26 research outputs found

    Surface Roughness Image Analysis using Quasi-Fractal Characteristics and Fuzzy Clustering Methods

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    In this paper the authors describe the results of experiments for surface roughness image acquisition and processing in order to develop an automated roughness control system. This implies the finding of a characteristic roughness parameter (for example Ra) on the bases of information contained in the image of the surface. To achieve this goal we use quasi-fractal characteristics and fuzzy clustering methods

    Telecytology: a tool for quality assessment and improvement in the evaluation of breast fine needle aspiration specimens

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    Objective: This study investigates the role of telecytology as a tool forquality assessment and improvement in the evaluation of breast fineneedle aspiration specimens that were prepared by ThinPrep® technique.Methods: The study was performed on 200 specimens of similar numberof patients referred to our clinic for preoperative evaluation of breast lesions.In all cases surgical excision followed the initial cytological evaluation.Six diagnostic categories of cytological reports were used. All caseswere imaged while 10 characteristic images from each case were transferredvia FTP protocol to password-protected accounts and were reviewedremotely by 4 different cytopathologists. The reviewers commented alsoon overall digital image quality. contributor’s and reviewer’s diagnoseswere collected, recorded and statistically elaborated. Moreover, they werecompared to the histological diagnoses.Results: According to our findings no significant difference in diagnosticaccuracy could be detected between the diagnoses proffered on the basisof digitized images and liquid based cytology slides.Conclusions: Telecytology is a rapid and valid method for quality assessmentand proficiency testing and has to be integrated into the dailyworkflow. The use of liquid based-cytology ensures that additional materialis kept for ancillary studies (if necessary) and that sufficient numberof replicate microscope slides can be produced. The use of telecytology inthe daily workflow will ensure the reproducibility of cytological diagnosesand make possible the production of digital educational material. Besidesdiagnostic accuracy, the implementation of a diagnostic telecytology systemrequires consideration of numerous financial, legal, professional andethical issues