64 research outputs found

    More care out of hospital? A qualitative exploration of the factors influencing the development of the district nursing workforce in England.

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    Objectives Many countries seek to improve care for people with chronic conditions and increase delivery of care outside of hospitals, including in the home. Despite these policy objectives in the United Kingdom, the home visiting nursing service workforce, known as district nursing, is declining. This study aimed to investigate the factors influencing the development of district nursing workforces in a metropolitan area of England. Methods A qualitative study in a metropolitan area of three million residents in diverse socio-economic communities using semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample of senior nurses in provider and commissioning organizations. Thematic analysis was framed by theories of workforce development. FINDINGS: All participants reported that the context for the district nursing service was one of major reorganizations in the face of wider National Health Service changes and financial pressures. The analysis identified five themes that can be seen to impact the ways in which the district nursing workforce was developed. These were: the challenge of recruitment and retention, a changing case-mix of patients and the requirement for different clinical skills, the growth of specialist home visiting nursing services and its impact on generalist nursing, the capacity of the district nursing service to meet growing demand, and the influence of the short-term service commissioning process on the need for long-term workforce development. Conclusion There is an apparent paradox between health policies which promote more care within and closer to home and the reported decline in district nursing services. Using the lens of workforce development theory, an explanatory framework was offered with factors such as the nature of the nursing labour market, human resource practices, career advancement opportunities as well as the contractual context and the economic environment

    Trends over time in prescribing by English primary care nurses: a secondary analysis of a national prescription database.

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    BACKGROUND: A growing number of countries legislate for nurses to have medication prescribing authority although it is a contested issue. The UK is one of these countries, giving authority to nurses with additional qualifications since 1992 and incrementally widened the scope of nurse prescribing, most recently in 2006. The policy intention for primary care was to improve efficiency in service delivery through flexibility between medical and nursing roles. The extent to which this has occurred is uncertain. This study investigated nurses prescribing activities, over time, in English primary care settings. METHODS: A secondary data analysis of a national primary care prescription database 2006-2010 and National Health Service workforce database 2010 was undertaken. RESULTS: The numbers of nurses issuing more than one prescription annually in primary care rose from 13,391 in 2006 to 15,841 in 2010. This represented forty three percent of those with prescribing qualifications and authorisation from their employers. The number of items prescribed by nurses rose from 1.1% to 1.5% of total items prescribed in primary care. The greatest volume of items prescribed by independent nurse prescribers was in the category of penicillins, followed by dressings. However, the category where independent nurse prescribers contributed the largest proportion of all primary care prescriptions was emergency contraception (9.1%). In contrast, community practitioner nurse prescribers' greatest volume and contribution was in the category of gel and colloid dressings (27%), medicated stockings (14.5%) and incontinence appliances (4.2%). There were slightly higher rates of nurse prescribing in areas with higher levels of socio-economic deprivation and fewer physicians per capita, but the correlations were weak and warrant further investigation. CONCLUSIONS: The percentage of prescriptions written by nurses in primary care in England is very small in comparison to physicians. Our findings suggest that nurse prescribing is used where it is seen to have relative advantage by all stakeholders, in particular when it supports efficiency in nursing practice and also health promotion activities by nurses in general practice. It is in these areas that there appears to be flexibility in the prescribing role between nurses and general practitioners

    South London Community Education Provider Networks : evaluation report

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    Community Education Provider Networks (CEPNs) are innovative network organisations designed to support workforce transformation, through education and training, for a primary and community orientated National Health Service . In developing CEPNs, Health Education England (HEE) has been a pathfinder for innovation in primary care workforce development across a diverse health care system which covers a population of approximately three and quarter million people. This final evaluation report, following on from the interim report of 2015, offers a system wide assessment. It also identifies key issues and learning points for the development of such education and training network organisations

    Retaining nurses in metropolitan areas: insights from senior nurse and human resource managers.

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    AIM: To investigate the views of senior nurse and human resource managers of strategies to retain hospital nurses in a metropolitan area. BACKGROUND: Against a global shortage, retaining nurses is a management imperative for the quality of hospital services. METHOD: Semi-structured interviews, thematically analysed. RESULTS: Metropolitan areas have many health organisations in geographical proximity, offering nurses choices in employer and employment. Senior nurse and human resource managers recognised the complexity of factors influencing nurse turnover, including those that 'pulled' nurses out of their jobs to other posts and factors that 'pushed' nurses to leave. Four themes emerged in retaining nurses: strategy and leadership, including analysis of workforce and leavers' data, remuneration, the type of nursing work and career development and the immediate work environment. CONCLUSIONS: In contexts where multiple organisations compete for nurses, addressing retention through strategic leadership is likely to be important in paying due attention and apportioning resources to effective strategies. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT: Aside from good human resource management practices for all, strategies tailored to different segments of the nursing workforce are likely to be important. This metropolitan study suggests attention should be paid to strategies that address remuneration, progressing nursing careers and the immediate work environment

    Tackling the workforce crisis in district nursing: can the Dutch Buurtzorg model offer a solution and a better patient experience? A mixed methods case study.

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    Despite policy intentions for more healthcare out of hospital, district nursing services face multiple funding and staffing challenges, which compromise the care delivered and policy objectives. OBJECTIVES: What is the impact of the adapted Buurtzorg model on feasibility, acceptability and effective outcomes in an English district nursing service? DESIGN: Mixed methods case study. SETTING: Primary care. PARTICIPANTS: Neighbourhood nursing team (Buurtzorg model), patients and carers, general practitioners (GPs), other health professionals, managers and conventional district nurses. RESULTS: The adapted Buurtzorg model of community nursing demonstrated feasibility and acceptability to patients, carers, GPs and other health professionals. For many patients, it was preferable to previous experiences of district nursing in terms of continuity in care, improved support of multiple long-term conditions (encompassing physical, mental and social factors) and proactive care. For the neighbourhood nurses, the ability to make operational and clinical decisions at team level meant adopting practices that made the service more responsive, accessible and efficient and offered a more attractive working environment. Challenges were reported by nurses and managers in relation to the recognition and support of the concept of self-managing teams within a large bureaucratic healthcare organisation. While there were some reports of clinical effectiveness and efficiency, this was not possible to quantify, cost or compare with the standard district nursing service. CONCLUSIONS: The adapted Buurtzorg model of neighbourhood nursing holds potential for addressing issues of concern to patients, carers and staff in the community. The two interacting innovations, that is, a renewed focus on patient and carer-centred care and the self-managing team, were implemented in ways that patients, carers, other health professionals and nurses could identify difference for both the nursing care and also the nurses' working lives. It now requires longer term investigation to understand both the mechanism for change and also the sustainability

    Physician associate graduates in England: a cross-sectional survey of work careers.

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    Physician associates (PAs) are a new healthcare professional group in the UK. While PAs have been known as a stable but flexible workforce in the USA for over 50 years, little is known about their career paths in the UK's NHS. A cross sectional online survey (January 2020 - May 2020) of graduates from the longest running UK PA course investigated stability and factors influencing job retention or movement. One-hundred and sixty-two (71%) graduates provided a full response. Descriptive analysis was by early graduates (2006-2013), mid-graduates (2014-2017) and recent graduates (2018-2020). Early and mid-graduates held their first jobs for a mean of 3 years. For early graduates, the longest held job was 11 years, with a mode of 7 years. Enjoyment of the work, learning opportunities and working with supportive consultants were the most highly rated factors in PA job retention

    What is the contribution of physician associates in hospital care in England? A mixed methods, multiple case study.

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the deployment of physician associates (PAs); the factors supporting and inhibiting their employment and their contribution and impact on patients' experience and outcomes and the organisation of services. DESIGN: Mixed methods within a case study design, using interviews, observations, work diaries and documentary analysis. SETTING: Six acute care hospitals in three regions of England in 2016-2017. PARTICIPANTS: 43 PAs, 77 other health professionals, 28 managers, 28 patients and relatives. RESULTS: A key influencing factor supporting the employment of PAs in all settings was a shortage of doctors. PAs were found to be acceptable, appropriate and safe members of the medical/surgical teams by the majority of doctors, managers and nurses. They were mainly deployed to undertake inpatient ward work in the medical/surgical team during core weekday hours. They were reported to positively contribute to: continuity within their medical/surgical team, patient experience and flow, inducting new junior doctors, supporting the medical/surgical teams' workload, which released doctors for more complex patients and their training. The lack of regulation and attendant lack of authority to prescribe was seen as a problem in many but not all specialties. The contribution of PAs to productivity and patient outcomes was not quantifiable separately from other members of the team and wider service organisation. Patients and relatives described PAs positively but most did not understand who and what a PA was, often mistaking them for doctors. CONCLUSIONS: This study offers new insights concerning the deployment and contribution of PAs in medical and surgical specialties in English hospitals. PAs provided a flexible addition to the secondary care workforce without drawing from existing professions. Their utility in the hospital setting is unlikely to be completely realised without the appropriate level of regulation and authority to prescribe medicines and order ionising radiation within their scope of practice

    Integration and retention of American physician assistants/associates working in English hospitals: A qualitative study.

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    BACKGROUND: Health workforce planners in many high-income countries are considering policy strategies to retain home and overseas-trained health professionals. There is a lack of evidence on how hospitals can successfully integrate and retain skilled overseas professionals in relevant work roles. This study aimed to explore the integration and retention experiences of skilled American physician assistants/associates working in English hospitals. METHODS: A qualitative study using semi-structured telephone interviews was undertaken in spring 2017 and spring 2018. Data were coded and analysed using thematic analysis. The study was framed within a theoretical model of role development. RESULTS: Nineteen physician assistants/associates participated in interviews at timepoint one, and seventeen at timepoint two, across seven English hospitals. Four themes were identified in the integration and retention processes experienced by participants: motivations and expectations, seeking role identity, acceptance and integration, and establishing a niche role. Supervising doctors appeared instrumental in creating opportunities through training and system adjustment that enabled development of niche roles; offering an effective match between participant skills and interests, and medical/surgical team or organisational needs. Whether or not they had a niche role influenced the decision of participants to remain or leave. CONCLUSION: Integration approaches that maximise the value of the skilled health professional to the medical/surgical team and support retention, including development of optimum roles, require time and resources

    Physician Associate and General Practitioner Consultations: A Comparative Observational Video Study.

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    BACKGROUND: Physician associates, known internationally as physician assistants, are a mid-level practitioner, well established in the United States of America but new to the United Kingdom. A small number work in primary care under the supervision of general practitioners, where they most commonly see patients requesting same day appointments for new problems. As an adjunct to larger study, we investigated the quality of the patient consultation of physician associates in comparison to that of general practitioners. METHOD: We conducted a comparative observational study using video recordings of consultations by volunteer physician associates and general practitioners with consenting patients in single surgery sessions. Recordings were assessed by experienced general practitioners, blinded to the type of the consulting practitioner, using the Leicester Assessment Package. Assessors were asked to comment on the safety of the recorded consultations and to attempt to identify the type of practitioner. Ratings were compared across practitioner type, alongside the number of presenting complaints discussed in each consultation and the number of these which were acute, minor, or regarding a chronic condition. RESULTS: We assessed 62 consultations (41 general practitioner and 21 physician associates) from five general practitioners and four physician associates. All consultations were assessed as safe; but general practitioners were rated higher than PAs in all elements of consultation. The general practitioners were more likely than physician associates to see people with multiple presenting complaints (p<0.0001) and with chronic disease related complaints (p = 0.008). Assessors correctly identified general practitioner consultations but not physician associates. The Leicester Assessment Package had limited inter-rater and intra-rater reliability. CONCLUSIONS: The physician associate consultations were with a less complex patient group. They were judged as competent and safe, although general practitioner consultations, unsurprisingly, were rated as more competent. Physician associates offer a complementary addition to the medical workforce in general practice

    Experiences of intimate continence care and the impact on the family dyad relationship for people living at home with dementia and their co-resident family members.

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    OBJECTIVES: The experience of providing/receiving intimate continence care between family members can be difficult and emotive. Often, for people living with dementia this seems an area of care overlooked by professionals. This study investigated the experiences of intimate continence care for people living with dementia and their family member (the family dyad), and whether they viewed this as impacting on their relationship. METHOD: Face-to-face interviews were conducted at 6 monthly intervals over a 12-month period with 13 carers (all family members) and one person living with dementia (13 family dyads) in England. Interviews were recorded and transcribed. Analysis of the data was achieved using a descriptive phenomenological method. FINDINGS: Carers' attitudes towards providing intimate continence care revealed a task-focused approach for some but feelings of disgust and distress for others. Four participants (including the participant living with dementia) reported that intimate continence care had strengthened their dyad relationship. However, some carers perceived the care and support received from health and social care practitioners to be insufficient, which placed extra stress on them and adversely affected their family dyad relationship. CONCLUSION: Implications of the study suggest that integrated and effective continence care and support for people living with dementia and their carers could (1) maintain the quality of the family dyad relationship, (2) help keep the person living at home, delaying an unwanted move to a care home and (3) consequently improve overall quality of life for individuals in the family dyad. Assuring integrated and effective continence care should be a priority for service funders and quality assurance regulators