129 research outputs found

    Heart Failure and Iron Deficiency

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    Heart failure (HF) is a major public health problem because it is one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality in Western countries, with a prevalence of 1–2% in the adult population, rising to ≥10% in those age >70 years. In addition to the “classic” co-morbidities, such as COPD, arterial hypertension, diabetes, renal failure, etc., there are other conditions frequently found in patients with heart failure that many times are underestimated. One example are anemia and iron deficiency (ID). ID, regardless of anemia impair exercise tolerance, symptoms and quality of life, with a strong negative prognostic impact on hospitalization and mortality rate. Despite strong evidence of high prevalence of ID in these patients and current guidelines recommendations, the diagnosis of ID and its monitoring over time still have low priority for physicians in clinical practice. Consequently ID is under-treated; furthermore current therapies, in particular i.v. iron as ferric carboxymaltose, though effective, turn out to be poorly managed by clinicians. ID should be considered more in real world HF healthcare settings to improve patients’ quality of life and outcome

    Triggers for atrial fibrillation. the role of anxiety

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most widely recognized arrhythmia. Systemic arterial hypertension, diabetes, obesity, heart failure, and valvular heart diseases are major risk factors for the onset and progression of AF. Various studies have emphasized the augmented anxiety rate among AF patients due to the poor quality of life; however, little information is known about the possibility of triggering atrial fibrillation by anxiety. +e present review sought to underline the possible pathophysiological association between AF and anxiety disorders and suggests that anxiety can be an independent risk factor for AF, acting as atrigger, creating an arrhythmogenic substrate, and modulating the autonomic nervous system.+e awareness of the role of anxietydisorders as a risk factor for AF may lead to the development of new clinical strategies for the management of AF

    Advanced Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Takotsubo Syndrome: Update on Feature Tracking and Tissue Mapping

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    Backgrounds: Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is an intriguing clinical entity characterized by transient myocardial dysfunction. The precise pathophysiological mechanism of TTS is still unknown, but recent evidence suggests a central role of systemic inflammation associated with adrenergic discharge. Although initially considered benign, TTS has shown several potential short-term and long-term complications and adverse outcomes. To improve understanding and management, advanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) techniques, such as feature tracking (FT) and parametric mapping, have gained attention. Purpose of Review: The purpose of this review is to summarize the current literature on the clinical applications of CMR-FT and mapping in TTS. Additionally, the most significant and recent findings will be discussed. Recent Findings: FT-CMR enables the parametric quantification of myocardial deformation, allowing a comprehensive evaluation of left ventricular, right ventricular, and atrial function. It provides an accurate definition of areas of myocardial dysfunction and potentially serves as a superior prognostic tool compared to ejection fraction. Tissue mapping techniques enable precise and comprehensive tissue characterization by quantifying areas of oedema, and myocardial fibrosis. Summary: FT-CMR and mapping techniques serve as valuable prognostic tools both in the acute and chronic phases of TTS. They can detect subtle alterations and pan-cardiac involvement, while also providing important insights into the complex underlying mechanisms of the syndrome

    Comparison of T1 mapping techniques for ECV quantification. histological validation and reproducibility of ShMOLLI versus multibreath-hold T1 quantification equilibrium contrast CMR

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    BACKGROUND: Myocardial extracellular volume (ECV) is elevated in fibrosis or infiltration and can be quantified by measuring the haematocrit with pre and post contrast T1 at sufficient contrast equilibrium. Equilibrium CMR (EQ-CMR), using a bolus-infusion protocol, has been shown to provide robust measurements of ECV using a multibreath-hold T1 pulse sequence. Newer, faster sequences for T1 mapping promise whole heart coverage and improved clinical utility, but have not been validated. METHODS: Multibreathhold T1 quantification with heart rate correction and single breath-hold T1 mapping using Shortened Modified Look-Locker Inversion recovery (ShMOLLI) were used in equilibrium contrast CMR to generate ECV values and compared in 3 ways.Firstly, both techniques were compared in a spectrum of disease with variable ECV expansion (n=100, 50 healthy volunteers, 12 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, 18 with severe aortic stenosis, 20 with amyloid). Secondly, both techniques were correlated to human histological collagen volume fraction (CVF%, n=18, severe aortic stenosis biopsies). Thirdly, an assessment of test:retest reproducibility of the 2 CMR techniques was performed 1 week apart in individuals with widely different ECVs (n=10 healthy volunteers, n=7 amyloid patients). RESULTS: More patients were able to perform ShMOLLI than the multibreath-hold technique (6% unable to breath-hold). ECV calculated by multibreath-hold T1 and ShMOLLI showed strong correlation (r(2)=0.892), little bias (bias -2.2%, 95%CI -8.9% to 4.6%) and good agreement (ICC 0.922, range 0.802 to 0.961, p<0.0001). ECV correlated with histological CVF% by multibreath-hold ECV (r(2)= 0.589) but better by ShMOLLI ECV (r(2)= 0.685). Inter-study reproducibility demonstrated that ShMOLLI ECV trended towards greater reproducibility than the multibreath-hold ECV, although this did not reach statistical significance (95%CI -4.9% to 5.4% versus 95%CI -6.4% to 7.3% respectively, p=0.21). CONCLUSIONS: ECV quantification by single breath-hold ShMOLLI T1 mapping can measure ECV by EQ-CMR across the spectrum of interstitial expansion. It is procedurally better tolerated, slightly more reproducible and better correlates with histology compared to the older multibreath-hold FLASH techniques

    Narrating the museum to promote empathy and critical thinking in medical science students and doctors through online activities: a pilot research experience

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    L'esperienza di ricerca "Narrare il museo per promuovere l’empatia e il pensiero critico in studenti di medicina e dottori", realizzata nell'ambito del progetto "Inclusive Memory", co-finanziato dall’Università Roma Tre, mira a promuovere l'empatia e la capacità di pensiero critico nei medici, anche in formazione, attraverso attività di educazione al patrimonio. Le caratteristiche innovative dell'esperienza di ricerca risiedono nell'utilizzo di attività online, che combinano diverse metodologie di apprendimento: Visual Thinking Strategies, Reflective Questioning, Storytelling e Object-based learning. Il contributo presenta i risultati dell'attività pilota svolta dal gruppo di ricerca del Centro di Didattica Museale, con sede presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione dell’Università Roma Tre, in collaborazione con Sapienza Università di Roma. Vengono inoltre descritte le attività didattiche, gli strumenti di apprendimento e di valutazione utilizzati durante tale esperienza, che ha coinvolto 35 partecipanti. I risultati della sperimentazione descritta evidenziano un miglioramento statisticamente significativo per quanto riguarda l’indicatore di pensiero critico “uso della lingua” e un miglioramento della dimensione empatica della sensibilità al contesto; i partecipanti dichiarano che i loro livelli di comunicazione e pensiero critico migliorano alla fine delle attività e che gli esercizi progettati stimolano la riflessione, l'osservazione e l'interpretazione.The research experience "Narrating the museum to promote empathy and critical thinking in medical science students and doctors through online activities", carried out within the "Inclusive Memory" project, co-funded by University Roma Tre, aims at promoting empathy and critical thinking skills in medical science students and doctors through heritage education activities. The innovative features of the research experience lie in the use of online activities, combining different learning methodologies: Visual Thinking Strategies, Reflective Questioning, Storytelling and Object-Based Learning. The paper presents the results of the pilot activity carried out by the Centre for Museum Studies research group, based at the Department of Education – Roma Tre, in collaboration with the Sapienza University of Rome. It also describes the teaching activities, learning and evaluation tools used during the pilot experience, which involved 35 participants. The trial results highlight a statistically significant improvement in the Critical Thinking use of language indicators and an improvement of Sensitivity to the context empathy dimension; participants state that their levels of communication and critical thinking skills improved at the end of the activities and that the exercises foreseen stimulated reflection, observation and interpretation

    False-positive bone scintigraphy denoting transthyretin amyloid in elderly hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

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    A positive nuclear scintigraphy with hydroxy bisphosphonate bone tracer (99mTc-HPD) is believed to have high sensitivity (>99%) and specificity (91%) for the diagnosis of transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy. We report the case of an 85-year-old man with increased thickness of ventricular walls and a positive bone scintigraphy, who was unexpectedly found to have sarcomeric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy at left ventricular endomyocardial biopsy. Congo Red staining, immunohistochemistry, and transmission electronmicroscopy on six left ventricular samples scored negative for amyloidosis but were suggestive for sarcomeric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Genetic study did not show TTR and most commonly involved sarcomeric genes mutations. In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy focal cell necrosis related to demand/supply oxygen mismatch, small vessels disease or inflammation could be responsible of a false-positive bone scintigraphy signal for transthyretin amyloidosis. Because of this, especially in view of a possible specific treatment, endomyocardial biopsy is highly recommended for the correct diagnosis of cardiomyopathies with hypertrophic phenotype

    How to perform a cardio-thoracic magnetic resonance imaging in COVID-19: comprehensive assessment of heart, pulmonary arteries, and lung parenchyma

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    We proposed a combined cardiothoracic-MRI (CaTh-MRI) protocol for the comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular structures, lung parenchyma, and pulmonary arterial tree, in COVID-19 patients with progressive worsening of clinical conditions and/or suspicion of acute-onset myocardial inflammation. A 25-minutes fast protocol was also conceived for unstable or uncooperative patients by restricting the number of sequences to those necessary to rule out myocardial and to assess pulmonary involvement. In patients requiring CMR characterization of myocardial damage, the addition of lung and thoracic vessel evaluation is of clinical benefit at a minimal time expense