337 research outputs found

    Parallel representations: Career development in media and academic literature

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    This paper focuses on the portrayal of careers in the press, a subject minimally addressed in career development studies. It employs media content analysis to compare and map the language used in British print media when discussing careers with that in academic discourse. Using VOSViewer for text mapping and data visualisation, this study mirrors Lee et al. (2014)'s approach to systematically analyse 1,287 newspaper articles, identifying and exploring prevalent terms and concepts within career-themed articles. It highlights the intersection of media and career development studies, revealing how media narratives can influence the perception and discussion of career development

    Modules with minimax Cousin cohomologies

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    Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring with non-zero identity and let X be an arbitrary R-module. In this paper, we show that if all the cohomology modules of the Cousin complex for X are minimax, then the following hold for any prime ideal p of R and for every integer n less than X—the height of p: (i) the nth Bass number of X with respect to p is finite; (ii) the nth local cohomology module of Xp with respect to pRp is Artinian

    Parallel Longest Common SubSequence Analysis In Chapel

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    One of the most critical problems in the field of string algorithms is the longest common subsequence problem (LCS). The problem is NP-hard for an arbitrary number of strings but can be solved in polynomial time for a fixed number of strings. In this paper, we select a typical parallel LCS algorithm and integrate it into our large-scale string analysis algorithm library to support different types of large string analysis. Specifically, we take advantage of the high-level parallel language, Chapel, to integrate Lu and Liu's parallel LCS algorithm into Arkouda, an open-source framework. Through Arkouda, data scientists can easily handle large string analytics on the back-end high-performance computing resources from the front-end Python interface. The Chapel-enabled parallel LCS algorithm can identify the longest common subsequences of two strings, and experimental results are given to show how the number of parallel resources and the length of input strings can affect the algorithm's performance.Comment: The 27th Annual IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), Virtual, September 25-29, 202

    Comparison of serum zinc in children younger than 5 years old with febrile convulsion, children with seizures without fever and normal children

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    Background: Febrile seizures are the most common seizure disorder in children and have a good prognosis. Many theories about the role of neurotransmitters and trace elements in serum and cerebrospinal fluid are introduced as the pathogenesis of febrile seizures. Among these elements, the element can be noted. The purpose of this study to comparison of serum zinc in children younger than 5 years old with febrile convulsion, children with seizures without febrile and normal children.Methods: In this study, 180 children were studied in three groups. 60 children with seizures without fever and 60 children with febrile convulsions admitted to hospital and 60 healthy children without a history of seizures. Afzalipour who were referred to health centers in the city of Kerman. Serum zinc levels in all three groups were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.Results: The mean serum zinc levels in children with febrile seizures in this investigation was 48.4 µg/dl, compared with the other two tense children without fever (64.61 µg/dl) and healthy children (67.33 µg/dl) was significantly lower.Conclusion:Results of this study showed reduced serum zinc levels during febrile seizure. The need for continued research on surface tension in febrile children over several months is recommended.

    Hearing from Within a Sound: A Series of Techniques for Deconstructing and Spatialising Timbre

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    We present a series of compositional techniques for deconstructing and spatialsing timbre in an immersive audio environment. These techniques aim to engulf a spectator within a given abstract timbre, by highlighting said timbre’s distinct spectral and gestural characteristics through our approach to sound spatialisation. We have designed these techniques using both additive synthesis, and time-frequency analysis and resynthesis, building upon analytical methods such as the discrete Fourier transform and the joint time-frequency scattering transform. These spatialisation techniques can be used to deconstruct a sound into subsets of spectral and gestural information, which can then be independently positioned in unique locations within an immersive audio environment. We here survey and evaluate how perceptibly cohesive and aesthetically nuanced a timbre remains after deconstruction and spatialisation, when applied in both live performance and studio production contexts. In accordance with their varying design, each spatialisation technique engenders a unique aesthetic experience, affording a listener various means through which to hear from within a sound

    Opinions of an Iranian nursing faculty on barriers to implementing problem-based learning

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    ABSTRACT We investigated the opinions of all 53 lecturers in the nursing faculty of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences about barriers to implementation of problem-based learning (PBL). A 13-item ques--tionnaire was used which included questions on number and preparedness of students and lecturers, educational space and course content. We found that 95% of the respondents believed that the most important barrier was the students' lack of knowledge and skills in group work and active interaction; 94% also believed that the change in their role from lecturer to facilitator would not reduce their motiva--tion but it could be a potential barrier. The majority (98%) indicated that the cost of implementation and maintenance of PBL, too many students and a shortage of lecturers competent in PBL were among the barriers that needed to be considered. L'avis d'une faculté de soins infirmiers iranienne sur les obstacles à la mise en oeuvre de l'apprentissage par problèmes RÉSUMÉ Nous avons sondé l'opinion de l'ensemble des 53 chargés d'enseignement de la faculté des soins infirmiers de l'Université des Sciences médicales de Tabriz sur les obstacles que rencontre la mise en oeuvre de la méthode d'apprentissage dite problem-based learning (PBL), ou approche par problèmes (APP). Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé un questionnaire en 13 points visant à déterminer le nombre et l'état de préparation des étudiants et des chargés d'enseignement, l'espace pédagogique et le contenu de l'enseignement. Il nous est apparu que 95 % des personnes interrogées estiment que l'obstacle primordial réside dans la carence des connaissances des étudiants et leurs difficultés d'adaptation aux méthodes de travail de groupe et d'interaction active. En outre, 94 % pensent que leur mutation du statut de chargé d'enseignement au rôle d'animateur-formateur ne devrait pas entamer leur motivation, mais qu'elle pourrait éventuellement être perçue comme un obstacle. La majorité (98 %) souligne que le coût de la mise en application de l'APP comme de son maintien, l'effectif trop impor--tant des étudiants et la pénurie d'enseignants APP sont autant d'obstacles qu'il convient de ne pas négliger