ impacts are significant.environmental justice, Regulatory Impact Analysis, RIA, Environmental Impact Statement, EIS, content analysis, program evaluation

    Determining the Extent of Market and Extent of Resource for Stated Preference Survey Design Using Mapping Methods

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    Determining the appropriate survey population and the commodity to be valued are among the most fundamental design decisions for stated preference (SP) surveys. However, often little information is available about who in the population holds measurable value for the resource (the extent of the market) and their perceptions regarding the scope of the resource to be valued (the extent of the resource). In this paper, we present a novel approach using cognitive mapping interview techniques to shed light on these design questions. The method also provides ancillary information that assists in the interpretation of information collected during focus groups and through SP survey administration. The approach was developed and tested as part of an ongoing study on environmental degradation associated with acidification in the Southern Appalachian Mountain region. Although damage from acidification in the study region is broad, it is not clear whether residents of this region care, in both a use and nonuse sense, about resources in their states of residence, in neighboring states, on public lands, or more broadly across the region. From a pilot study, we found that participants show a significant home-state preference in the number and size of natural areas that they value within the larger Southern Appalachian Mountain region. However, this preference is not strong enough to suggest that the market for improving these resources is solely constrained to residents of the state in which the resource is located.stated preference, cognitive mapping, extent of market, extent of resource, definition of commodity

    Exploring Socio-Cultural Factors Impacting Agriculture in Information System Acceptance

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    Agricultural Information Systems (AIS) can provide several advantages for farmers in taking informed decisions regarding land, labour, livestock, and crop planning. However, there are not many empirical studies in examining the adoption of these AIS by farmers, especially in developing countries in Africa. This study adopts an unconventional socio-cultural approach in examining if the farmers think the use of AIS improves economic production, at the individual level of analysis. The purpose of this qualitative ethnographic study is to explore the socio-cultural success factors that improve employee acceptance of agriculture information system at some rural Nigerian farms. The results of this study could be disseminated to all rural Nigerian farm owners so they will know the critical success factors that improve employee acceptance of agriculture information system thereby increasing wheat production to reduce their national agricultural crisis. Another positive social change implication of the results of this on-going research would be to inspire researchers to replicate and extend this study in regions experiencing agricultural crises

    B2C Decisions in Multi-Dialect Markets: Proposed Sequential Mixed-Method Multiple Case Grounded-Theory Study

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    This paper is a conceptual proposal for conducting a mixed-method multiple case study on a consumer behaviour topic in an emerging nation. Government administrators and marketing managers need current, reliable consumer behaviour models to serve the public and to achieve a profitable return on investment in Nigeria. There is a shortage of online consumer behaviour research in some highly populated emerging economies in Africa, such as in Nigeria, especially concerning the influence of demographic and socio-cultural factors. The purpose of this study will be to produce a visual, conceptual model of consumer decision making factors for the unique socio-cultural population. The purpose of this study is to scientifically explore the ground truth of Nigerian consumer online purchasing decisions to build a practical model for e-commerce stakeholders. The results of this study should be interesting for other researchers due to the novel sequential mixed-method grounded theory and multiple case study literal replication design. Nigerian e-commerce marketing managers and policymakers in the population could benefit financially from this extension to the body of knowledge

    Using Nonlinear Response to Estimate the Strength of an Elastic Network

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    Disordered networks of fragile elastic elements have been proposed as a model of inner porous regions of large bones [Gunaratne et.al., cond-mat/0009221, http://xyz.lanl.gov]. It is shown that the ratio Γ\Gamma of responses of such a network to static and periodic strain can be used to estimate its ultimate (or breaking) stress. Since bone fracture in older adults results from the weakening of porous bone, we discuss the possibility of using Γ\Gamma as a non-invasive diagnostic of osteoporotic bone.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure


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    The inherent parallelism in a bit operation like AND/OR inside a computer word is known as bit parallelism. It plays a greater role in string pattern matching and has good application in the analysis of biological data. The use of recently developed bit parallel string matching algorithms approaches helps in improving the efficiency of the other string pattern matching algorithms. This paper discusses the working of some of these bit parallel string matching algorithms and their application on biological sequences. It also shows how bit-parallelism can be efficiently used to address various matching problems in Bioinformatics to analyze biological sequences such as Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), Ribonucleic acid (RNA), and Protein with examples. It can also serve as a greater tool for researchers when looking for the appropriate method to use on Biological sequences
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