2,127 research outputs found

    Facing the music or burying our heads in the sand?: Adaptive emotion regulation in mid- and late-life

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    Psychological defense theories postulate that keeping threatening information out of awareness brings short-term reduction of anxiety at the cost of longer-term dysfunction. By contrast, Socioemotional Selectivity Theory suggests that preference for positively-valenced information is a manifestation of adaptive emotion regulation in later life. Using six decades of longitudinal data on 61 men, we examined links between emotion regulation indices informed by these distinct conceptualizations: defense patterns in earlier adulthood and selective memory for positively-valenced images in late life. Men who used more avoidant defenses in midlife recognized fewer emotionally-valenced and neutral images in a memory test 35-40 years later. Late-life satisfaction was positively linked with mid-life engaging defenses but negatively linked at the trend level with concurrent positivity bias

    Quantitative test of the barrier nucleosome model for statistical positioning of nucleosomes up- and downstream of transcription start sites

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    The positions of nucleosomes in eukaryotic genomes determine which parts of the DNA sequence are readily accessible for regulatory proteins and which are not. Genome-wide maps of nucleosome positions have revealed a salient pattern around transcription start sites, involving a nucleosome-free region (NFR) flanked by a pronounced periodic pattern in the average nucleosome density. While the periodic pattern clearly reflects well-positioned nucleosomes, the positioning mechanism is less clear. A recent experimental study by Mavrich et al. argued that the pattern observed in S. cerevisiae is qualitatively consistent with a `barrier nucleosome model', in which the oscillatory pattern is created by the statistical positioning mechanism of Kornberg and Stryer. On the other hand, there is clear evidence for intrinsic sequence preferences of nucleosomes, and it is unclear to what extent these sequence preferences affect the observed pattern. To test the barrier nucleosome model, we quantitatively analyze yeast nucleosome positioning data both up- and downstream from NFRs. Our analysis is based on the Tonks model of statistical physics which quantifies the interplay between the excluded-volume interaction of nucleosomes and their positional entropy. We find that although the typical patterns on the two sides of the NFR are different, they are both quantitatively described by the same physical model, with the same parameters, but different boundary conditions. The inferred boundary conditions suggest that the first nucleosome downstream from the NFR (the +1 nucleosome) is typically directly positioned while the first nucleosome upstream is statistically positioned via a nucleosome-repelling DNA region. These boundary conditions, which can be locally encoded into the genome sequence, significantly shape the statistical distribution of nucleosomes over a range of up to ~1000 bp to each side.Comment: includes supporting materia

    Extracting surface representations from rim curves

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    LNCS v. 3852 is the conference proceedings of ACCV 2006In this paper, we design and implement a novel method for constructing a mixed triangle/quadrangle mesh from the 3D space curves (rims) estimated from the profiles of an object in an image sequence without knowing the original 3D topology of the object. To this aim, a contour data structure for representing visual hull, which is different from that for CT/MRI, is introduced. In this paper, we (1) solve the "branching structure" problem by introducing some additional "directed edge", and (2) extract a triangle/ quadrangle closed mesh from the contour structure with an algorithm based on dynamic programming. Both theoretical demonstration and real world results show that our proposed method has sufficient robustness with respect to the complex topology of the object, and the extracted mesh is of high quality. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.postprintThe 7th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2006), Hyderabad, India, 13-16 January 2006. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006, v. 3852, p. 732-74

    In-situ pulsed laser induced growth of CdS nanoparticles on ZnO nanorods surfaces

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    Herein we present a process for the in-situ growth of CdS nanoparticles using a pulsed laser irradiation. A Nd-YAG laser was applied to ZnO nanorods previously submerged in an aqueous precursor solution containing cadmium chloride and thiourea. For optimum values of the laser fluence, around 40 mJ/cm2 it was possible to fabricate a highly homogeneous film of CdS nanoparticles covering the ZnO nanorods surface. Cathodoluminescence measurements of the ZnO/CdS structure show the quenching of the ZnO yellow and green luminescence, indicating the ZnO surface defects passivation by CdS nanostructures. Although lasers have been already used for inducing growth in solution, this work presents new evidence of in-situ growth on the surface of nanostructured materials. The laser based technique presented is simple, easy to implement, scalable and it could be applied in the fabrication of nanostructured solar cells and other devices

    Climate, wildfire, and erosion ensemble foretells more sediment in western USA watersheds

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    The area burned annually by wildfires is expected to increase worldwide due to climate change. Burned areas increase soil erosion rates within watersheds, which can increase sedimentation in downstream rivers and reservoirs. However, which watersheds will be impacted by future wildfires is largely unknown. Using an ensemble of climate, fire, and erosion models, we show that postfire sedimentation is projected to increase for nearly nine tenths of watersheds by \u3e10% and for more than one third of watersheds by \u3e100% by the 2041 to 2050 decade in the western USA. The projected increases are statistically significant for more than eight tenths of the watersheds. In the western USA, many human communities rely on water from rivers and reservoirs that originates in watersheds where sedimentation is projected to increase. Increased sedimentation could negatively impact water supply and quality for some communities, in addition to affecting stream channel stability and aquatic ecosystems

    Lack of correlation of stem cell markers in breast cancer stem cells

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    BACKGROUND: Various markers are used to identify the unique sub-population of breast cancer cells with stem cell properties. Whether these markers are expressed in all breast cancers, identify the same population of cells, or equate to therapeutic response is controversial. METHODS: We investigated the expression of multiple cancer stem cell markers in human breast cancer samples and cell lines in vitro and in vivo, comparing across and within samples and relating expression with growth and therapeutic response to doxorubicin, docetaxol and radiotherapy. RESULTS: CD24, CD44, ALDH and SOX2 expression, the ability to form mammospheres and side-population cells are variably present in human cancers and cell lines. Each marker identifies a unique rather than common population of cancer cells. In vivo, cells expressing these markers are not specifically localized to the presumptive stem cell niche at the tumour/stroma interface. Repeated therapy does not consistently enrich cells expressing these markers, although ER-negative cells accumulate. CONCLUSIONS: Commonly employed methods identify different cancer cell sub-populations with no consistent therapeutic implications, rather than a single population of cells. The relationships of breast cancer stem cells to clinical parameters will require identification of specific markers or panels for the individual cancer

    Statistical M-Estimation and Consistency in Large Deformable Models for Image Warping

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    The problem of defining appropriate distances between shapes or images and modeling the variability of natural images by group transformations is at the heart of modern image analysis. A current trend is the study of probabilistic and statistical aspects of deformation models, and the development of consistent statistical procedure for the estimation of template images. In this paper, we consider a set of images randomly warped from a mean template which has to be recovered. For this, we define an appropriate statistical parametric model to generate random diffeomorphic deformations in two-dimensions. Then, we focus on the problem of estimating the mean pattern when the images are observed with noise. This problem is challenging both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. M-estimation theory enables us to build an estimator defined as a minimizer of a well-tailored empirical criterion. We prove the convergence of this estimator and propose a gradient descent algorithm to compute this M-estimator in practice. Simulations of template extraction and an application to image clustering and classification are also provided
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