18 research outputs found

    Lack of Male-Female Differences in Disposition and Esterase Hydrolysis of Ramipril to Ramiprilat in Healthy Volunteers after a Single Oral Dose

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    The objective of this study was to identify differences in disposition and esterase hydrolysis of ramipril between male and female volunteers. Plasma concentration and area under the concentration-time curve until the last measured concentration (AUCt) data of ramipril and its active metabolite ramiprilat (-diacid) were obtained from a randomised, cross-over bioequivalence study in 36 subjects (18 females and 18 males). Participants received a single 5-mg oral dose of two different formulations of ramipril (Formulation I and II). Plasma ramipril and ramiprilat concentrations were determined according to validated methods involving liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. A total number of 2 � 34 available plasma concentration-time curves of both the parent drug and the metabolite could be analysed, and variations (50�100% coefficient of variation [CV]) in plasma concentrations of both parent drug and metabolite were found. With both the formulations, the mean plasma concentrations-time curves of males and females were identical. The groups of female and male volunteers showed similar yields (AUCt = mg.h/L) of the metabolite ramiprilat (p = 0.37); however, females showed a higher AUCt/kg than males (p = 0.046). This difference was solely attributed to the difference in body weight between males and females (p = 0.00049). In both male and female groups, a subject-dependent yield of active metabolite ramiprilat was demonstrated, which was independent of the formulation.There is a large variation in the ramiprilat t1/2β (50�60% CV). There is a group of subjects who showed a t1/2β of approximately 80 h (15% CV), and two apparent groups with a longer t1/2βfor each formulation (124 h, 22.5% CV; 166 h, 21.6% CV, respectively, p = 0.0013). This variation in the terminal half-life of ramiprilat is not sex related. In all three groups of half-lives, the corresponding Cmax values (mean � SD) of ramiprilat in males and females were identical. Thus, with identical Cmax and half-lives, the difference found in the AUCt /kg of ramiprilat must be due to the difference in dose, as the consequence of the difference in body weight, following a standard dose of 5 mg in both males and females.This study showed clearly that despite subject-dependent hydrolysis of ramipril to the active metabolite ramiprilat, the variability in the rate of hydrolysis between males and females is similar. With a fixed dose (5 mg), females received a higher dose/kg than males and consequently showed a higher AUCt/kg of the active metabolite ramiprilat

    Differences Between Lovastatin and Simvastatin Hydrolysis in Healthy Male and Female Volunteers Gut Hydrolysis of Lovastatin is Twice that of Simvastatin

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    The aim of this pharmacokinetic evaluation was to show the effect of the extra methyl group in simvastatin on esterase hydrolysis between lovastatin and simvastatin in male and female volunteers. This study was based on the plasma concentration-time curves and the pharmacokinetics of lovastatin and simvastatin with its respective active metabolite statin-β-hydroxy acid obtained from two different bioequivalence studies, each with 18 females and 18 males. Results were: • The group of female volunteers showed a higher yield of the active metabolite β-hydroxy acid than the group of males (p < 0.002) for both lovastatin and simvastatin. This difference was not related to the body weight of both groups. • In the male/female groups, subject-dependent yield of active metabolite β-hydroxy acid was demonstrated, which was independent of the formulation. The variation in plasma/liver hydrolysis resulted in a fan-shaped distribution of data points when the AUC t lovastatin was plotted vs. that of the β-hydroxy acid metabolite. In the fan of data points, subgroups could be distinguished, each showing a different regression line and with a different Y-intercept (AUC tβ-hydroxy acid ). • Lovastatin hydrolysis was higher than simvastatin hydrolysis. • It was possible to discriminate between hydrolysis of both lovastatin and simvastatin by plasma/liver or tissue esterase activity. The three subgroups of subjects (males/females) showing different but high yield of statin β-hydroxy acid can be explained by variable hydrolysis of plasma and hepatic microsomal and cytosolic carboxyesterase activity. This study showed clearly that despite the subject-dependent hydrolysis of lovastatin/simvastatin to the active metabolite, males tend to hydrolyse less than females. The extra methyl group in simvastatin results in less hydrolysis due to steric hindrance

    Lack of male-female differences in disposition and esterase hydrolysis of ramipril to ramiprilat in healthy volunteers after a single oral dose.

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    Contains fulltext : 185079.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)The objective of this study was to identify differences in disposition and esterase hydrolysis of ramipril between male and female volunteers. Plasma concentration and area under the concentration-time curve until the last measured concentration (AUCt) data of ramipril and its active metabolite ramiprilat (-diacid) were obtained from a randomised, cross-over bioequivalence study in 36 subjects (18 females and 18 males). Participants received a single 5-mg oral dose of two different formulations of ramipril (Formulation I and II). Plasma ramipril and ramiprilat concentrations were determined according to validated methods involving liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. A total number of 2 x 34 available plasma concentration-time curves of both the parent drug and the metabolite could be analysed, and variations (50-100% coefficient of variation [CV]) in plasma concentrations of both parent drug and metabolite were found. With both the formulations, the mean plasma concentrations-time curves of males and females were identical. The groups of female and male volunteers showed similar yields (AUCt = microg x h/L) of the metabolite ramiprilat (p = 0.37); however, females showed a higher AUCt/kg than males (p = 0.046). This difference was solely attributed to the difference in body weight between males and females (p = 0.00049). In both male and female groups, a subject-dependent yield of active metabolite ramiprilat was demonstrated, which was independent of the formulation. There is a large variation in the ramiprilat t1/2beta (50-60% CV). There is a group of subjects who showed a t1/2beta of approximately 80 h (15% CV), and two apparent groups with a longer t1/2beta for each formulation (124 h, 22.5% CV; 166 h, 21.6% CV, respectively, p = 0.0013). This variation in the terminal half-life of ramiprilat is not sex related. In all three groups of half-lives, the corresponding Cmax values (mean +/- SD) of ramiprilat in males and females were identical. Thus, with identical Cmax and half-lives, the difference found in the AUCt/kg of ramiprilat must be due to the difference in dose, as the consequence of the difference in body weight, following a standard dose of 5 mg in both males and females. This study showed clearly that despite subject-dependent hydrolysis of ramipril to the active metabolite ramiprilat, the variability in the rate of hydrolysis between males and females is similar. With a fixed dose (5 mg), females received a higher dose/kg than males and consequently showed a higher AUCt/kg of the active metabolite ramiprilat

    Bioavailabilities of quercetin-3-glucoside and quercetin-4'- glucoside do not differ in humans

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    The flavonoid quercetin is an antioxidant which occurs in foods mainly as glycosides. The sugar moiety in quercetin glycosides affects their bioavailability in humans. Quercetin-3-rutinoside is an important form of quercetin in foods, but its bioavailability in humans is only 20% of that of quercetin-4'-glucoside. Quercetin-3-rutinoside can be transformed into quercetin-3-glucoside by splitting off a rhamnose molecule. We studied whether this 3-glucoside has the same high bioavailability as the quercetin- 4'-glucoside. To that end we fed five healthy men and four healthy women (19- 57 y) a single dose of 325 μmol of pure quercetin-3-glucoside and a single dose of 331 μmol of pure quercetin-4'-glucoside and followed the plasma quercetin concentrations. The bioavailability was the same for both quercetin glucosides. The mean peak plasma concentration of quercetin was 5.0 (+) 1.0 μmol/L ((+)SE) after subjects had ingested quercetin-3-glucoside and 4.5 (+) 0.7 μmol/L after quercetin-4'-glucoside consumption. Peak concentration was reached 37 (+) 12 min after ingestion of quercetin-3-glucoside and 27 (+) 5 min after quercetin-4'-glucoside. Half-life of elimination of quercetin from blood was 18.5 (+) 0.8 h after ingestion of quercetin-3-glucoside and 17.7 (+) 0.9 h after quercetin-4'-glucoside. We conclude that quercetin glucosides are rapidly absorbed in humans, irrespective of the position of the glucose moiety. Conversion of quercetin glycosides into glucosides is a promising strategy to enhance bioavailability of quercetin from foods

    Regional metabolism of articaine in 10 patients undergoing intravenous regional anaesthesia during day case surgery

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    Aims To study the pharmacokinetics of articaine and its metabolite articainic acid, in patients undergoing intravenous regional anaesthesia

    Similar Motor Block Effects and Disposition Kinetics between Lidocaine and (±)Mepivacaine in Patients Undergoing Axillary Brachial Plexus Block during Day Case Surgery

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    The aim of this investigation was to compare the clinical effects and pharmacokinetics of lidocaine (one metabolite) and mepivacaine (two metabolites) in 2 groups of 15 patients undergoing axillary brachial plexus anaesthesia. The study had a randomised design. The 30 patients were divided into 2 groups. The patients received either lidocaine (600 mg = 2.561 mMol + 5 µg ml -1 adrenaline) or mepivacaine (600 mg = 2.436 mMol + 5 µg ml -1 adrenaline), injected via the axilla near the brachial plexus over a period of 30 s. Onset of surgical analgesia was defined as the period from the end of the local anaesthetic injection to the loss of pinprick sensation in the distribution of the ulnar, radial, and median nerve. Motor block was measured. Onset of motor block was similar for both drugs. Lidocaine is eliminated biexponentially with a t 1/2α of 9.95 ± 14.3 min and a t 1/2β of 2.86 ± 1.55 h. Lidocaine is metabolised into MEGX (t max 2.31 ± 0.84 h; C max 0.32 ± 0.13 mg l -1 ; t 1/2β 2.36 ± 2.35 h; total body clearance was 67.9 ± 28.9 l h -1 ). Mepivacaine is eliminated rapidly and monoexponentially with a t 1/2 of 4.78 ± 2.38 h, a C max of 3.89 ± 0.83 mg l ; t 1/2β 1.48 ± 0.74 h). For the axillary brachial plexus block, lidocaine and mepivacaine show similar pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic behaviour, despite the number of metabolites, and can therefore be used to the clinical preference for this regional anaesthetic technique

    Combination of methotrexate and sulphasalazine in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: pharmacokinetic analysis and relationship to clinical response

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    1The influence of sulphasalazine (SASP) on the pharmacokinetics of low dose methotrexate (MTX) and the relation between pharmacokinetic variables and clinical response was studied in 15 patients with active rheumatoid arthritis despite >6 months of SASP treatment