19 research outputs found

    Colecistectomia laparoscopica nella colecistite acuta: timing e outcome

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    La colecistite acuta è una malattia comune con alta prevalenza e notevoli costi sociali. Colpisce circa il 10-25% della popolazione adulta e circa il 20% di questi svilupperà complicazioni che richiedono un intervento chirurgico. Negli ultimi 25 anni si è registrato un aumento della prevalenza della patologia. Tale aumento è ascrivibile all’aumento dei fattori predisponenti (soprattutto nei paesi occidentale) e ad un aumento della longevità (essendo la litiasi della colecisti e le sue complicanze una malattia dell’anziano). Sebbene sia una patologia benigna, è oggi una malattia che influisce significativamente sui costi sociali, sia diretti (i costi sanitari per l’ospedalizzazione e per le cure) sia indiretti (la convalescenza e le giornate lavorative perse con conseguente diminuzione della produttività). Le complicanze legate all’evoluzione della malattia comportano un aumento della degenza ma anche un aumento delle complicanze post-operatorie. In numerosi studi in letteratura possiamo trovare come l’intervento chirurgico in urgenza aumenti il tasso di complicanze post-operatorie. Tali numeri rimangono alti anche in questi anni di miglioramento della tecnologia a supporto del chirurgo. Con il nostro studio abbiamo pensato di raccogliere dati sulle colecistectomie eseguite per litiasi della colecisti (sia in elezione che in urgenza) di due centri universitari (il Policlinico Sant’Orsola di Bologna e l’Ospedale Umberto I di Roma – La Sapienza) e quelli di un centro ospedaliero dell’AUSL di Bologna (Ospedale di Bentivoglio). Il DB condiviso ha permesso di poter indagare in primo luogo i fattori responsabili della conversione e delle morbidità post-operatorie, l’incidenza dell’età sugli outcome operatori ed il timing di intervento. Tutti questi dati sono stati poi raccolti ed analizzati. Siamo giunti alla conclusione che non esistono fattori modificabili che possano in qualche modo “evitare” le complicanze post-operatorie. Esistono invece alcuni fattori modificabili, come il timing (già indicato dalle Tokyo Guideline 2018) e la gravità della patologia (la colecistite acuta gangrenosa). Pertanto dopo un primo periodo di analisi retrospettiva abbiamo utilizzato un algoritmo di Learning Machine per poter determinare quali colecisti debbano essere operate subito e quali possano beneficiare del “raffreddamento” Nei prossimi anni, implementando l’algoritmo e aumentando i casi clinici, potremmo definire se tale algoritmo possa aiutare i clinici nella giusta scelta

    Laparoscopic repair for perforated peptic ulcer: our experience, a comparison with the open approach and a review of the literature.

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    Backgrounds: The incidence of perforated peptic ulcers has decreased during the last decades but the optimal treatment for these patients remains controversial. At the same time, a laparoscopic approach to this condition has been adopted by an increased number of surgeons. Therefore, this study wants to evaluate the postoperative results of the laparoscopic treatment of perforated peptic ulcer performed in one Italian center with extensive experience in laparoscopic surgery. Methods: This retrospective study includes 94 patients who were operated for perforated peptic ulcer peritonitis at “St. Orsola Hospital - Emergency Surgery Unit - University of Bologna” from May 2014 to December 2019. The patients’ charts were reviewed for demographics, surgical procedure, complications, and short-term outcomes. Results: The diagnosis was made clinically and confirmed by the presence of gas under diaphragm on abdominal X-ray. All patients underwent primary suture repair with or without omentopexy. Boey score 0 or 1 was found in 66 (70%) patients, Boey 2 or 3 in 28 (30%) patients. The operative time was between 35 and 255 minutes, with a mean of 93 minutes. The overall median hospital stay was 9.5 (1-60) days. Post-operative complications occurred in 19 (20%) patients and 18 (19%) patients died. Conclusions: Perforated peptic ulcer is a severe condition that requires early hospital admission and immediate surgery. Laparoscopy in experienced centers and for selected patients is safe, associated with optimal outcomes and should be the preferred approach

    Laparoscopic repair for perforated peptic ulcer: Our experience, a comparison with the open approach and a review of the literature.

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    Background: The incidence of perforated peptic ulcers has decreased during the last decades but the optimal treatment for these patients remains controversial. At the same time, a laparoscopic approach to this condition has been adopted by an increased number of surgeons. Therefore, this study wants to evaluate the postoperative results of the laparoscopic treatment of perforated peptic ulcer performed in one Italian center with extensive experience in laparoscopic surgery. Methods: This retrospective study includes 94 patients who were operated for perforated peptic ulcer peritonitis at “St. Orsola Hospital - Emergency Surgery Unit - University of Bologna” from May 2014 to December 2019. The patients’ charts were reviewed for demographics, surgical procedure, complications, and short-term outcomes. Results: The diagnosis was made clinically and confi rmed by the presence of gas under diaphragm on abdominal X-ray. All patients underwent primary suture repair with or without omentopexy. Boey score 0 or 1 was found in 66 (70%) patients, Boey 2 or 3 in 28 (30%) patients. The operative time was between 35 and 255 minutes, with a mean of 93 minutes. The overall median hospital stay was 9.5 (1-60) days. Post-operative complications occurred in 19 (20%) patients and 18 (19%) patients died. Conclusions: Perforated peptic ulcer is a severe condition that requires early hospital admission and immediate surgery. Laparoscopy in experienced centers and for selected patients is safe, associated with optimal outcomes and should be the preferred approach

    Cavezzo, isola di pietra. Percorsi di identitĂ  urbana.

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    La nostra ricerca si è focalizzata sul tema dell’identità di Cavezzo, risorsa preziosa che la catastrofe ha distrutto in un attimo, insieme alle vite umane e ai beni materiali. La perdita di identità comporta infatti negli abitanti la percezione di vivere la propria quotidianità in una sorta di “non luogo”. Poiché il nostro progetto non può essere in grado di risolvere il dolore umano provocato da questo evento, abbiamo agito sulla città per quella che è o che dovrebbe essere, ovvero un agglomerato di architetture, spazi pubblici e privati, capaci di restituire riconoscibilità, e dunque senso di appartenenza, ai suoi cittadini. L’obiettivo principale è stato quindi quello di dare agli abitanti un’immagine diversa ma chiara del proprio paese. L’evento del terremoto non viene infatti congelato, musealizzato o usato come pretesto per ricostruire “com’era dov’era”, ma diventa l’occasione per ripensare la città nella sua interezza e per affrontare riflessioni sulla gerarchia fra spazi collettivi e individuali, e sulla capacità di questi elementi di tenere insieme la comunità. Abbiamo deciso di chiamare la nostra tesi “Cavezzo, isola di pietra. Percorsi di identità urbana” innanzitutto perché il nostro progetto si è focalizzato su uno degli isolati urbani maggiormente sedimentati di Cavezzo, uno dei pochi luoghi radicati nella storia della città. Esso conserva il nucleo originario, nato a partire dalla chiesa di Sant’Egidio, attorno al quale si è poi sviluppato tutto l’aggregato urbano, e detiene una forte e radicata relazione con gli elementi naturali della Bassa, in quanto l’acqua del canalino che vi sorgeva è generatrice di forme e il verde instaura relazioni con la campagna limitrofa. Questi segni casuali di una natura che agisce incontrollata e plasma la forma di queste terre diventano il pretesto iniziale che dà vita a tutto il nostro progetto, sia per la sua forma, sia per la sua collocazione ed il significato che esso assume all’interno della città. Questo progetto, radicato nella storia, si snoda in diversi percorsi paralleli che vedono il susseguirsi di tre interventi che, nonostante la loro diversità, possono essere comunque letti in modo unitario. Queste tre operazioni vengono infatti tenute insieme da alcuni principi condivisi che rafforzano la leggibilità dell’intervento complessivo; in particolare una relazione rimane sempre imprescindibile per tutti: quella con la città e con le preesistenze. Tutti e tre i progetti lavorano sulla gerarchia tra spazi pubblici e privati, indagando tematiche diverse, seppur legate, come quelle della casa e del teatro

    Small bowel obstruction due to metastasis of cutaneous melanoma: 7-years after primary diagnosis.

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    Aim of study: Metastatic involvement of the small bowel by melanoma is rare. The average time from the excision of the primary cutaneous melanoma to the occurrence of intestinal metastases tends to be between 3 and 5 years; one case of recurrence after 15 years is described. The most common kind of lesion is polypoid: this can cause intussusception and intestinal occlusion. We report a case of intestinal occlusion by an ileal metastasis of a melanoma occurred 7 years earlier. Materials and Methods: Case Report: The patient was a 57-year-old female who was admitted to our hospital for persistent abdominal pain and sub-occlusion. The patient's past medical history included cutaneous malignant melanoma 7 years before and lobular breast adenocarcinoma 10 years before. During the previous three months, she had intermittent abdominal pain and a weight loss of about 7 kg. Abdominal-US, EGDS and colonoscopy were all negative for pathologic findings. During the hospital stay, a CT enterography revealed lower intestinal intussusception, and enlarged lymph nodes both in the abdominal cavity and in the retroperitoneum. Intraoperatively we found an ileal invagination due to a polypoid mass of the ileal tract. Segmental ileal resection was performed; wide mesenteric lymph node dissection was not possible because of large and extended retroperitoneal lymphadenopathies. Histological examination showed epithelioid and spindle tumor cells with obvious cytoplasmic melanin deposition. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that tumor cells were positive for S-100, HMB-45 and vimentin, confirming the diagnosis of melanoma. Main results and conclusions: Appearance of GI metastases is reported up to 15 years after the inital diagnosis of melanoma. Reported clinical signs and symptoms generally include chronic abdominal pain, occult or gross bleeding and, as in this case, weight loss. Aspecificity of symptoms may impede early diagnosis and treatment of the disease. As in this case, where curative surgery is impossible because of the extent of disease, metastatic tumor resection or GI tract bypass surgery is recommended to relieve symptoms or avoid future complications. Early diagnosis of metastases requires adequate imaging (CT) and prolonged follow up

    Laparoscopic repair for perforated peptic ulcer: our experience, a comparison with the open approach and a review of the literature.

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    Backgrounds: The incidence of perforated peptic ulcers has decreased during the last decades but the optimal treatment for these patients remains controversial. At the same time, a laparoscopic approach to this condition has been adopted by an increased number of surgeons. Therefore, this study wants to evaluate the postoperative results of the laparoscopic treatment of perforated peptic ulcer performed in one Italian center with extensive experience in laparoscopic surgery. Methods: This retrospective study includes 94 patients who were operated for perforated peptic ulcer peritonitis at “St. Orsola Hospital - Emergency Surgery Unit - University of Bologna” from May 2014 to December 2019. The patients’ charts were reviewed for demographics, surgical procedure, complications, and short-term outcomes. Results: The diagnosis was made clinically and confirmed by the presence of gas under diaphragm on abdominal X-ray. All patients underwent primary suture repair with or without omentopexy. Boey score 0 or 1 was found in 66 (70%) patients, Boey 2 or 3 in 28 (30%) patients. The operative time was between 35 and 255 minutes, with a mean of 93 minutes. The overall median hospital stay was 9.5 (1-60) days. Post-operative complications occurred in 19 (20%) patients and 18 (19%) patients died. Conclusions:Perforated peptic ulcer is a severe condition that requires early hospital admission and immediate surgery. Laparoscopy in experienced centers and for selected patients is safe, associated with optimal outcomes and should be the preferred approach


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    Introduzione Indications for elective surgery in diverticular disease are sill debated and recent findings suggest a conservative approach since most patients present complicated diverticulitis as the first manifestation of diverticular disease. In our study we analyze the result in term of postoperative morbidity and mortality in patiets who underwent elective surgery for diverticular disease. Pazienti e metodi From September 2011 to May 2015 we perfomerd 170 surgical interventions for diverticular disease in our unit. Of these, 51 resection were performed in elective setting. Pre-, intra- and postoperative findings were collected in a prospective database. Multivariate analysis with logistic regression was performed to find out independent predictive factors for postoperative events. Statistical analysis was made with SPSS v.13.0 and significance was considered with p value < 0.05. Risultati Male:Female ratio was 1:1 with mean age of 59\uf0b114 years. 44 patients was younger than 75 years. 54.9% of patients had one or more comorbidities and 12 patients (23.5%) had ASA score >2. Most patients had only one previous hospital admission (28 patients, 54.9&) while 9 patients reported two or more admissions. 2 patient underwent surgery for the development of colo-vescical or colovaginal fistula and 2 patient for paracolic or pelvic abscess refractory to medical therapy. In 70.6% (36 patients) of cases a laparoscopic approach was performed with a conversion rate of 16.7%. No postoperative in-hospital mortality was recorded. Postoperative complication rate was 31.4% (16 patients) according Clavien-Dindo Classification. Anyway 14 patients had grade I or II complication with mild clinical impairment. Multivariate analysis did not find any independent predictive factor for overall and surgical complications. On the other hand presence of diabetes mellitus (DM) and ASA score > 2 was associated with increased risk of medical complication (OR 16.7; 95%CI 1.1-259.9 P=0.044 and OR 8.5; 95%CI 1.1-62.6 P=0.036 respectively). A T-test was performed to compare mean of postoperative stay within the two variables. Patients with ASA score > 2 were found to have longer postoperative stay respect to those with ASA score 1-2 (13,5 vs 8,4 P=0.008). No significant difference was found in patients with or without DM (9.0 vs 9.6 P=0.818). Conclusioni In our experience, elective surgery for diverticular disease can be performed safely and often with mini-invasive approach, with accetable rate of significant postoperative event. Anyway we need powerful studies providing strong evidence to identify patients who could really take advantage of elective surgical intervention