21 research outputs found

    Prominent radiative contributions from multiply-excited states in laser-produced tin plasma for nanolithography

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    Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography is currently entering high-volume manufacturing to enable the continued miniaturization of semiconductor devices. The required EUV light, at 13.5 nm wavelength, is produced in a hot and dense laser-driven tin plasma. The atomic origins of this light are demonstrably poorly understood. Here we calculate detailed tin opacity spectra using the Los Alamos atomic physics suite ATOMIC and validate these calculations with experimental comparisons. Our key finding is that EUV light largely originates from transitions between multiply-excited states, and not from the singly-excited states decaying to the ground state as is the current paradigm. Moreover, we find that transitions between these multiply-excited states also contribute in the same narrow window around 13.5 nm as those originating from singly-excited states, and this striking property holds over a wide range of charge states. We thus reveal the doubly magic behavior of tin and the origins of the EUV light

    Dynamics of the spatial electron density distribution of EUV-induced plasmas

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    We studied the temporal evolution of the electron density distribution in a low pressure pulsed plasma induced by high energy extreme ultraviolet (EUV) photons using microwave cavity resonance spectroscopy (MCRS). In principle, MCRS only provides space averaged information about the electron density. However, we demonstrate here the possibility to obtain spatial information by combining multiple resonant modes. It is shown that EUV-induced plasmas, albeit being a rather exotic plasma, can be explained by known plasma physical laws and processes. Two stages of plasma behaviour are observed: first the electron density distribution contracts, after which it expands. It is shown that the contraction is due to cooling of the electrons. The moment when the density distribution starts to expand is related to the inertia of the ions. After tens of microseconds, the electrons reached the wall of the cavity. The speed of this expansion is dependent on the gas pressure and can be divided into two regimes. It is shown that the acoustic dominated regime the expansion speed is independent of the gas pressure and that in the diffusion dominated regime the expansion depends reciprocal on the gas pressure

    Investigation of ion energy distribution functions in EUV-induced plasmas by ion mass spectrometry

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    The creation of plasma by direct photo ionization by extreme ultraviolet radiation (EUV, 13.5 nm) is a common phenomenon in extraterrestrial planetary nebulae. However, this process has been difficult to reproduce in a laboratory\u3cbr/\u3ebecause of the scarceness of EUV radiation sources. With the development of next-generation lithography tools, using EUV radiation to create smaller features on computer chips, EUV induced plasmas are now created in the low pressure background gas in lithography tools. Industries have realized that these plasmas are of significant importance with respect to machine lifetime.\u3cbr/\u3eEUV induced plasmas affect exposed surfaces due to impacting ions. In this research an ion mass spectrometer, capable of measuring mass resolved energy spectra, is used to investigate the ion fluxes and ion energy distribution functions (IEDF) of EUV-induced plasmas. A xenon pinch discharge produces EUV radiation, which is focused into a measuring vessel with a low pressure hydrogen environment. In this vessel photo ionization creates free electrons with energies up to 76 eV, which further ionize the background gas by electron impact ionization.\u3cbr/\u3eIons are sampled through a 50 μm orifice in the spectrometer’s front plate. The influence of pressure and EUV power on the IEDF of the EUV-induces plasma are\u3cbr/\u3einvestigated. The results show the fast transformation of H2+ to H3+ by collisions with the background gas as a decrease in H2+ / H3+-ratio with pressure and distance to the EUV beam. The creation of plasma by direct photo ionization by extreme ultraviolet radiation (EUV, 13.5 nm) is a common phenomenon in extraterrestrial planetary nebulae. However, this process has been difficult to reproduce in a laboratory because of the scarceness of EUV radiation sources. With the development of next-generation lithography tools, using EUV radiation to create smaller features on computer chips, EUV induced plasmas are now created in the low pressure background gas in lithography tools. Industries have realized that these plasmas are of significant importance with respect to machine lifetime. EUV induced plasmas affect exposed surfaces due to impacting ions. In this research an ion mass spectrometer, capable of measuring mass resolved energy spectra, is used to investigate the ion fluxes and ion energy distribution functions (IEDF) of EUV-induced plasmas. A xenon pinch discharge produces EUV radiation, which is focused into a measuring vessel with a low pressure hydrogen environment. In this vessel photo ionization creates free electrons with energies up to 76 eV, which further ionize the background gas by electron impact ionization. Ions are sampled through a 50 μm orifice in the spectrometer's front plate. The influence of pressure and EUV power on the IEDF of the EUV-induces plasma are investigated. The results show the fast transformation of H2+ to H3+ by collisions with the background gas as a decrease in H2+ / H3+-ratio with pressure and distance to the EUV beam

    Collective Thomson scattering experiments on a tin vapor discharge in the prepinch phase

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    Partially collective Thomson scattering measurements have been performed on a triggered vacuum arc in tin vapor, which is a candidate source of extreme ultraviolet light for application in semiconductor lithography. In this paper, results on the electron densities and temperatures are presented for the prepinch phase of the discharge. Electron densities and temperatures increase from 1*10/sup 23/ m/sup -3/ to 1*10/sup 24/ m/sup -3/ and from 5 eV to over 30 eV, respectively, in about 100 ns. The results are confirmed by Stark broadening dat

    Stark broadening experiments on a vacuum arc discharge in tin vapor

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    Pinched discharge plasmas in tin vapor are candidates for application in future semiconductor lithography tools. This paper presents time-resolved measurements of Stark broadened linewidths in a pulsed tin discharge. Stark broadening parameters have been determined for four lines of the Sn III spectrum in the range from 522 to 538 nm, based on a cross-calibration to a Sn II line with a previously known Stark width. The influence of the electron temperature on the Stark widths is discussed. Results for the electron densities in the discharge are presented and compared to Thomson scattering result

    Thermalization of electrons in decaying extreme ultraviolet photons induced low pressure argon plasma

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    We monitored—in the pressure range: 0.5–15 Pa—the electron temperature in decaying plasmas induced in argon gas by pulsed irradiation with extreme ultraviolet (EUV) photons with wavelengths closely around 13.5 nm. For this purpose, temporal measurements of the space-averaged and electric field weighted electron density after pulsed EUV irradiation are combined with an ambipolar diffusion model of the plasma. Results demonstrate that electrons are thermalized to room temperature before the plasma has fully expanded to the chamber walls for pressures of 3 Pa and higher. At pressures below 3 Pa, the electron temperature was found to be up to 0.1 eV above room temperature which is explained by the fact that plasma expansion is too quick for the electrons to fully thermalize. The comparison between plasma expansion duration towards a surface, plasma decay at a surface and time needed for thermalization and cooling of electrons is essential for designers of EUV lithography tools and EUV sources since the temperature of electrons dictates many fundamental physical processes