4,454 research outputs found

    Soft grain compression: beyond the jamming point

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    We present the experimental studies of highly strained soft bidisperse granular systems made of hyperelastic and plastic particles. We explore the behavior of granular matter deep in the jammed state from local field measurement from the grain scale to the global scale. By mean of digital image correlation and accurate image recording we measure for each compression step the evolution of the particle geometries and their right Cauchy-Green strain tensor fields. We analyze the evolution of the usual macroscopic observables (stress, packing fraction, coordination, fraction of non-rattlers, \textit{etc}.) along the compression process through the jamming point and far beyond. We also analyze the evolution of the local strain statistics and evidence a crossover in the material behavior deep in the jammed state. We show that this crossover depends on the particle material. We argue that the strain field is a reliable observable to describe the evolution of a granular system through the jamming transition and deep in the dense packing state whatever is the material behavior.Comment: 10 figure

    Development of a Biological Technique to Produce a Bioactive-Rich Food Ingredient from Carob Kibble

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    A submerged fermentation was developed to enhance levels of bioactive compounds and associated bioactivity in carob kibble. The fermentation uses Saccharomyces cerevisiae at an inoculum level of 17 %, initial pH of 7.5, temperature of 28oC, agitation of 162.5 rpm, and a duration of 15 h. Both D-pinitol, total phenolic contents and antioxidant activity were improved by 124, 66 and 64%, respectively, by the fermentation. The fermentation is potentially commercial viability with some further work

    Expectations for marriage of young people in Vietnam

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    The 13th Next-Generation Global Workshop第13回次世代グローバルワークショップテーマ: New Risks and Resilience in Asian Societies and the World 日程: 21-23 November, 2020 開催場所: ベトナム社会科学院(ハノイ)/Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences(No. 1 Lieu Giai street, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, Vietnam) ※Due to the COVID-19, the workshop will be held at ONLINE for overseas participants(not from Vietnam)/ONSITE for Vietnamese participants.Rapid social and economic changes in Vietnam has considerable influences on young people, including on their perception of and expectation for marriage. This paper investigates the expectation for marriage of young people basing on in-depth interview with 60 people aged not over 30 in a rural area and an urban area in Vietnam. The paper addresses the question: What do young people in Vietnam today expect to marriage? The findings show that in one hand, young people's marital expectation is influenced by market economy. They expect economic fulfilment in marriage and consider this a requirement for a good marriage. On the other hand, young people are influenced by traditional values, reflected in their desires to have harmony in marriage. They not only expect to have harmonious relation between spouses but also respect good relation between wife and husband's family

    Simulation of spatial variation of plankton communities in the South Central Vietnam sea by ROMS model

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    This study preliminarily applies the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) in the two major monsoon seasons (Northeast and Southwest monsoons) for the South Central Vietnam sea (9–14.5oN, 105–112oE), in which the hydrodynamic and ecological modules are coupled. The results show that the plankton only develop in 200 m water on the top, concentrated mainly in the 0–70 m layer and in maximum biomass of 15–40 m layer. In the Northeast monsoon season, the plankton are concentrated mainly in the northern part and open seas of the area, while in the Southwest monsoon season, they are concentrated in the upwelling and adjacent southern areas. These results correctly reflect the basic law of the development of plankton communities in the sea area.This study preliminarily applies the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) in the two major monsoon seasons (Northeast and Southwest monsoons) for the South Central Vietnam sea (9–14.5oN, 105–112oE), in which the hydrodynamic and ecological modules are coupled. The results show that the plankton only develop in 200 m water on the top, concentrated mainly in the 0–70 m layer and in maximum biomass of 15–40 m layer. In the Northeast monsoon season, the plankton are concentrated mainly in the northern part and open seas of the area, while in the Southwest monsoon season, they are concentrated in the upwelling and adjacent southern areas. These results correctly reflect the basic law of the development of plankton communities in the sea area


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    Vietnam is a multi-faith and multi-religious country. According to incomplete statistics, Vietnam has about 95% of the population with religious and religious life. Up to now, the country has about 45,000 belief establishments, of which there are more than 2,900 relics associated with belief and religious establishments. Religious activities take place vibrantly throughout the country; many major religious activities and activities were solemnly organized, attracting hundreds of thousands of attendees. However, in recent years, many religious activities have changed in both positive and negative directions. This study selects a popular folk belief activity of the Vietnamese people, the funeral rite. Based on the survey, this study focuses on analyzing the actual situation of funeral rites, the values ​​, and limitations of this religious activity.O Vietnã é um país multi-religioso e multi-religioso. De acordo com estatísticas incompletas, o Vietnã tem cerca de 95% da população com vida religiosa e religiosa. Até agora, o país tem cerca de 45.000 estabelecimentos de crença, dos quais existem mais de 2.900 relíquias associadas a estabelecimentos de crença e religiosos. As atividades religiosas acontecem de forma vibrante em todo o país; muitas das principais atividades e atividades religiosas foram organizadas solenemente, atraindo centenas de milhares de participantes. No entanto, nos últimos anos, muitas atividades religiosas mudaram em direções positivas e negativas. Este estudo seleciona uma atividade de crença popular popular do povo vietnamita, o rito fúnebre. Com base na pesquisa, este estudo se concentra em analisar a situação real dos ritos fúnebres, os valores e as limitações dessa atividade religiosa

    The analysis of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Vietnam National Shipping Lines (VINALINES)

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    Cultural-Artistic Value in Epic and Festival of the Muong Thanh Hoa People

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    The epic The Land of the Earth is a system of mythical stories about the formation of heaven and earth of the Muong. It is also considered history and an encyclopedia of the customs of the Muong people. This epic is both pride and respect in the cultural life of the Muong community. This article studies several outstanding cultural symbols of the epic "Land for the Land" which have been preserved and remained quite intact in the Poon Poong festival - one of the most important festivals of the Muong people in Thanh Hoa

    An inquiry into the determinants of Vietnamese product export

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    Export led growth is the model of economic development that Vietnam has been following. While there are a great number of studies on the determinants of aggregate export of Vietnam, there are few that analyze the impacts of different factors on the export of different product groups. This paper aims at filling this gap in research on international trade of Vietnam. The results show that the fast GDP growth of Vietnam, the large population of importing countries, the wide economic gap between Vietnam and the importing countries, the depreciation of domestic currency, the free trade agreements that Vietnam signed and the shared border with the importing countries contribute to the increase of Vietnam’s export of all product groups. In contrast, the GDP of importing countries and population of Vietnam have no clear impacts on the export of any product groups.

    The epidemiology of trichinellosis in northern Vietnam

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    Trichinellosis is a meat-borne zoonotic disease caused by nematodes of the genus Trichinella. Typically, it is acquired by eating undercooked meat from pigs that are raised in non-controlled management conditions or from wildlife. The parasite is transmitted both in the domestic and sylvatic lifecycles. In the last decade, several outbreaks of trichinellosis have been observed in Northern Vietnam, where the disease was previously practically unknown. In chapter 1 a general review of the literature is given on Trichinella spp and trichinellosis, with special focus on the epidemiology, the diagnosis and the situation in SE Asia, particularly in Vietnam. This chapter is followed by the objectives of the thesis that introduce the research chapters. The 2nd chapter describes data on trichinellosis in domestic animals. In the 1st part the seroprevalence of anti-Trichinella IgG was measured in free-roaming pigs in Son La province of NW Vietnam where an outbreak of trichinellosis occurred in 2008. Of the 1035 pigs from which serum samples were collected, 206 (19.9%) were positive in ELISA. In Muscle samples from serologically positive pigs were tested by artificial digestion. Trichinella larvae were detected in 14.5% of them and identified by multiplex PCR as T. spiralis. In the 2nd part, the seroprevalence of Trichinella infection was determined in 558 pigs, 125 dogs and 98 cats in two provinces of NW Vietnam. The overall seroprevalence was 5.6%, 4% and 0% in pigs, dogs and cats, respectively. In pigs, positive cases were distributed in 8/20 districts of the two provinces. The results indicate that pigs and dogs act as a reservoir and play an important role in the maintenance of the domestic cycle of T. spiralis in NW Vietnam. In the 3rd chapter the occurrence of trichinellosis in wild boars and synanthropic rats was studied in NW Vietnam. The results showed prevalences of T. spiralis of 3.2% and 2,8% in hunted wild boars and rats, respectively. Trichinella-infected rats were found in 7 of the 20 districts of Dien Bien and Son La provinces. These results indicate that the local population and health centers should be made aware of the risks of eating raw or undercooked meat dishes prepared from wild animals. The 4th chapter describes studies on human trichinellosis. In the 1st part an outbreak of trichinellosis in Thanh Hoa province is described (2012), involving 24 patients who consumed raw meat from a wild boar. Six of these patients were treated in hospitals in Hanoi. ELISA and muscle biopsies were positive in all six patients. Trichinella sp. larvae were identified as T. spiralis by molecular analysis of the cox3 gene. In the 2nd part a post-outbreak cross-sectional study in the same community was described. A total of 100 inhabitants were identified with suspected trichinellosis, of which, 30% had antibodies to Trichinella. Serologically confirmed cases had fever, myalgia, facial oedema, diarrhoea, and/or pain of the masseter muscles. Clinical symptoms resolved in all patients after albendazole treatment. The results suggest that only a proportion of the trichinellosis cases had sought health care during the outbreak. In the 3rd part the presence of anti-Trichinella IgG in the serum of persons from ethnic minorities from NW Vietnam with clinical signs and symptoms that are compatible with trichinellosis was assessed. A total of 645 persons were enrolled, of which 200 lived in two villages where previously outbreaks of human trichinellosis had occurred, and 445 people who were hospitalized in the provincial hospitals without a definitive diagnosis. Seven (3.5%) persons from the villages and seven (1.6%) hospitalized patients, tested positive by both ELISA and Western Blot. The concomitant occurrence of facial edema and myalgia among the enrolled persons from the villages, accounted for 75% of the positive predictive value (PPV) and 99.5% of the negative predictive value (NPV), suggesting that they could be used for suspecting trichinellosis when serology is not available. In the 5th chapter we discuss the findings of our research in the context of the emergence of trichinellosis in Northern Vietnam. The high prevalence (1.6–3.5%) of anti-Trichinella IgG in persons from Northern Vietnamese provinces where T. spiralis is circulating in pigs and wildlife strongly supports the need to develop control programs to eliminate the infection from pigs and for consumers’ education and protection. There is a need to implement surveillance and better diagnosis for trichinellosis in humans and of Trichinella infections in slaughter animals and wildlife and to set up educational programs to prevent infection in Northern Vietnam

    Circular economic development in Vietnam

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     In Vietnam, economic activity has so far been mainly based on the traditional approach, which is linear economy. This is also the basic cause leading to the shortage of natural resources and especially causing serious environmental pollution. In order to realize rapid and sustainable development, to harmoniously deal with the relationship between economic growth and environmental protection, to "do not trade off" economic growth with environmental pollution and degradation, to switch to an eco-friendly economy. circular economy is the right direction. However, this transformation requires seizing the opportunities and accepting the challenges that need to be overcome. The article analyzes opportunities and challenges of circular economy development and proposes solutions to promote circular economy development for Vietnam in the coming time