5,775 research outputs found

    In-vitro demonstration of cell-mediated immunity to vaccinia virus in man

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    Cell mediated immunity to vaccinia virus in man was studied by lymphocyte transformation. Vaccinia antigen, propagated on BHK-21 and Vero cells, could be used successfully for in-vitro testing after partial purification as well as crude infectious homogenates. Vaccinia antigen preparations were effective both in the infective and the inactivated state. Inactivation was usually accompanied with a certain loss of stimulating activity. Development of cell mediated immune response in-vitro after first vaccination was investigated in 17 adults. Vaccinia virus specific lymphocyte transformation was seen in the second week after vaccination in all cases. Following revaccination no increase of lymphocyte transformation ratio could be observed in 11 persons studied. At the same time the titers of humoral antibodies were elevated

    Myths of a Near Past: Envisioning Finance Capitalism anno 2007

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    This paper seeks to extend earlier work on particular features and manifestations of capitalism (De Cock et al., 2001). Our 2001 Myths of a Near Future paper offered ephemera readers a large depository of images concerning the New Economy. Eight years later our focus has shifted to Finance Capitalism. Over the course of the year 2007 we cut out and scanned 81 ads placed by financial institutions in the Financial Times. Our analysis of these aims to provide a sense of how the financial world ?showed up? in this pivotal year, whilst illustrating how its representations were interwoven with fantasy throughout. We also hope that the ensemble of images associated with the paper will be creatively reassembled by its readers and possibly provide a useful teaching aid

    Student attitudes to entrepreneurship

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    This study on Student Attitudes to Entrepreneurship investigates the image which university students have of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship. It is an initial exploratory/empirical study, which looks at the situation in Germany, Romania, Latvia, Italy and Austria. The study, based on questionnaires, shows that there are significant differences but also common features to the image of entrepreneurship and attitudes to it in the five countries. It is interesting to note that the students polled in connection with the study tended to have a neutral to positive/very positive image of entrepreneurs.attitude, attributes, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, opinion.

    Estimating flow and transport parameters in the unsaturated zone with pore water stable isotopes

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    The first author was funded by the DFG Research Group: From Catchments as Organised Systems to Models based on Functional Units (FOR 1598). The second author was funded by the DFG project Coupled soil-plant water dynamics – Environmental drivers and species effects (contract numbers: GE 1090/10-1 and WE 4598/2-1). The isotope data in the precipitation for Roodt were provided by FNR/CORE/SOWAT, project of the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology – LIST. Sampling of the isotope profiles was made possible by the support of the CAOS Team and Begona Lorente Sistiaga, Benjamin Gralher, Andre Böker, Marvin Reich and Andrea Popp. Special thanks to Britta Kattenstroth and Jean Francois Iffly for their technical support in the field and Barbara Herbstritt for her support in the laboratory. For Roodt, soil texture and hydraulic parameter information were provided by Conrad Jackisch and Christoph Messer (KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany) and hydraulic conductivity data were provided by Christophe Hissler and Jérôme Juilleret (LIST). Pore water isotope and soil moisture data for Hartheim were provided by Steffen Holzkämper and Paul Königer. Temperature and precipitation data for Hartheim were provided by the Chair of Meteorology and Climatology, University of Freiburg.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Spin and energy transfer in nanocrystals without transport of charge

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    We describe a mechanism of spin transfer between individual quantum dots that does not require tunneling. Incident circularly-polarized photons create inter-band excitons with non-zero electron spin in the first quantum dot. When the quantum-dot pair is properly designed, this excitation can be transferred to the neighboring dot via the Coulomb interaction with either {\it conservation} or {\it flipping} of the electron spin. The second dot can radiate circularly-polarized photons at lower energy. Selection rules for spin transfer are determined by the resonant conditions and by the strong spin-orbit interaction in the valence band of nanocrystals. Coulomb-induced energy and spin transfer in pairs and chains of dots can become very efficient under resonant conditions. The electron can preserve its spin orientation even in randomly-oriented nanocrystals.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    White Paper der Digital Humanities an der Universität Heidelberg

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    Die in Heidelberg bereits zahlreich vorhandenen Digital Humanities-Initiativen sind an der Universität über zahlreiche Disziplinen verstreut und oft kaum miteinander vernetzt. Am Excellenzcluster „Asia and Europe in a Global Context“ mit der „Heidelberg Research Architecture“ (HRA) und der „Junior Research Group Digital Humanities and Digital Cultural Heritage“(JRG DH/DCH) bestehen zwei DH-orientierte Abteilungen, die als Multiplikator für zahlreiche DH-Projekte in vielen weiteren Disziplinen dienen. So können die Aktivitäten der HRA und der JRG DH/DCH in weiten Teilen als Blaupausen für die Entwicklung und Anwendung von DH-Infrastrukturen in Forschung und Lehre in einem breit aufgestellten interdisziplinären Umfeld angesehen werden. Neben dem Erhalt und Ausbau der bewährten Strukturen scheint die Koordination eines verstärkten strukturierten Engagements zu digitalen Methoden in der Lehre der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften empfehlenswert, um die Konkurrenzfähigkeit zukünftiger Forschergenerationen in Bezug zu digitalen Schlüsselkompetenzen am Universitätsstandort Heidelberg zu gewährleisten. Daher wird vorgeschlagen an der Volluniversität Heidelberg eine zentrale Einrichtung für Digital Humanities strukturiert aufzubauen, die die gesamte Breite der „Digitalen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften“ mit den Komponenten Forschung, Lehre und Infrastruktur/Services anhand heterogener Datenbestände (mit systematisch erschlossen Text, Bild, Ton, Video und Messdaten) möglichst gut abdeckt und somit strikt fachübergreifend positioniert ist, um eine hohe Akzeptanz in allen zusammenarbeitenden Disziplinen sicherzustellen