21 research outputs found

    Piktžolių terminio naikinimo efektyvumo tyrimas

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    This work presents information about the thermal efficiency of weed control in an atmosphere of wind from different directions and at different speeds. It was found that at 2 m/s wind speed of weed control is inefficientVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Tiesioginės sėjos mašinos darbinių dalių mechaninės traukos savybių tyrimai

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    Šiame darbe pateikti eksperimentinės tiesioginės sėjos mašinos įrenginio su kombinuotu noragėliu ir skirtingos konstrukcijos prispaudimo voleliais (diskiniu siauru ir diskiniu pirštiniu) mechaninės traukos savybių tyrimų priklausomybės nuo darbinio greičio ir dirvos kietumo. Įrenginys buvo traukiamas trimis skirtingais greičiais – 5 km·h-1, 7 km·h-1 ir 9 km·h-1. Tyrimai vykdyti trijų skirtingų kietumų dirvose. Pirmame variante dirvos kietumas 50 mm gylyje buvo 44 kPa, antrame variante – 493 kPa, trečiame – 827 kPa. Traukos jėga matuota šešiais jutikliais, iš kurių trys matavo horizontalią, du vertikalią ir vienas šoninę jėgą. Tyrimais nustatyta, kad 5 km h-1 darbiniu greičiu traukiant tiesioginės sėjos mašinos įrenginį be prispaudimo volelio reikia panašiai tiek pat suminės traukos jėgos, kaip ir traukiant tiesioginės sėjos mašinos įrenginį su siauru prispaudimo voleliu. Tuo tarpu traukiant tiesioginės sėjos mašinos įrenginį su pirštiniu prispaudimo voleliu reikia vidutiniškai apie 0.06 kN daugiau suminės traukos jėgos. Didinant tiesioginės sėjos mašinos įrenginio su diskiniu prispaudimo voleliu važiavimo greitį iki 7 km·h-1, horizontali traukos jėga didėja, o vertikali – mažėja. Padidinus važiavimo greitį iki 9 km·h-1, visų traukos jėgų pokyčiai lyginant su 7 km·h-1 greičiu, buvo nežymūsThe objective of this study is to define the influence of working speed on the traction force of a direct sowing machine with complex coulters and various press wheels (a narrow disc and a finger disc) under various soil compactions. The machine was pulled at three different speeds – 5 km·h-1, 7 km·h-1, and 9 km·h-1 – in soils of three different compactions. In the first trial soil compaction was 44 kPa at 50 mm depth, in the second trial – 493 kPa, in the third trial – 827 kPa. The traction force was measured using six sensors – three for horizontal force, two for vertical force, and one for side force. The research indicated that pulling direct sowing machine without a press wheel at working speed of 5 km·h-1 requires almost the same total traction force as pulling direct sowing machine with a narrow disc press wheel, while sowing machine with tined disc requires higher traction force at approximately 0.06 kN. Increasing the working speed of direct sowing machine with disc press wheel up to 7 km·h-1, horizontal traction force increases, while vertical traction force decreases. Increasing the working speed up to 9 km·h-1, the traction forces do not expose significant increase compared to the working speed of 7 km·h-1Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Augalinių liekanų savybės ir jų sąveika su žemės dirbimo mašinomis

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    Research carried out to determinating autumn winter wheat cutting forces when is to use straight and slanting knives, moreover terminate forces when plant residues is insert between two holders. Artificially forming conditions, plant residues is spray to nitric live bacteria, which speeds up the process and to weaken plant residues. Studies have shown that winter wheat spray to biological preparation do not need because of plant residues is not cutting, only is insert to the soil, and the essential differences was between forces only pulling winter wheat with nodeVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    The influence of free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria on the mechanical characteristics of different plant residues under no-till and strip-till conditions

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    In applying no-tillage and strip-tillage technologies, one of the main problems is that the post-harvest plant residues remain on the soil surface and hamper the cultivation, tillage and drilling operations. The experimental researches of this work were established biological preparation and it operation period effect the mechanical breaking and cutting different knives characteristics of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cv. ‘Ada’ winter rapeseed (Brassica napus L. ssp. Oleifera biennis Metzq.) cv. ‘Sunday’ and spring rapeseed (B. napus L. ssp. Oleifera annua Metzq.) cv. ‘Fenja’ residues in interaction with the soil. The research was carried out in 2012–2014 in Lithuania. Plant residues were left on the untilled soil surface upon by natural climatic conditions. One part of plant residues were treated with biological preparation and other part untreated. Breaking and cutting researches were carried out weekly for three weeks. The research found that biological preparation consist of free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria weakened the forces required for the cutting and breaking of all researched plant residues. Prolonging the biological preparation effect period, need substantially less force required for the cutting and breaking of plant residues. After the first week, the force required to break winter wheat residues without node decreased by 38%, after two weeks it decreased by 50%, and after three weeks it decreased by 73%, winter rapeseed—78%, 85%, 90%, spring rapeseed 57%, 77% and 82%, respectively. The forces required for cutting plant residues with the vertical knife need about 1.7–2.5 greater compared with the cutting when the angled knife was usedVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Influence of bio-preparation on cutting characteristics of cannabis residues

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    The aim of this work is to determine the influence of bio-preparation for cutting mechanical characteristics of cannabis plant residues, depending on the biological preparation action period and compare the research results with the same researches obtained in natural conditions. The influence of bio-preparation on cannabis residues cutting with different knives was determined. Experimental research in the physicalmechanical properties of plant residues was conducted at the Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Safety of Aleksandras Stulginskis University, using the experimental research machine “Instron 5960”. The results of the experimental research showed that the forces required for cutting of cannabis plant residues are lower using biological preparation than without it. Using an angled knife for cannabis residues cutting left on the soil surface less force is needed than using a vertical knife. Summarising it can be asserted that many factors such as the type of the plant, the time lying on the soil, biological preparation and its action period, constructional parameters of the cutting knives and other factors influence the mechanical characteristics of plant residues cutting forcesVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Design, development and field evaluation of row-cleaners for strip tillage in conservation farming

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    Given the drawbacks of conventional soil tillage and direct drilling, an environmentally friendly technology of strip-tillage has been gaining increasing popularity worldwide because it allows the employment of full tillage and direct drilling advantages. Strip-tillage compared to the direct drilling is a good option for proper seedbed preparation because it ensures favourable conditions for seed germination; in comparison with full tillage it reduces working time, fuel and production costs, protects soil, and is environmentally friendly. To remove plant residues from a tilled soil strip row, cleaners of different shapes are used. There is a lack of knowledge regarding which design and technological parameters of the row cleaners of strip-tillage equipment are best suited for interaction with soil and plant residues. Therefore, theoretical research of 340 mm serrated disc row cleaners was carried out, which substantiated the strip width while assessing the disc rake angle, gap between the centres of row cleaner disc fixing holders (gap Blc) and working speed. The experimental research was carried out in the Trial Station of Aleksandras Stulginskis University; it established the influence of different technological parameters of row cleaners on the distance of wheat residue removal. The experimental research established that the serrated disc row cleaners of a strip-tillage machine cleans the greatest amount of plant residues; when the rake angle of the cleaner discs varies from 10° to 15°, gap Blc is 165–180 mm, and the working speed ranges from 1.3 m s1 to 2.5 m s1Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij