60 research outputs found
Implementation of teaching of competitive intelligence in a networked learning environment universities
Interaction in a networked transnational educational space with the satellite monitoring system. Create Graduate School of Law and the Department "International competitive intelligence" based on the UFU. Possible to structure a new international master's programs. Participation in the global educational space one of the tools in getting UrFU Top 100 best universities in the world by 2020.Взаимодействие в сетевом транснациональном образовательном ространстве с системами космического мониторинга. Создание Высшей юридической школы и кафедры «Международная конкурентная разведка» на базе УрФУ. Возможность структурирования новых международных магистерских программ. Участие в глобальном образовательном пространстве один из инструментов попадания УрФУ в Топ-100 лучших университетов мира до 2020 года
Analysis of the adequacy of data laboratory researches of Ashalchinskoye natural bitumen deposit's core
This article presents the results of the mathematical analysis of the adequacy and reliability laboratory analysis of core's material, selected from wells of Ashalchinskoye natural bitumen deposit. In this work were described the basic methods of analysis and graphics applications, showing the results. At the end you can see the main conclusions and find the qualitative and quantitative assessment
Law enforcement and national security mezhduarodnoy to counter transnational corruption on different continents world
Сравнительный анализ международных научных методик противодействия коррупции в ведущих научных мировых школах: Сингапуре, Гонконге, Китае, США, Франции дает представление правового обеспечения национальной и международной безопасности по противодействию транснациональной коррупции на разных континентах мира. Приведены инновационные криминалистические формулы и модели противодействия коррупции при расследовании трансграничных преступлений коррупционной направленности. Тактико-информационное взаимодействие в процессе международного расследования транснациональных преступлений коррупционной направленности, совершенных организованными евразийскими преступными группами.Comparative analysis of international scientific methods of combating corruption in the world's leading scientific schools in Singapore, Hong Kong, China, the USA, France, gives an idea of legal support national and international security to combat transnational corruption in different continents of the world. Presented innovative forensic formulas and models to counter corruption in cross-border investigations of corruption crimes. Tactical information interaction in the process of international investigation of transnational corruption crimes committed by organized criminal groups Eurasian
Reservoir rocks of viscous oil in Ufa terrigenous complex (example of the ivanovo deposit)
The present work deals with the study of ultra-viscous oil reservoir located in Ufa terrigenous complex of Bolshe-Kamensky deposit, it gives detailed characteristic of its lithologic and reservoir properties. The authors used methods of mathematical statistics and made maps of reservoir parameters distribution within the deposit
Geomorphological, geological and mineralogical evidences of impact origin of the Rabiga-Kul Lake Basin, Republic of Tatarstan
Isometric shape of the lake Rabiga-Kul, the ratio of its diameter and depth, the presence of the surrounding rim, the discoveries of cosmic matter in Quaternary sediments testify in favor of the impact origin of the lake basin on the border of the Pleistocene and Holocenc. By means of microprobe analysis the microparticles of a size up to 20 nm were found. They consist of the native metals: iron, Nickel, tungsten, zinc; microspheres of magnetite, wustitc, troilit, intermetallics, similar to those occured at the well-known astroblemes on the Earth were found. The minerals of technogenic (?) origin, arc also present, the formation of which may be associated with the metallurgical production of the XI-XIII centuries around the ancient city Bolgar
Modelling of regional system of budget resources management
© 2014, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The aim of the article is to establish theoretical-methodical foundation and practical recommendations that provide increase of effectiveness of inter-budgetary fiscal relations on the basis of development of instrument of the regional budgetary resources management in contemporary Russian economy. The article determines the contents of models of reforming of inter-budgetary fiscal relations as forms of realization of principles of budgetary federalism, establishes methodical approach for formation of regional budgetary resources on the basis of economic zoning, the authors developed methodology of formation of the regional model of budgetary resources management on the basis of use of indicators of social-economic development of the region
DNA authentication technologies for product quality monitoring in the wine industry
Identification of wine product authenticity is a topical question in theRussian Federation. A solution to this problem can be DNA authentication of wines, which is a technological process of product authenticity control using genetic identification of the main plant ingredient — wine grape varieties. This type of wine verification is carried out by analyzing residual amounts of Vitis vinifera L. nucleic acids extracted from cell debris of final products by molecular genetic methods. The aim of this work is the analysis of the existing methods for extraction of nucleic acids from grapes, wine raw materials and commercial wines, as well as description of the molecular genetic approaches to technical genetic identification of grape varieties and authentication of wines made from them. The obtained data suggest suitability of DNA authentication of wine products as a supplement to earlier approved analytical methods (documentary, visual, sensory, physico-chemical)
Development inter-budgetary fiscal relations on the basis of the model of subnational budgets
© 2014, Canadian Center of Science and Education. All rights reserved. The aim of the work is to develop the tools of mechanism of functioning of inter-budgetary fiscal relations on the basis of the model of subnational budgets. In accordance with the aim of the research, the algorithm of analysis of efficiency of implementation of the budgetary development program is offered, multiple-choice regional model of budgetary resources management is developed in the article. In spite of the great number of works devoted to the problems of regional regulation of inter-budgetary and social-economic processes, a lot of questions of their practical implementation, including questions of optimization of expenditures of budgetary funds, are still insufficiently developed. It determined the purpose and objectives of the study. In work the model of concentration of budgetary resources in order to increase the number of subjects of taxation is implemented at the expense of increase of number of employees of manufacturing sphere with the current level of wages and at the expense of investment support of development of small and medium-size business
Идентификация UFGT-ген-ассоциированных групп Vitis vinifera L. разработанным способом ПЦР-ПДРФ-генотипирования винограда
The Vitis vinifera L. UFGT gene is one of the diagnostically significant genes for genetic testing of technical grape varieties as well as wine materials and wines produced from them. The strategy for genetic identification of grape varieties and DNA authentication of wine materials that was previously developed by us and is based on direct sequencing of the specific PCR product with a length of 99 bp gave an impulse to prognostic assessment of feasibility of PCR-RFLP analysis for detection of five diagnostically significant polymorphic positions and the following identification of 13 UFGT gene-associated groups of Vitis vinifera L. The aim of this work consisted in identification of UFGT gene-associated groups of Vitis vinifera L. by detection of diagnostically significant polymorphic positions using the developed PCR-RFLP method for genotyping of grape. Objects of research were 24 samples of technical grape varieties. Their sample preparation was carried out by extracting 50–100 mg of mature grape pulp or stone with its mechanical comminution in a mortar and transfer to an Eppendorf-type tube. Then, nucleic acids were extracted using a commercial innuPREP Plant DNA Kit or DiamondDNA Plant kit. PCR-RFLP with the extracted grape DNA was performed with Phire Plant Direct PCR Master Mix and four selected restrictases (PstI, BsaXI, BtsIMutI and HinfI) according to the protocols presented in the paper. The detection of the PCR-RFLP fragments was performed by visualization of electropherograms in a UV transilluminator after horizontal electrophoresis in 2.5% agarose gel with stained TAE buffer. The method for PCR-RFLP genotyping of grapes developed specially for identification of UFGT gene-associated groups of Vitis vinifera L. by detecting diagnostically significant polymorphic positions demonstrated its feasibility when testing 24 samples of technical grape varieties. With that, the positive result was achieved due to the practical ability of each of four selected restrictases to discriminate the strictly specified polymorphic position generating characteristic PCR-RFLP profiles of 13 UFGT gene-associated groups of Vitis vinifera L., seven of which were revealed during this study. Therefore, as a result of the performed study, the genotypic affiliation of several tested grape varieties was established: six samples were identified as representatives of the UFGT gene-associated group No.1; one sample was assigned to gene-associated group No.2; two samples were characterized by the trait of associated group No.3; four samples belonged to group No. 4; one sample to group No. 5; six samples to group No.13.Ген UFGT Vitis vinifera L. является одним из диагностически значимых для генотестирования технических сортов винограда, а также производимых из них виноматериалов и вин. Ранее отработанная нами стратегия геноидентификации сортов винограда и ДНК-аутентификации виноматериалов на основе прямого секвенирования специфичного ПЦР-продукта длиной 99 bp дала импульс к прогнозной оценке применимости ПЦР-ПДРФ-анализа для детекции 5 диагностически значимых полиморфных позиций и последующей идентификации 13 UFGT-ген-ассоциированных групп Vitis vinifera L. Цель работы заключалась в идентификации UFGT-ген-ассоциированных групп Vitis vinifera L. детекцией диагностически значимых полиморфных позиций разработанным способом ПЦР-ПДРФ-генотипирования винограда. Объектами исследований послужили 24 образца технических сортов винограда, пробоподготовку которых проводили извлечением 50–100 мг мякоти зрелого плода или косточки с ее механическим измельчением в ступке и помещением в пробирку типа Эппендорф. Далее проводилось выделение нуклеиновых кислот при помощи коммерческих наборов innuPREP Plant DNA Kit или DiamondDNA Plant kit. Постановку ПЦР-ПДРФ с экстрагированной ДНК винограда осуществляли набором Phire Plant Direct PCR Master Mix и 4 подобранными рестриктазами (PstI, BsaXI, BtsIMutI и HinfI) в соответствии с протоколами, представленными в материалах публикации. Детекцию ПЦР-ПДРФ-фрагментов выполняли визуализацией электрофореграмм в УФ-трансиллюминаторе после горизонтального электрофореза в 2,5% агарозном геле с окрашенным TAE-буфером. Способ ПЦР-ПДРФ-генотипирования винограда, специально разработанный для идентификации UFGT-ген-ассоциированных групп Vitis vinifera L. детекцией диагностически значимых полиморфных позиций, продемонстрировал работоспособность при тестировании 24 образцов технических сортов винограда. При этом положительный результат был достигнут благодаря практической способности каждой из четырех подобранных рестриктаз дискриминировать строго определенную полиморфную позицию, генерируя характерные ПЦР-ПДРФ-профили тринадцати UFGT-ген-ассоциированных групп, семь из которых выявлено в ходе настоящего исследования. Таким образом, в результате проведенной работы установлена генотипическая принадлежность целого ряда протестированных сортов винограда: шесть образцов были идентифицированы как представители UFGT-ген-ассоциированной группы № 1; один образец относился к ген-ассоциированной группе № 2; два образца характеризовались признаком ассоциированной группы № 3; четыре образца принадлежали к группе № 4; один образец — к группе № 5; шесть образцов — к группе № 13
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