237 research outputs found

    Effects of infection-induced migration delays on the epidemiology of avian influenza in wild mallard populations

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    Wild waterfowl populations form a natural reservoir of Avian Influenza (AI) virus, and fears exist that these birds may contribute to an AI pandemic by spreading the virus along their migratory flyways. Observational studies suggest that individuals infected with AI virus may delay departure from migratory staging sites. Here, we explore the epidemiological dynamics of avian influenza virus in a migrating mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) population with a specific view to understanding the role of infection-induced migration delays on the spread of virus strains of differing transmissibility. We develop a host-pathogen model that combines the transmission dynamics of influenza with the migration, reproduction and mortality of the host bird species. Our modeling predicts that delayed migration of individuals influences both the timing and size of outbreaks of AI virus. We find that (1) delayed migration leads to a lower total number of cases of infection each year than in the absence of migration delay, (2) when the transmission rate of a strain is high, the outbreak starts at the staging sites at which birds arrive in the early part of the fall migration, (3) when the transmission rate is low, infection predominantly occurs later in the season, which is further delayed when there is a migration delay. As such, the rise of more virulent AI strains in waterfowl could lead to a higher prevalence of infection later in the year, which could change the exposure risk for farmed poultry. A sensitivity analysis shows the importance of generation time and loss of immunity for the effect of migration delays. Thus, we demonstrate, in contrast to many current transmission risk models solely using empirical information on bird movements to assess the potential for transmission, that a consideration of infection-induced delays is critical to understanding the dynamics of AI infection along the entire flyway.<br /

    Structure and evolution of the gorilla and orangutan growth hormone loci

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    In primates, the unigenic growth hormone (GH) locus of prosimians, expressed primarily in the anterior pituitary, evolved by gene duplications, independently in New World Monkeys (NWM) and Old World Monkeys (OWMs)/apes, to give complex clusters of genes expressed in the pituitary and placenta. In human and chimpanzee, the GH locus comprises five genes, GH-N being expressed as pituitary GH, whereas GH-V (placental GH) and CSHs (chorionic somatomammotropins) are expressed (in human and probably chimpanzee) in the placenta; the CSHs comprise CSH-A, CSH-B and the aberrant CSH-L (possibly a pseudogene) in human, and CSH-A1, CSH-A2 and CSH-B in chimpanzee. Here the GH locus in two additional great apes, gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and orangutan (Pongo abelii), is shown to contain six and four GH-like genes respectively. The gorilla locus possesses six potentially expressed genes, gGH-N, gGH-V and four gCSHs, whereas the orangutan locus has just three functional genes, oGH-N, oGH-V and oCSH-B, plus a pseudogene, oCSH-L. Analysis of regulatory sequences, including promoter, enhancer and P-elements, shows significant variation; in particular the proximal Pit-1 element of GH-V genes differs markedly from that of other genes in the cluster. Phylogenetic analysis shows that the initial gene duplication led to distinct GH-like and CSH-like genes, and that a second duplication provided separate GH-N and GH-V. However, evolution of the CSH-like genes remains unclear. Rapid adaptive evolution gave rise to the distinct CSHs, after the first duplication, and to GH-V after the second duplication. Analysis of transcriptomic databases derived from gorilla tissues establishes that the gGH-N, gGH-V and several gCSH genes are expressed, but the significance of the many CSH genes in gorilla remains unclear

    Membrane Damage Elicits an Immunomodulatory Program in Staphylococcus aureus

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    The Staphylococcus aureus HrtAB system is a hemin-regulated ABC transporter composed of an ATPase (HrtA) and a permease (HrtB) that protect S. aureus against hemin toxicity. S. aureus strains lacking hrtA exhibit liver-specific hyper-virulence and upon hemin exposure over-express and secrete immunomodulatory factors that interfere with neutrophil recruitment to the site of infection. It has been proposed that heme accumulation in strains lacking hrtAB is the signal which triggers S. aureus to elaborate this anti-neutrophil response. However, we report here that S. aureus strains expressing catalytically inactive HrtA do not elaborate the same secreted protein profile. This result indicates that the physical absence of HrtA is responsible for the increased expression of immunomodulatory factors, whereas deficiencies in the ATPase activity of HrtA do not contribute to this process. Furthermore, HrtB expression in strains lacking hrtA decreases membrane integrity consistent with dysregulated permease function. Based on these findings, we propose a model whereby hemin-mediated over-expression of HrtB in the absence of HrtA damages the staphylococcal membrane through pore formation. In turn, S. aureus senses this membrane damage, triggering the increased expression of immunomodulatory factors. In support of this model, wildtype S. aureus treated with anti-staphylococcal channel-forming peptides produce a secreted protein profile that mimics the effect of treating Ξ”hrtA with hemin. These results suggest that S. aureus senses membrane damage and elaborates a gene expression program that protects the organism from the innate immune response of the host

    Drug export and allosteric coupling in a multidrug transporter revealed by molecular simulations

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    Multidrug resistance is a serious problem in current chemotherapy. The efflux system largely responsible for resistance in Escherichia coli contains the drug transporter, AcrB. The structures of AcrB were solved in 2002 as the symmetric homo-trimer, and then in 2006 as the asymmetric homo-trimer. The latter suggested a functionally rotating mechanism. Here, by molecular simulations of the AcrB porter domain, we uncovered allosteric coupling and the drug export mechanism in the AcrB trimer. Allosteric coupling stabilized the asymmetric structure with one drug molecule bound, which validated the modelling. Drug dissociation caused a conformational change and stabilized the symmetric structure, providing a unified view of the structures reported in 2002 and 2006. A dynamic study suggested that, among the three potential driving processes, only protonation of the drug-bound protomer can drive the functional rotation and simultaneously export the drug

    Ontogeny of Toll-Like and NOD-Like Receptor-Mediated Innate Immune Responses in Papua New Guinean Infants

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    Studies addressing the ontogeny of the innate immune system in early life have reported mainly on Toll-like receptor (TLR) responses in infants living in high-income countries, with little or even no information on other pattern recognition receptors or on early life innate immune responses in children living under very different environmental conditions in less-developed parts of the world. In this study, we describe whole blood innate immune responses to both Toll-like and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptor agonists including the widely used vaccine adjuvant β€˜alum’ in a group of Papua New Guinean infants aged 1–3 (nβ€Š=β€Š18), 4–6 (nβ€Š=β€Š18), 7–12 (nβ€Š=β€Š21) and 13–18 (nβ€Š=β€Š10) months old. Depending on the ligands and cytokines studied, different age-related patterns were found: alum-induced IL-1Ξ² and CXCL8 responses were found to significantly decline with increasing age; inflammatory (IL-6, IL-1Ξ², IFN-Ξ³) responses to TLR2 and TLR3 agonists increased; and IL-10 responses remained constant or increased during infancy, while TNF-Ξ± responses either declined or remained the same. We report for the first time that whole blood innate immune responses to the vaccine adjuvant alum decrease with age in infancy; a finding that may imply that the adjuvant effect of alum in pediatric vaccines could be age-related. Our findings further suggest that patterns of innate immune development may vary between geographically diverse populations, which in line with the β€˜hygiene hypothesis’ particularly involves persistence of innate IL-10 responses in populations experiencing higher infectious pressure

    A survey of trainee specialists experiences at the University of Cape Town (UCT): Impacts of race and gender

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Efforts to redress racial and gender inequalities in the training of medical specialists has been a central part of a dedicated programme in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Cape Town (UCT). This study aimed to describe trends in race and gender profiles of postgraduate students in medical specialties (registrars) from 1999 to 2006 and to identify factors affecting recruitment and retention of black and female trainees.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>Review of faculty databases for race and gender data from 1999 to 2006. Distribution of an anonymous self-administered questionnaire to all registrars in 2005/2006.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The percentage of African registrars doubled from 10% to 19% from 1999 to beyond 2002. The percentages of Africans, Coloureds and Indians rose steadily from 26% to 46% from 1999 to 2005, as did that of women from 27% to 44%. The institution's perceived good reputation, being an alumnus and originating from Cape Town were common reasons for choosing UCT for training. A quarter of respondents reported knowledge of a friend who decided against studying at UCT for reasons which included anticipated racial discrimination. Black respondents (23%), particularly African (50%), were more likely to describe registrarship at UCT as unwelcoming than white respondents (12%). Specific instances of personal experience of discrimination were uncommon and not associated with respondents' race or gender. Registrars who had had a child during registrarship and those reporting discrimination were more likely to rate the learning and research environment as poor (Odds Ratio, 4.01; 95% CI 0.98 – 16.47 and 1.99 95% CI 0.57 – 6.97, respectively).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The proportion of black and female registrars at the University of Cape Town has increased steadily from 1999 to 2006, most likely a result of systematic equity policies and procedures adopted in the faculty during this period. The data point to a need for policies to make the institution more welcoming to diversity and for strategies to address institutional culture and mentorship, with an aim to develop examples of best practices to share within and between institutions.</p

    Vibrio cholerae vexH Encodes a Multiple Drug Efflux Pump That Contributes to the Production of Cholera Toxin and the Toxin Co-Regulated Pilus

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    The resistance-nodulation-division (RND) efflux systems are ubiquitous transporters that function in antimicrobial resistance. Recent studies showed that RND systems were required for virulence factor production in Vibrio cholerae. The V. cholerae genome encodes six RND efflux systems. Three of the RND systems (VexB, VexD, and VexK) were previously shown to be redundant for in vitro resistance to bile acids and detergents. A mutant lacking the VexB, VexD, and VexK RND pumps produced wild-type levels of cholera toxin (CT) and the toxin co-regulated pilus (TCP) and was moderately attenuated for intestinal colonization. In contrast, a RND negative mutant produced significantly reduced amounts of CT and TCP and displayed a severe colonization defect. This suggested that one or more of the three uncharacterized RND efflux systems (i.e. VexF, VexH, and VexM) were required for pathogenesis. In this study, a genetic approach was used to generate a panel of V. cholerae RND efflux pump mutants in order to determine the function of VexH in antimicrobial resistance, virulence factor production, and intestinal colonization. VexH contributed to in vitro antimicrobial resistance and exhibited a broad substrate specificity that was redundant with the VexB, VexD, and VexK RND efflux pumps. These four efflux pumps were responsible for in vitro antimicrobial resistance and were required for virulence factor production and intestinal colonization. Mutation of the VexF and/or VexM efflux pumps did not affect in vitro antimicrobial resistance, but did negatively affect CT and TCP production. Collectively, our results demonstrate that the V. cholerae RND efflux pumps have redundant functions in antimicrobial resistance and virulence factor production. This suggests that the RND efflux systems contribute to V. cholerae pathogenesis by providing the bacterium with protection against antimicrobial compounds that are present in the host and by contributing to the regulated expression of virulence factors

    New Insights into the Evolution of Metazoan Tyrosinase Gene Family

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    Tyrosinases, widely distributed among animals, plants and fungi, are involved in the biosynthesis of melanin, a pigment that has been exploited, in the course of evolution, to serve different functions. We conducted a deep evolutionary analysis of tyrosinase family amongst metazoa, thanks to the availability of new sequenced genomes, assessing that tyrosinases (tyr) represent a distinctive feature of all the organisms included in our study and, interestingly, they show an independent expansion in most of the analyzed phyla. Tyrosinase-related proteins (tyrp), which derive from tyr but show distinct key residues in the catalytic domain, constitute an invention of chordate lineage. In addition we here reported a detailed study of the expression territories of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis tyr and tyrps. Furthermore, we put efforts in the identification of the regulatory sequences responsible for their expression in pigment cell lineage. Collectively, the results reported here enlarge our knowledge about the tyrosinase gene family as valuable resource for understanding the genetic components involved in pigment cells evolution and development
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