11 research outputs found

    Perfect vortex beam : Fourier transformation of a Bessel beam

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    We derive a mathematical description of a perfect vortex beam as the Fourier transformation of a Bessel beam. Building on this development, we experimentally generate Bessel-Gauss beams of different orders and Fourier transform them to form perfect vortex beams. By controlling the radial wave vector of a Bessel-Gauss beam, we can control the ring radius of the generated beam. Our theoretical predictions match with the experimental results and also provide an explanation for previous published works. We find the perfect vortex resembles that of an orbital angular momentum (OAM) mode supported in annular profiled waveguides. Our prefect vortex beam generation method can be used to excite OAM modes in an annular core fiber

    Exploring the route from leaky Berreman modes to bound states in continuum

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    We study coupling of leaky Berreman modes in polar dielectric films (SiO2) through a thin metallic layer (gold) and show the familiar signatures of normal mode splitting. Due to very large negative real part of the dielectric function of gold, the splitting shows up only for extremely thin coupling layers. In contrast, coupling of Berreman modes through a dielectric spacer layer reveals novel possibilities of having bound states in continuum, albeit in the limit of vanishing losses. It is shown that the corresponding dispersion branches of the symmetric and antisymmetric modes can cross. BIC is shown to occur on one of these branches which is characterized by lower loss. In fact the BIC corresponds to the point where the radiative losses are minimized. For thicker layers (both spacer and the polar dielectric) BIC is shown to occur on the higher order dispersion branches. The origin of BIC is traced to the Fabry-Perot type mechanism due to the excitation of the leaky guided modes in the central layer

    Orbital-angular-momentum polarization mode dispersion in optical fibers

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    The orbital-angular-momentum (OAM) modes in optical fibers have polarization mode dispersion (PMD) properties similar to those of single-mode fibers (SMFs). The +l and -l order OAM modes supported by the same fiber vector modes undergo random cross coupling and exhibit a frequency-dependent time delay. We name this effect “OAM-PMD” and extend the formalism developed for PMD in SMFs to describe OAM-PMD. The characteristics of the modal beat lengths, birefringence correlation lengths, and the mean value of OAM-PMD are investigated. A fixed-analyzer technique is proposed and demonstrated to characterize this phenomenon in OAM fibers. Two different types of OAM fiber are examined. The measured results are compared with the theoretical calculations

    Mode division multiplexing using orbital angular momentum modes over 1.4 km ring core fiber

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    Mode division multiplexing (MDM) systems using orbital angular momentum (OAM) modes can recover the data in D different modes without recourse to full (2D × 2D) multiple input multiple output (MIMO) processing. One of the biggest challenges in OAM-MDM systems is the mode instability following fiber propagation. Previously, MIMO-free OAM-MDM data transmission with two modes over 1.1 km of vortex fiber was demonstrated, where optical polarization demultiplexing was employed in the setup. We demonstrate MDM data transmission using two OAM modes over 1.4 km of a specially designed ring core fiber without using full MIMO processing or optical polarization demultiplexing. We demonstrate reception with electrical polarization demultiplexing, i.e., minimal 2 × 2 MIMO, showing the compatibility of OAM-MDM with current polarization demultiplexing receivers

    Media 3: Topological charge dependent propagation of optical vortices under quadratic phase transformation

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    Originally published in Optics Letters on 15 April 2012 (ol-37-8-1301

    Media 1: Topological charge dependent propagation of optical vortices under quadratic phase transformation

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    Originally published in Optics Letters on 15 April 2012 (ol-37-8-1301

    High-power, CW, Airy beam optical parametric Oscillator

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    by A. Aadhi, Pravin Vaity, N. Apurv Chaitanya, M. V. Jabir, R. P. Singh and G. K. Samant

    Free space continuous variable Quantum Key Distribution with discrete phases

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    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) offers unconditional security in principle. Many QKD protocols have been proposed and demonstrated to ensure secure communication between two authenticated users. Continuous variable (CV) QKD offers many advantages over discrete variable (DV) QKD since it is cost-effective, compatible with current classical communication technologies, efficient even in daylight, and gives a higher secure key rate. Keeping this in view, we demonstrate a discrete modulated CVQKD protocol in the free space which is robust against polarization drift. We also present the simulation results with a noise model to account for the channel noise and the effects of various parameter changes on the secure key rate. These simulation results help us to verify the experimental values obtained for the implemented CVQKD