13 research outputs found

    Quality of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Emergency Department Based on the AHA 2015 Guidelines; a Brief Report

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    Introduction: Adhering to existing guidelines on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can increase the survival rate of the patients. The present study has been designed with the aim of determining the quality of CPR performed in the emergency department based on the latest protocol by the American heart association (AHA).Methods: In this prospective cross-sectional study CPR process was audited in patients above 18 years old in need of CPR presenting to the emergency departments of 3 teaching hospitals based on the AHA 2015 guidelines. Less than 60% agreement was considered as fail, 60-70% as poor, 70-80% as moderate, 80-90% as good, and 90-100% as excellent.Results: 80 cases of CPR were audited (55% male).  Location of arrest was the hospital in 58 (72.5%) cases and 48 (60.0%) of the cases happened during the day. 28 (35.0%) cases had orotracheal intubation before the initiation of CPR. 30 (37.5%) patients had a shockable rhythm at the initiation of CPR. Based on the findings, out of the 31 studied items, 9 (29.03%) had excellent agreement, 10 (32.25%) had good, 4 (12.90%) had moderate, 2 (6.45%) had poor, and 6 (19.35%) had fail agreement rate.Conclusion: Based on the findings of the present study, the quality of applying the principles of basic and advanced CPR in the emergency department of the studied hospital had intermediate, poor and fail agreement with the recommendations of the AHA 2015 in at least one third of the cases

    Evaluation of targetable biomarkers for chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) in the treatment of pancreatic cancer:a systematic review and meta-analysis of preclinical studies

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    One of the cutting edge techniques for treating cancer is the use of the patient's immune system to prevail cancerous disease. The versatility of the chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell approach in conjugation with promising treatments in haematological cancer has led to countless cases of research literature for the treatment of solid cancer. A systematic search of online databases as well as gray literature and reference lists of retrieved studies were carried out up to March 2019 to identify experimental animal studies that investigated the antigens targeted by CAR T-cell for pancreatic cancer treatment. Studies were evaluated for methodological quality using the SYstematic Review Center for Laboratory Animal Experimentation bias risk tool (SYRCLE's ROB tool). Pooled cytotoxicity ratio/percentage and 95% confidence intervals were calculated using the inverse-variance method while random-effects meta-analysis was used, taking into account conceptual heterogeneity. Heterogeneity was assessed with the Cochran Q statistic and quantified with the I2 statistic using Stata 13.0. Of the 485 identified studies, 56 were reviewed in-depth with 16 preclinical animal studies eligible for inclusion in the systematic review and 11 studies included in our meta-analysis. CAR immunotherapy significantly increased the cytotoxicity assay (percentage: 65%; 95% CI: 46%, 82%). There were no evidence for significant heterogeneity across studies [P = 0.38 (Q statistics), I2 = 7.14%] and for publication bias. The quality assessment of included studies revealed that the evidence was moderate to low quality and none of studies was judged as having a low risk of bias across all domains. CAR T-cell therapy is effective for pancreatic cancer treatment in preclinical animal studies. Further high-quality studies are needed to confirm our finding and a standard approach of this type of studies is necessary according to our assessment.</p

    Taguchi-Assisted Optimization Technique and Density Functional Theory for Green Synthesis of a Novel Cu-MOF Derived From Caffeic Acid and Its Anticancerious Activities

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    In this paper, we have reported an innovative greener method for developing copper-metal organic frameworks (Cu-MOFs) using caffeic acid (CA) as a linker extracted from Satureja hortensis using ultrasonic bath. The density functional theory is used to discuss the Cu-MOF-binding reaction mechanism. In order to achieve a discrepancy between the energy levels of the interactive precursor orbitals, the molecules have been optimized using the B3LYP/6–31G method. The Taguchi method was used to optimize the key parameters for the synthesis of Cu-MOF. FT-IR, XRD, nitrogen adsorption, and SEM analyses are used to characterize it. The adsorption/desorption and SEM analyses suggested that Cu-MOF has a larger surface area of 284.94 m2/g with high porosity. Cu-MOF has shown anticancer activities against the human breast cancer (MDA-MB-468) cell lines, and it could be a potent candidate for clinical applications

    Therapeutic Effects of Photobiomodulation Therapy on Multiple Sclerosis by Regulating the Inflammatory Process and Controlling Immune Cell Activity: A Novel Promising Treatment Target

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    Introduction: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the autoimmune and chronic diseases of the central ‎nervous system, this disease occurs more frequently in young people and women ‎and leads to neurological symptoms. Oxidative stress, inflammatory process, and ‎oligodendrocyte dysfunction has a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of this ‎disease. Nowadays, it has been reported that Photobiomodulation (PBM) as a non-invasive threat has neuroprotective potential but the exact mechanisms are not understood. &nbsp;&nbsp;Methods: In this manuscript, we have reviewed the Photobiomodulation effects on MS. in this regard, we used "Photobiomodulation", " Laser therapy", and "Low-level laser therapy" keywords on MS to find related studies on this subject in PubMed, Google scholar, Elsevier, Medline, and Scopus databases.&nbsp; Results: Photobiomodulation has positive effects on MS by regulating the inflammatory ‎process, controlling immune cell activity, and mitochondrial functions, as well as inhibiting free ‎radicals’ production. ‎ Conclusion: Overall, researchers have suggested that laser therapy could be considered a promising new treatment for neurodegenerative diseases, such as multiple sclerosis

    Exosome Therapy in Spinal Cord Injury: A Review

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    Background: Injuries to the spinal cord (SCI) are one of the most detrimental central nervous system (CNS) injuries in developing countries. Today, treatment is one of the major issues facing the medical profession, and to date, there is no known promising treatment capable of fully healing injuries. There are various methods to repair and improve SCI, including the use of stem cells particularly mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Various studies have been performed on applying these cells in the treatment of SCI, whose results have confirmed the efficacy of using these cells specifically due to the paracrine secretion of these cells including growth factors, chemokines, cytokines, and small extracellular vesicles. Interestingly, among these paracrine molecules, exosomes may have the maximum therapeutic value and as such is widely investigated by researchers.Aim: to fully focus on the usage of stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles on the healing of SCI in animal models.Conclusion: Taken together, the extracellular nanovesicles have promising therapeutic potentials and their use in the treatment of SCI has been rapidly growing. In this review, we elucidated the effect of exosomes derived from bone marrow MSCs in SCI

    نقش میانجی‌گری گرایش‌های معنوی در رابطۀ بین تنظیم شناختی هیجان با سازگاری زوجی

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    خلفية البحث وأهدافه: حظیت قضیة الرضا والتلائم في الحیاة الزوجیة في العقود الأخیرة باهتمام الباحثین وأصبحت من أهم القضایا الأسریة في ساحة الدراسات المهتمة بشؤون الأسرة. فانطلاقاً من قناعتنا بأهمیة الأمر نسعی في هذه الورقة البحثیة دراسة الدور الوسیط للنزعة الدینیة والروحیة في تنظیم الإدراك العاطفي وعلاقة هذا الإدراك بالتلائم والوئام في الحیاة الزوجیة. منهجية البحث: تعتمد هذه الدراسة منهجیة التضامن والتعاضد وتندرج ضمن الدراسات الأساسیة. أما الشریحة الإجتماعیة التي أجریت علیها الدراسة فهي تتضمن الأزواج الذین تتراوح أعمارهم بین الـ20 عاماً حتی الـ60 عاماً من مواطني مدینتي طهران وهمدان في عام 2019 للمیلاد. کما اعتمدت الدراسة علی الأزواج الذین مضى علی حیاتهم الزوجیة عامان أو أکثر ولم تنته بالإنفصال، بمعنی أنهما یعیشان معاً حین أجریت علیهم الدراسة. وقد اخترنا 400 مشارکاً في الإحصاءات (200 إمرأة و 200 رجلاً) من بین العینات المتاحة. أما الآلیات التي اعتمدت علیها الدراسة فهي إستبیان النزعة الدینیة المسمی (SQ) والإستبیان المتعلق بالإدرك العاطفي الذي یشار إلیه باختصار (CERQ)، وأیضاً إستبیان التلائم الثنائي الذي یوجز بالحروف اللاتینیة بـ(DAS). أما تحلیل معطیات الإستبیان فقد اعتمدنا فیه علی نموذج المعادلات المُهیکلة. یُذکر أنّه تمت مراعاة جمیع الموارد الأخلاقیة في هذا البحث وإضافة إلی ذلك فإنّ مولّفي البحث لم یشیروا إلی أي تضارب في المصالح. المعطیات: أثبتت المعطیات أنّ الأنموذج المدوّن کان بالمستوی المطلوب من المنظور الإحصائي والإحصاءات أشارت إلی أنّ المعطیات کانت متوقعة؛ کما أنّ العلاقات الإیجابیة بین المتغیرات أثبتت أنّ النزعة الدینیة المصحوبة بالمکوّن الأخلاقي الهام وهو مکوّن الإدراك العاطفي، له دور ریادي وحاسم في مسألة التلائم والوئام في الحیاة الزوجیة. الاستنتاج: توصل کتّاب هذه المقالة أنّ إدارة المعرفة العاطفیة وتنسیقها مع الحالات العاطفیة والروحیة لکلا الزوجین وخلق فرص لإزدهار هذه الفهم العاطفي (کالتحلیل المعرفي و العاطفي عند حالات الغضب والتنمّر) یعزز فرص تحسین العلاقة الزوجیة؛ کما أنّ النزعة الدینیة تساعد الزوجین علی تعزیز التلائم والوئام بینهما، ما ینعکس علی تحسین العلاقة الزوجیة وترفع درجات الرضا من الحیاة بینهما.Background and Objective: In recent decades, marital satisfaction and adjustment as the main issues in family life, have been widely focused on by researchers. The current study aimed to investigate the mediating role of spiritual tendencies in the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation and marital adjustment. Methods: This study is correlational and applied. The statistical population included the couples aged 20-60 who had been living together for at least two years and were still living together at the time of study. Out of them, 400 participants (200 male and 200 female) were selected using convenience sampling method. SC, CERQ and DAS were used as the research instruments. Structural equation modelling was used to analyze the data. In this study, all ethical considerations were observed and no conflict of interest was reported by the authors. Results: The results showed that the model has a statistically acceptable fit index. The positive relationship between the variables shows that spiritual tendencies along side with cognitive emotion regulation predict marital adjustment. The mediating role of spiritual tendencies is explained by the significant relationship and correlation between positive emotion cognitive regulation with marital adjustment. Based on the model fit indices, the significance of all the paths related to the variable of marital adjustment is proved. Conclusion: According to theory, cognitive emotional regulation focuses on couples’ emotions and creates an opportunity for cognitive processing (including cognitive processing in the face of anger and rage). This, in turn, improves couples’ relationships. Spiritual tendencies are a significant predictor of marital adjustment and marital satisfaction and enhance the quality of marital relationship.سابقه و هدف: در دهه‌های اخیر پژوهشگران به رضایتمندی و سازگاری زندگی زناشویی که یکی از مسائل اصلی زندگی خانوادگی محسوب می‌شود به‌طور گسترده‌ای توجه کرده‌اند. پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی نقش میانجی‌گری گرایش‌های معنوی در رابطۀ بین تنظیم شناختی هیجان با سازگاری زوجی انجام شده است. روش کار: این پژوهش از نوع همبستگی و در زمرۀ تحقیقات بنیادی است. جامعۀ آماری پژوهش زوجین 20-60 سال ساکن شهرهای تهران و همدان در سال 1398 بود که دست‌کم دو سال زندگی مشترک داشتند و در حال حاضر با هم زندگی می‌کردند. از میان آنان نمونه‌ای به تعداد 400 نفر (200 مرد و 200 زن) به‌روش نمونه‌گیری دردسترس انتخاب شدند. ابزارهای استفاده‌شده در این پژوهش پرسش‌نامۀ‌ معنویت (SQ)، پرسش‌نامۀ تنظیم شناختی هیجان (CERQ) و پرسش‌نامۀ سازگاری دونفره (DAS) بود. برای تحلیل داده‌های پژوهش نیز از الگو‌یابی معادلات ساختاری استفاده شد. در این پژوهش همۀ موارد اخلاقی رعایت شده است و مؤلفان تضاد منافعی گزارش نکرده‌اند. یافته‌ها: یافته‌ها نشان داد که الگوی تدوین‌شده از نظر آماری شاخص‌های برازش قابل قبولی داشت و روابط معنادار مثبت بین متغیّرها نشان داد که گرایش معنوی همراه مؤلفۀ تنظیم شناختی هیجان در پیش‌بینی گرایش به سازگاری زناشویی نقش داشت. نقش میانجی‌گری گرایش‌های ‌معنوی با معناداربودن و همبستگی رابطۀ تنظیم شناختی هیجان مثبت و سازگاری زوجی و همچنین نقش میانجی‌گری گرایش‌های ‌معنوی با همبستگی رابطۀ تنظیم شناختی هیجان منفی و سازگاری زوجی تبیین شده است و بر اساس مقادیر شاخص برازش‌یافتۀ الگوی پژوهش، معناداربودن مسیر متغیّر سازگاری زوجی با گرایش‌های معنوی به اثبات می‌رسد. نتیجه‌گیری: تنظیم شناختی هیجان با درک عواطف زوجین و ایجاد فرصتی برای پردازش شناختی (از جمله پردازش شناختی هنگام خشم و عصبانیت) به بهبود رابطه می‌پردازد و گرایش‌های معنوی می‌تواند پیش‌بینی‌کنندۀ معنی‌دار سازگاری زناشویی و رضایت از زندگی در میان زوجین باشد و موجب ارتقای کیفیت روابط بین زوجین شود

    Prediction of the treatment response in ovarian cancer: a ctDNA approach

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    Abstract Ovarian cancer is the eighth most commonly occurring cancer in women. Clinically, the limitation of conventional screening and monitoring approaches inhibits high throughput analysis of the tumor molecular markers toward prediction of treatment response. Recently, analysis of liquid biopsies including circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) open new way toward cancer diagnosis and treatment in a personalized manner in various types of solid tumors. In the case of ovarian carcinoma, growing pre-clinical and clinical studies underscored promising application of ctDNA in diagnosis, prognosis, and prediction of treatment response. In this review, we accumulate and highlight recent molecular findings of ctDNA analysis and its associations with treatment response and patient outcome. Additionally, we discussed the potential application of ctDNA in the personalized treatment of ovarian carcinoma. Graphical abstract ctDNA-monitoring usage during the ovarian cancer treatments procedures