1,862 research outputs found

    Quantum algorithm for Bose-Einstein condensate quantum fluid dynamics

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    The dynamics of vortex solitons in a BEC superfluid is studied. A quantum lattice-gas algorithm (localization-based quantum computation) is employed to examine the dynamical behavior of vortex soliton solutions of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (phi^4 interaction nonlinear Schroedinger equation). Quantum turbulence is studied in large grid numerical simulations: Kolmogorov spectrum associated with a Richardson energy cascade occurs on large flow scales. At intermediate scales a k^{-6} power law emerges, in a classical-quantum transition from vortex filament reconnections to Kelvin wave-acoustic wave coupling. The spontaneous exchange of intermediate vortex rings is observed. Finally, at very small spatial scales a k^{-3} power law emerges, characterizing fluid dynamics occurring within the scale size of the vortex cores themselves, a characteristic Kelvin wave cascade region. Poincare recurrence is studied: in the free non-interacting system, a fast Poincare recurrence occurs for regular arrays of line vortices. The recurrence period is used to demarcate dynamics driving the nonlinear quantum fluid towards turbulence, since fast recurrence is an approximate symmetry of the nonlinear quantum fluid at early times. This class of quantum algorithms is useful for studying BEC superfluid dynamics over a broad range of wave numbers, from quantum flow to a pseudo-classical inviscid flow regime to a Kolmogorov inertial subrange.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Corrections to the rate equation approximation for dynamic considerations in a semiconductor laser

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    Corrections to the rate equation approximation are derived and applied to a semiconductor laser. Whereas these corrections do not affect the operating point of the device, they do alter the dynamic operation. To first order the correction produces a renormalization of familiar dynamic parameters. This renormalization, in turn, leads to a 20% correction to the field spectrum linewidth formula

    A unitary quantum lattice gas algorithm for two dimensional quantum turbulence

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    Quantum vortex structures and energy cascades are examined for two dimensional quantum turbulence (2D QT) at zero temperature. A special unitary evolution algorithm, the quantum lattice gas (QLG) algorithm, is employed to simulate the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) governed by the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation. A parameter regime is uncovered in which, as in 3D QT, there is a short Poincar\'e recurrence time. It is demonstrated that such short recurrence times are destroyed as the nonlinear interaction is strengthened. The similar loss of Poincar\'e recurrence is also reported in 3D QT [1] Energy cascades for 2D QT are considered to examine whether 2D QT exhibits inverse cascades as in 2D classical turbulence. In the parameter regime considered, the spectra analysis reveals no such dual cascades-dual cascades being a hallmark of 2D classical turbulence

    Quantum box fabrication tolerance and size limits in semiconductors and their effect on optical gain

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    Lower and upper limits on size are established for quantum boxes. The lower limit is shown to result from a critical size below which bound electronic states no longer exist. This critical size is different for electrons and holes. The optical gain of arrays of quantum boxes is computed taking into account the inhomogenous broadening of the gain spectrum resulting from fabricational variations in quantum box size and shape. The dependence of maximum possible gain on an rms quantum box roughness amplitude is determined. For high gain operation a medium composed of quantum boxes does not offer significant advantages over a conventional bulk semiconductor unless quantum box fabricational tolerances are tightly controlled. For low gain operation, however, arrays of quantum boxes may offer the unique advantage of optical transparency at zero excitation. This property does not require excellent fabricational control and may make possible ultralow threshold semiconductor lasers and low noise optical amplifiers

    Highly efficient optical power transfer to whispering-gallery modes by use of a symmetrical dual-coupling configuration

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    We report that greater than 99.8% optical power transfer to whispering-gallery modes was achieved in fused-silica microspheres by use of a dual-tapered-fiber coupling method. The intrinsic cavity loss and the taper-to-sphere coupling coefficient are inferred from the experimental data. It is shown that the low intrinsic cavity loss and the symmetrical dual-coupling structure are crucial for obtaining the high coupling efficiency

    Highly efficient hybrid fiber taper coupled microsphere laser

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    A novel hybrid fiber taper is proposed and demonstrated as the coupler in a microsphere laser system. The pump wave and the laser emission, respectively, are more efficiently coupled to and from the sphere modes with this taper structure. A 980-nm pumped erbium–ytterbium codoped phosphate microsphere laser is demonstrated in the 1550-nm band. As much as 112 µW of single-frequency laser output power was measured, with a differential quantum efficiency of 12%

    Detuned loading in coupled cavity semiconductor lasers — effect on quantum noise and dynamics

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    We derive the modulation and noise properties of a semiconductor laser consisting of an active cavity loaded by a passive cavity. The results indicate that under certain conditions the direct modulation bandwidth can be doubled with simultaneous phase noise reduction as compared to a conventional laser

    Semiclassical Theory of Noise in Semiconductor Lasers-Part I

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    A Van der Pol analysis of laser noise which includes the field intensity dependence of the refractive index is presented. The consequent amplitude phase coupling affects all laser spectra except the power fluctuations spectrum. An analytic expression for the linewidth broadening enhancement due to index variation is given

    Occupation fluctuation noise: A fundamental source of linewidth broadening in semiconductor lasers

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    In this letter we consider the effect of fast thermal fluctuations of electronic state occupancy on the field spectrum of semiconductor lasers and derive for the first time an expression for the resulting power independent linewidth contribution. The magnitude and temperature dependence of this linewidth component agree reasonably well with measurements of a power independent linewidth made by Welford and Mooradian
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