20 research outputs found

    Deep Visual Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Classification Tasks:A Survey

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    Climate change impact on wave energy in the Persian Gulf

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    Excessive usage of fossil fuels and high emission of greenhouse gases have increased the earth’s temperature, and consequently have changed the patterns of natural phenomena such as wind speed, wave height, etc. Renewable energy resources are ideal alternatives to reduce the negative effects of increasing greenhouse gases emission and climate change. However, these energy sources are also sensitive to changing climate. In this study, the effect of climate change on wave energy in the Persian Gulf is investigated. For this purpose, future wind data obtained from CGCM3.1 model were downscaled using a hybrid approach and modification factors were computed based on local wind data (ECMWF) and applied to control and future CGCM3.1 wind data. Downscaled wind data was used to generate the wave characteristics in the future based on A2, B1, and A1B scenarios, while ECMWF wind field was used to generate the wave characteristics in the control period. The results of these two 30-yearly wave modelings using SWAN model showed that the average wave power changes slightly in the future. Assessment of wave power spatial distribution showed that the reduction of the average wave power is more in the middle parts of the Persian Gulf. Investigation of wave power distribution in two coastal stations (Boushehr and Assalouyeh ports) indicated that the annual wave energy will decrease in both stations while the wave power distribution for different intervals of significant wave height and peak period will also change in Assalouyeh according to all scenarios

    ResBCDU-Net: A Deep Learning Framework for Lung CT Image Segmentation

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    Lung CT image segmentation is a key process in many applications such as lung cancer detection. It is considered a challenging problem due to existing similar image densities in the pulmonary structures, different types of scanners, and scanning protocols. Most of the current semi-automatic segmentation methods rely on human factors therefore it might suffer from lack of accuracy. Another shortcoming of these methods is their high false-positive rate. In recent years, several approaches, based on a deep learning framework, have been effectively applied in medical image segmentation. Among existing deep neural networks, the U-Net has provided great success in this field. In this paper, we propose a deep neural network architecture to perform an automatic lung CT image segmentation process. In the proposed method, several extensive preprocessing techniques are applied to raw CT images. Then, ground truths corresponding to these images are extracted via some morphological operations and manual reforms. Finally, all the prepared images with the corresponding ground truth are fed into a modified U-Net in which the encoder is replaced with a pre-trained ResNet-34 network (referred to as Res BCDU-Net). In the architecture, we employ BConvLSTM (Bidirectional Convolutional Long Short-term Memory)as an advanced integrator module instead of simple traditional concatenators. This is to merge the extracted feature maps of the corresponding contracting path into the previous expansion of the up-convolutional layer. Finally, a densely connected convolutional layer is utilized for the contracting path. The results of our extensive experiments on lung CT images (LIDC-IDRI database) confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method where a dice coefficient index of 97.31% is achieved

    Rebar Impalement Trauma in A Construction Worker: A Case Report and Literature Review

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    Coincident impalement trauma to the neck and chest is infrequent but life-threatening. Our case was a 35-year-old man, who presented with rebar penetration injury to the neck and mediastinal area. He was conscious and his vital signs were stable. After initial imaging, the patient was transferred to the operation room for explorative surgery; however, as the rebar was loos in its site, we simply pulled out the rod. The patient developed acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) during their administration and was eventually discharged without further complications and comorbidities

    A survey on the effects of the Cochlodinium sp. bloom on the survival of the Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp

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    Red tide event a product of micro algae abundance has elevated in last few years. Loss of aquatic life due to HAB, and its effect on human health, has caused tremendous damage in the world. In this research the effect of (1, 2, 3, 9, and 30) Ă—10^3 Cells ml^-1 densities of Cochlodinium polykrikoides on survival and histopathological effect on hepatopancreas and gills of Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae (PLs) and juvenile stages has been investigated. Results showed 100% survival with (1, 2, and 3) Ă—10^3 Cells ml-1 densities but accumulative mortality in 9Ă—10^3 Cells ml^-1 density were 1.33% and 2.22%, in PLs and juvenile stages respectively, and there is no significant difference between control and treatment groups. accumulative mortality in 3Ă—10^4 Cells ml^-1 density was 4.44% and 17.8% in PLs and juveniles respectively which have significant different with control groups. According to histopathological investigation in this density the infiltration of blood cells in connective tissue of hepatopancreatic tubules and gills lamellae of PLs and juvenile stages were low but high in 3Ă—10^4 Cells ml^-1. The intensity of infiltration in juvenile stages was higher than PLs, which indicate incensement of hepatopancreatic and gills blood cells in higher densities of this phytoplankton. The end result of the study indicates that in high densities of C. polykrikoides survival rate in PLs and juveniles decreased and according to histopathological study the most important possible factor in shrimp mortality when exposure to C. polykrikoides was settlement of phytoplankton on gills lamellae and preventing oxygen exchange of shrimp

    (Fenneropenaeus indicus) study on protozoa emerging diseases of shrimp

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    Certain diseases such as bacterial , viruses, parasirtic ones Protozoa parasites Could severe mortalities in farmed shrimp last decades. Two hundred and seventy Fenneropenaeus indicus with the weight of 10± 1.09 were selected, transferred to Iran Shrimp Center and distributed to the treatmentsand controls (3 groups). The objective of our study was to describe the signs, prevalence, and intensity of Hemocytosis, a new disease in shrimp, Fenneropenaeus indicus. The experimental design included three groups, one treatment as infected shrimp or group B and 2 controls with non-infected but exposure to White Spot Syndrom Virus (WSSV) shrimp as group A and non-infected non- exposure to WSSV shrimp as group C in triplicate. The results revealed that Hemocytosis associated with a decrease in hyalinocytes and large-granulocytes (less than 8%) and a considerable increase in semi-granulocytes in group A and B in contrast to group C that Hyalinocyte increased. This infection made the shrimp susceptible to WSSV disease. It is believed that Hemocytosis causes a condition which can result in a rapid mortality among susceptible species, F. indicus when exposure to WSSV is occurred

    The Role of Genetic Identification in the Scientific Discovery of Crime through the Review of DNA in the Crime Scene: Genetic Identification in the Scientific Discovery of Crime

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    Background and Aim: DNA fingerprinting, one of the great discoveries of the late 20th century, has revolutionized forensic investigations. DNA analysis is frequently used to acquire information from biological material to aid inquiries associated with criminal offenses, disaster victim identification, and missing person investigations. Methods: This analytical-descriptive research gathered relevant data in a literature search. After a description of the fundamentals and definitions, ethical texts were subsequently analyzed. Ethical Considerations: Ethical principles were considered in searching and citing the literature. Results: In our country, since the year 1388, the need for having a genetic database in Iran was felt and the head of the judiciary ordered the creation of a genealogy database in light of the sensitivity of the matter and helped to resolve the cases quickly. Legal genetic laboratories in Iran began their work in the 1970s. In Iran, firstly, the forensic laboratories in Tehran, Mashhad, and Isfahan began their activities. Conclusion: The actions of governments in the field of criminal law are not always conducive to accountability through the use of punishment. Today, the Special Criminal Tribunal is focused on taking preventive measures. Prevention of the commission of crimes is carried out in a variety of ways, in which we focus on preventive methods with an emphasis on genetic science in this paper. If the genetic information of the criminals present in the genealogy bank exists and is also an example of a crime scene, it would be possible to identify the offender before using other methods of identifying criminals and arresting individuals. It helps to quickly retrieve the accused and to succeed. Experiences in many countries have shown that by doing this, you can significantly reduce costs and achieve less favorable results with less testing. Corresponding Author: Behnaz Vahid Yeganeh; Email: [email protected];  ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3638-001X Please cite this article as: Abbasi M, Vahid Yeganeh B. The Role of Genetic Identification in the Scientific Discovery of Crime through the Review of DNA in the Crime Scene. Bioeth Health Law J. 2022; 2(1): 1-8 (e3). http://doi.org/10.22037/bhl.v2i1.2453

    Evaluation of antibiotic resistance among isolated pathogenic bacteria from shrimp hatcheries in Bushehr province

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    Abstract Background: Rapid development of shrimp aquaculture has resulted in widespread use of antibiotics for preventing and curing diseases. In aquaculture, particularly shrimp hatcheries antibiotics are routinely used at therapeutic levels to treat disease and at sub-therapeutic levels as prophylactic agents to increase feed efficiency. Antibiotic residues in the environment are likely to lead to the development and maintenance of antibiotic resistance in microbial populations. The aim of this study was determine of antibiotic resistance to two shrimp pathogens Vibrio harveyi, V.alginolyticus, that they are agents of mortality in shrimp hatcheries. Material and Methods: After isolation and detection(by biochemical tests) of two species of bacterial pathogens from three hatcheries of Bushehr province, bacterial strains were tested for sensitivity to antibiotics including erythromycin, streptomycin, oxytetracyclin, and trimetoprim by disk diffusion method. Results: Results showed that all isolated bacteria Vibrio harveyi from three hatcheries were sensitive to oxytetracyclin and trimetoprim, but to streptomycin were resistant, and to erythromycin in hatcheries A, B, C was intermediate, resistance, sensitive respectively. Bacteria Vibrio alginolyticus isolated from three hatcheries were resistant to streptomycin. But they isolated from a hatchery to the other antibiotics erythromycin, oxytetracyclin and trimetoprim were resistant, intermediate and intermediate, respectively. Also they isolated from B hatchery were resistant, sensitive and sensitive to erythromycin, oxytetracyclin and trimetoprim, respectively And from C hatchery were intermediate, sensitive and sensitive to antibiotics, respectively. Conclusion: Isolated bacteria showed the most resistance to streptomycin and erythromycin respectively. These antibiotics is used frequently in medicine and veterinary, with entrance of human and animal's bacteria resistance via waste and fluid water to the sea, maybe transferred the resistant plasmid from resistant bacteria to Vibrio spp

    Investigating the Relation between miR-31 and RhoA Expressions in Breast Cancer Clinical Samples and Cell Lines: A Controversial Matter

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    Breast cancer is the most prevalent diagnosed cancer and the second cause of cancer death among women worldwide. There are different mechanisms that play crucial roles in the onset and progression of breast cancer including microRNAs. microRNAs are small noncoding RNAs that regulate gene expression by repressing translation post-transcriptionally. miR-31 is an integrin modulator implicated in different cellular processes such as apoptosis, cell cycle control, and DNA repair. According to the literature, RhoA is one of the genes regulated by miR-31. It has an important role in actin-myosin contraction and subsequently in cell motility and migration in metastasis cascade. Breast cancer cell lines, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231, as well as normal breast cells, MCF-10A, were cultured. RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, and SYBR Green I quantitative real-time PCR were used to investigate the expression of miR-31 and RhoA. In addition, 10 metastatic breast cancer clinical samples were analyzed to assess miR-31 and RhoA expression, and normal cells from the same patients were used as controls. Pearson’s correlation co-efficient was applied to find out any probable relation between miR-31 and RhoA expression. Gene expression analyses in MCF-7 cell line showed downregulation of miR-31 while RhoA was upregulated in the cell line (inverse correlation). miR-31 and RhoA were both upregulated in metastatic MDA-MB-231 cell line and downregulated in 90% of clinical samples. Pearson’s correlation co-efficient showed complete positive correlation between miR-31 and RhoA expression. The expression of miR-31 and RhoA is positively correlated, and it is declined in metastatic breast that cancer clinical samples save MDA-MB-231 cells. Unlike previous reports, we found that miR-31 is not the main silencer of RhoA expression. Therefore, more investigation on genes and miRNAs affecting metastasis process can elucidate new biomarkers and therapeutic targets for metastatic breast cancer.Highlights miR-31 is an important miRNA implicated in different cellular processes as well as cancer.The protein product of RhoA gene plays a role in actin-myosin contraction and cell motility in cancer metastasis.We approved bioinformatically and experimentally that RhoA is one of the genes regulated by miR-3