6 research outputs found

    Tecnología educativa radiofónica en la frontera colombo-venezolana a mediados del siglo XX

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    Se establecen los orígenes y las diferencias entre la programación radial para la instrucción pública y la educación popular articulada a la estrategia radial nacional de Acción Cultural Popular —ACPO—, que se apoyaba en materiales didácticos multimediales, como locutores, tutores, libros, periódicos, manuales, etc., y fue emprendida desde Colombia hasta la frontera con Venezuela. Los análisis son descriptivos y se demuestra el interés estatal por la educación formal y virtual con apoyo de tecnologías remplazables y adaptables entre sí.This study establishes the origins of and differences between the radio programming for public education and radio programming for popular education articulated by the national radio strategy of Popular Cultural Action (Acción Cultural Popular —ACPO—). This strategy was based on multimedia teaching materials, such as speakers, tutors, books, newspapers, and manuals, and was implemented across Colombia to the Colombia-Venezuela border. The analyses are descriptive and demonstrate the state’s interest in formal and virtual education with support from replaceable and adaptable technologies

    Moving beyond mindfulness: defining equanimity as an outcome measure in meditation and contemplative research

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    In light of a growing interest in contemplative practices such as meditation, the emerging field of contemplative science has been challenged to describe and objectively measure how these practices affect health and well-being. While "mindfulness" itself has been proposed as a measurable outcome of contemplative practices, this concept encompasses multiple components, some of which, as we review here, may be better characterized as equanimity. Equanimity can be defined as an even-minded mental state or dispositional tendency toward all experiences or objects, regardless of their origin or their affective valence (pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral). In this article, we propose that equanimity be used as an outcome measure in contemplative research. We first define and discuss the inter-relationship between mindfulness and equanimity from the perspectives of both classical Buddhism and modern psychology and present existing meditation techniques for cultivating equanimity. We then review psychological, physiological, and neuroimaging methods that have been used to assess equanimity either directly or indirectly. In conclusion, we propose that equanimity captures potentially the most important psychological element in the improvement of well-being, and therefore should be a focus in future research studies

    The self-pattern and Buddhist psychology

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    In this paper, we address core insights from Buddhist psychology about mind-body phenomena and the self, and we relate such insights to the notion of the self-pattern developed in the pattern theory of self. We emphasize the dynamic, temporal and enactive characteristics of the self-pattern, consistent with the core Buddhist notion of non-self. Although there is no one-to-one mapping of Buddhist psychological concepts onto the pattern theory of self, there are important similarities among such concepts and the various processes and dynamical relations that constitute a pragmatic self-pattern that can explain both experiences of self and non-self. Buddhist psychology and the notion of the self-pattern offer mutual insight into the processes, the dynamics, and the implications for questions about well-being and a flexibility that avoids anxiety and reduces attachment, craving, and suffering