14 research outputs found

    Overwintering individuals of the Arctic krill Thysanoessa inermis appear tolerant to short-term exposure to low pH conditions

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    Areas of the Arctic Ocean are already experiencing seasonal variation in low pH/elevated pCO2 and are predicted to be the most affected by future ocean acidification (OA). Krill play a fundamental ecological role within Arctic ecosystems, serving as a vital link in the transfer of energy from phytoplankton to higher trophic levels. However, little is known of the chemical habitat occupied by Arctic invertebrate species, and of their responses to changes in seawater pH. Therefore, understanding krill’s responses to low pH conditions has important implications for the prediction of how Arctic marine communities may respond to future ocean change. Here, we present natural seawater carbonate chemistry conditions found in the late polar winter (April) in Kongsfjord, Svalbard (79°North) as well as the response of the Arctic krill, Thysanoessa inermis, exposed to a range of low pH conditions. Standard metabolic rate (measured as oxygen consumption) and energy metabolism markers (incl. adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and l-lactate) of T. inermis were examined. We show that after a 7 days experiment with T. inermis, no significant effects of low pH on MO2, ATP and l-lactate were observed. Additionally, we report carbonate chemistry from within Kongsfjord, which showed that the more stratified inner fjord had lower total alkalinity, higher dissolved inorganic carbon, pCO2 and lower pH than the well-mixed outer fjord. Consequently, our results suggest that overwintering individuals of T. inermis may possess sufficient ability to tolerate short-term low pH conditions due to their migratory behaviour, which exposes T. inermis to the naturally varying carbonate chemistry observed within Kongsfjord, potentially allowing T. inermis to tolerate future OA scenarios

    Loss-free and active optical negative-index metamaterials

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    The recently emerged fields of metamaterials and transformation optics promise a family of exciting applications such as invisibility, optical imaging with deeply subwavelength resolution and nanophotonics with the potential for much faster information processing. The possibility of creating optical negative-index metamaterials (NIMs) using nanostructured metal-dielectric composites has triggered intense basic and applied research over the past several years(1-10). However, the performance of all NIM applications is significantly limited by the inherent and strong energy dissipation in metals, especially in the near-infrared and visible wavelength ranges(11,12). Generally the losses are orders of magnitude too large for the proposed applications, and the reduction of losses with optimized designs seems to be out of reach. One way of addressing this issue is to incorporate gain media into NIM designs(13-16). However, whether NIMs with low loss can be achieved has been the subject of theoretical debate(17,18). Here we experimentally demonstrate that the incorporation of gain material in the high-local-field areas of a metamaterial makes it possible to fabricate an extremely low-loss and active optical NIM. The original loss-limited negative refractive index and the figure of merit (FOM) of the device have been drastically improved with loss compensation in the visible wavelength range between 722 and 738 nm. In this range, the NIM becomes active such that the sum of the light intensities in transmission and reflection exceeds the intensity of the incident beam. At a wavelength of 737 nm, the negative refractive index improves from -0.66 to -1.017 and the FOM increases from 1 to 26. At 738 nm, the FOM is expected to become macroscopically large, of the order of 10(6). This study demonstrates the possibility of fabricating an optical negative-index metamaterial that is not limited by the inherent loss in its metal constituent