37 research outputs found

    Evaluation of bacteriological and chemical quality of dialysis water and fluid in Isfahan, central Iran

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    Background: Chemical and microbial quality of water used in hemodialysis play key roles in a number of dialysisrelated complications. In order to avoid the complications and to guarantee safety and health of patients therefore, vigorous control of water quality is essential. The objective of present study was to investigate the chemical and bacteriological characteristics of water used in dialysis centers of five hospitals in Isfahan, central Iran. Methods: A total of 30 water samples from the input of dialysis purification system and dialysis water were analyzed for chemical parameters. Heterotrophic plate count and endotoxin concentration of drinking water, dialysis water and dialysis fluid of 40 machines were also monitored over a 5-month period in 2011-2012. Results: Concentration of the determined chemicals (copper, zinc, sulfate, fluoride, chloramines and free chlorine) did not exceed the recommended concentration by the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) exclude lead, nitrate, aluminum and calcium. Furthermore, the magnesium; cadmium and chromium concentration exceeded the maximum level in some centers. No contamination with heterotrophic bacteria was observed in all samples, while the AMMI standard for endotoxin level in dialysis fluid (<2 EU/ml) was achieved in 95 of samples. Conclusion: Dialysis water and fluid failed to meet the all chemical and bacteriological requirements for hemodialysis. To minimize the risk of contaminants for hemodialysis patients therefore, a water quality management program including monitoring, maintenance and development of water treatment system in hemodialysis centers is extremely important. In addition, an appropriate disinfection program is needed to guarantee better control of bacterial growth and biofilm formation. © 2016, Iranian Journal of Public Health. All rights reserved

    Development of analytical characterization tools for process monitoring of adenovirus-based vaccines (ChAdOx and Ad5)

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    Product quality understanding is a critical part of viral vector vaccine manufacturing and regulation. Mass spectrometry is a technique that has widely been applied to protein-based therapeutics and could be used as a characterisation tool to monitor viral vector vaccine product quality. The ultimate objective of this Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded project is to enable vaccine manufacturing in Low and Middle-income countries (LMIC) through increased scientific understanding of viral vector vaccine manufacturing bottlenecks and therefore de-risking of vaccine development and manufacturing. Please click Download on the upper right corner to see the full abstract

    Measurement of Adenovirus-Based Vector Heterogeneity

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    Adenovirus vectors have become an important class of vaccines with the recent approval of Ebola and COVID-19 products. In-process quality attribute data collected during Adenovirus vector manufacturing has focused on particle concentration and infectivity ratios (based on viral genome: cell-based infectivity), and data suggest only a fraction of viral particles present in the final vaccine product are efficacious. To better understand this product heterogeneity, lab-scale preparations of two Adenovirus viral vectors, (Chimpanzee adenovirus (ChAdOx1) and Human adenovirus Type 5 (Ad5), were studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Different adenovirus morphologies were characterized, and the proportion of empty and full viral particles were quantified. These proportions showed a qualitative correlation with the sample's infectivity values. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) peptide mapping was used to identify key adenovirus proteins involved in viral maturation. Using peptide abundance analysis, a ∼5-fold change in L1 52/55k abundance was observed between low-(empty) and high-density (full) fractions taken from CsCl ultracentrifugation preparations of ChAdOx1 virus. The L1 52/55k viral protein is associated with DNA packaging and is cleaved during viral maturation, so it may be a marker for infective particles. TEM and LC-MS peptide mapping are promising higher-resolution analytical characterization tools to help differentiate between relative proportions of empty, non-infectious, and infectious viral particles as part of Adenovirus vector in-process monitoring, and these results are an encouraging initial step to better differentiate between the different product-related impurities

    Identification of A Novel Root Resorptive Function of Osteopontin Gene

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    Objective: Osteopontin (OPN) has been proposed to play a role in bone resorption. With regard to bone and cementum/dentin structural and histological similarities, it was hy-pothesized that expression of this gene might be increased in resorptive lacunae during orthodontic tooth movement.Materials and Methods: Fixed Nickel-Titanium closed coil springs (Dentaurum®) capa-ble of delivering approximately 60 gf were applied for mesial movement of maxillary left first molars in 26 male 8-week-old Wistar rats. The right maxillary molar served as inter-nal control for each subject. After 21 days, the rats were sacrificed. Tissues from 13 rats were examined by histomorphometric analysis and the scratched material from resorptive lacunae on mesial sides of the roots was used for extracting messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in RT-PCR reactions. T-test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test served for statistical analyses.Results: Histomorphometric analysis of histologic sections revealed an increased resorbed area in test group compared to control animals (P<0.001). The integrity of mRNA con-firmed by RT-PCR for housekeeping gene glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). Densitometric analysis of OPN mRNA on electrophoresis gel showed an in-crease in background levels of OPN in resorptive lacunae of test group (P<0.001).Conclusion: Data indicates that in the controlled environment of this study, an increase in OPN expression is associated with root resorption induced by orthodontic tooth move-ment

    Assessment of lead and cadmium levels in frequently used cosmetic products in Iran

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    This study aims to investigate the content of lead and cadmium in most frequently used brands of cosmetic products (lipstick and eye shadow) in Iran. Fifty samples of lipstick (5 colors in 7 brands) and eye shadow (3 colors in 5 brands) were selected taken from large cosmetic stores in Isfahan (Iran) and lead and cadmium of them were analyzed. The results showed that the concentration of lead and cadmium in the lipsticks was within the range of 0.08-5.2 micro g/g and 4.08-60.20 micro g/g, respectively. The eye shadow samples had a lead level of 0.85-6.90 micro g/g and a cadmium level of 1.54-55.59 micro g/g. The content range of the heavy metals in the eye shadows was higher than that of the lipsticks. There was significant difference between the average of the lead content in the different brands of the lipsticks and eye shadows. Thus, the continuous use of these cosmetics can increase the absorption of heavy metals, especially Cd and Pb, in the body when swallowing lipsticks or through dermal cosmetic absorption. The effects of heavy metals such as lead can be harmful, especially for pregnant women and children. Therefore, effort must be made to inform the users and the general public about the harmful consequences of cosmetics

    The Impact of Explicit Instruction of Metadiscourse Markers on EFL Learners&apos; Writing Performance 1

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    Abstract The current study is an attempt to investigate the impact of explicit instruction of metadiscourse markers on advanced, intermediate, and elementary EFL learners&apos; writing performance. The participants of the study were 94 undergraduate students majoring in English Literature at the University of Isfahan. To elicit the relevant data, participants were given a pretest of writing ability to check their initial knowledge and unprompted use of metadiscourse markers. All the three groups were then exposed to explicit instruction of metadiscourse markers for six successive sessions. Finally, a post test measuring their writing ability with metadiscourse markers in focus was administered. The findings indicated generally that explicit instruction of metadiscourse markers significantly improves EFL learners&apos; writing ability. It was however unpredictably revealed that learners at the intermediate level improved significantly greater than those at the advanced and elementary levels. These findings firstly call practitioners to pay more serious attention to metadiscourse markers in making EFL curricula. Secondly, they ask for the reinforcement of metadiscourse markers through explicit instruction in EFL courses for the improvement of the learners&apos; writing ability

    The relationship between Maternal HCT levels, birth weight and risk of low birth weight

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    Background: Almost 7.7 percent of all newborns weigh less than 2500 g in different countries. One of the most important reasons that lead to low birth weight, is maternal anemia during pregnancy. On the other hand, if maternal hemoglobin is too high, the prenatal outcome is not good. In this research we studied the relationship between maternal hematocrit (Hct) and birth weight, as well as the risk of low birth weight (LBW). Methods: This is a cohort study on all pregnant women who used to come to Arash hospital to receive prenatal care (April 2003 - March 2004) and they also delivered there.Findings: If pregnant women have abnormal (higher or lower than normal) Hct level in the first or third trimester, the mean birth weight will be lower and the risk of LBW higher. Maternal Hct level, maternal height, maternal weight and gestational age at delivery have relation to the risk of LBW. Conclusions: It seems that an unfavorable level of maternal Hct is associated with a decrease in newborn's weight and LBW. So, special attention to the level of maternal Hct during pregnancy and control of it can decrease LBW incidence