224 research outputs found

    Self-Gravitational Corrections to the Cardy-Verlinde Formula and the FRW Brane Cosmology in SdS_5 Bulk

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    The semiclassical corrections to the Cardy-Verlinde entropy of a five-dimensional Schwarzschild de-Sitter black hole (SdS_5) are explicitly evaluated. These corrections are considered within the context of KKW analysis and arise as a result of the self-gravitation effect. In addition, a four-dimensional spacelike brane is considered as the boundary of the SdS_5 bulk background. It is already known that the induced geometry of the brane is exactly given by that of a radiation-dominated FRW universe. By exploiting the CFT/FRW-cosmology relation, we derive the self-gravitational corrections to the first Friedmann-like equation which is the equation of the brane motion. The additional term that arises due to the semiclassical analysis can be viewed as stiff matter where the self-gravitational corrections act as the source for it. This result is contrary to standard analysis that regards the charge of SdS_5 bulk black hole as the source for stiff matter. Furthermore, we rewrite the Friedmann-like equation in a such way that it represents the conservation equation of energy of a point particle moving in a one-dimensional effective potential. The self-gravitational corrections to the effective potential and, consequently, to the point particle's motion are obtained. A short analysis on the asymptotic behavior of the 4-dimensional brane is presented.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX; (v2) references added and correcte

    New Coordinates for de Sitter Space and de Sitter Radiation

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    We introduce a simple coordinate system covering half of de Sitter space. The new coordinates have several attractive properties: the time direction is a Killing vector, the metric is smooth at the horizon, and constant-time slices are just flat Euclidean space. We demonstrate the usefulness of the coordinates by calculating the rate at which particles tunnel across the horizon. When self-gravitation is taken into account, the resulting tunneling rate is only approximately thermal. The effective temperature decreases through the emission of radiation.Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages; v2. references added; v3. minor sign errors fixed, reference added, journal versio

    Hawking Radiation from Non-Extremal D1-D5 Black Hole via Anomalies

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    We take the method of anomaly cancellation for the derivation of Hawking radiation initiated by Robinson and Wilczek, and apply it to the non-extremal five-dimensional D1-D5 black hole in string theory. The fluxes of the electric charge flow and the energy-momentum tensor from the black hole are obtained. They are shown to match exactly with those of the two-dimensional black body radiation at the Hawking temperature.Comment: 14 page

    What kinds of coordinate can keep the Hawking temperature invariant for the static spherically symmetric black hole?

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    By studying the Hawking radiation of the most general static spherically symmetric black hole arising from scalar and Dirac particles tunnelling, we find the Hawking temperature is invariant in the general coordinate representation (\ref{arbitrary1}), which satisfies two conditions: a) its radial coordinate transformation is regular at the event horizon; and b) there is a time-like Killing vector.Comment: 10 page

    Energy and Momentum densities of cosmological models, with equation of state ρ=μ\rho=\mu, in general relativity and teleparallel gravity

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    We calculated the energy and momentum densities of stiff fluid solutions, using Einstein, Bergmann-Thomson and Landau-Lifshitz energy-momentum complexes, in both general relativity and teleparallel gravity. In our analysis we get different results comparing the aforementioned complexes with each other when calculated in the same gravitational theory, either this is in general relativity and teleparallel gravity. However, interestingly enough, each complex's value is the same either in general relativity or teleparallel gravity. Our results sustain that (i) general relativity or teleparallel gravity are equivalent theories (ii) different energy-momentum complexes do not provide the same energy and momentum densities neither in general relativity nor in teleparallel gravity. In the context of the theory of teleparallel gravity, the vector and axial-vector parts of the torsion are obtained. We show that the axial-vector torsion vanishes for the space-time under study.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, Minor typos corrected; version to appear in International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    Anomalies and Hawking radiation from the Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole with a global monopole

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    We extend the work by S. Iso, H. Umetsu and F. Wilczek [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 151302] to derive the Hawking flux via gauge and gravitational anomalies of a most general two-dimensional non-extremal black hole space-time with the determinant of its diagonal metric differing from the unity (g1\sqrt{-g} \neq 1) and use it to investigate Hawking radiation from the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole with a global monopole by requiring the cancellation of anomalies at the horizon. It is shown that the compensating energy momentum and gauge fluxes required to cancel gravitational and gauge anomalies at the horizon are precisely equivalent to the (1+1)(1+1)-dimensional thermal fluxes associated with Hawking radiation emanating from the horizon at the Hawking temperature. These fluxes are universally determined by the value of anomalies at the horizon.Comment: 18 pages, 0 figure. 1 footnote and 4 new reference adde

    Quantum Gravity and Recovery of Information in Black Hole Evaporation

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    The Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP), motivated by current alternatives of quantum gravity, produces significant modifications to the Hawking radiation and the final stage of black hole evaporation. We show that incorporation of the GUP into the quantum tunneling process (based on the null-geodesic method) causes correlations between the tunneling probability of different modes in the black hole radiation spectrum. In this manner, the quantum information becomes encrypted in the Hawking radiation, and information can be recovered as non-thermal GUP correlations between tunneling probabilities of different modes.Comment: 7 pages, no figure, final revisio

    Energy distribution in a BTZ black hole spacetime

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    We evaluate the energy distribution associated with the (2+1)-dimensional rotating BTZ black hole. The energy-momentum complexes of Landau-Lifshitz and Weinberg are employed for this computation. Both prescriptions give exactly the same form of energy distribution. Therefore, these results provide evidence in support of the claim that, for a given gravitational background, different energy-momentum complexes can give identical results in three dimensions, as it is the case in four dimensions.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX; v2: comments, clarifications and references added, version to appear in Int.J.Mod.Phys.

    Background independent quantization and the uncertainty principle

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    It is shown that polymer quantization leads to a modified uncertainty principle similar to that obtained from string theory and non-commutative geometry. When applied to quantum field theory on general background spacetimes, corrections to the uncertainty principle acquire a metric dependence. For Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology this translates to a scale factor dependence which gives a large effect in the early universe.Comment: 6 page

    Transgressing the horizons: Time operator in two-dimensional dilaton gravity

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    We present a Dirac quantization of generic single-horizon black holes in two-dimensional dilaton gravity. The classical theory is first partially reduced by a spatial gauge choice under which the spatial surfaces extend from a black or white hole singularity to a spacelike infinity. The theory is then quantized in a metric representation, solving the quantum Hamiltonian constraint in terms of (generalized) eigenstates of the ADM mass operator and specifying the physical inner product by self-adjointness of a time operator that is affinely conjugate to the ADM mass. Regularity of the time operator across the horizon requires the operator to contain a quantum correction that distinguishes the future and past horizons and gives rise to a quantum correction in the hole's surface gravity. We expect a similar quantum correction to be present in systems whose dynamics admits black hole formation by gravitational collapse.Comment: 32 pages, 1 eps figure. v2: references and comments adde