11 research outputs found

    Varieties of Non-ordinary Experiences in Brazil—a Critical Review of the Contribution of Studies of ‘Religious Experience’ to the Study of Religion

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    According to the latest national census, 64.6% of Brazilians identified themselves as Roman Catholic. However, the census has little or nothing to do with actual practice or belief. Professing to be a Christian (within any confessional specification) is still part of being Brazilian. But the self-identification does not take into account that religiosity is expressed in very diverse ways nor does it prevent people from believing and practising one of the many Brazilian traditions though identifying themselves as Christian in the census. This perception represents the framework of the following discussion of non-ordinary experiences in Brazil, whether they are perceived as religious, spiritual or ‘just’ extraordinary. This article presents an overview of studies about non-ordinary experiences in Brazil. The aim is to show the importance of these experiences for the understanding of the religious landscape of Brazil

    Small mammals in a fragment and adjacent matrix in southeastern Brazil

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    Between May 2002 and May 2003, we studied a small mammal community from an Atlantic forest fragment surrounded by a coffee plantation in the municipality of Santa Teresa, EspĂ­rito Santo state, Brazil. We obtained a total of 300 captures of 114 individuals belonging to 11 mammal species. Seventy three percent of the species captured in the forest also used the coffee plantation, mainly males (90%) and young (80%) individuals of Marmosops incanus. The exceptionally low recapture rate in the coffee plantation suggests that it functions as a corridor between fragments, rather than as a habitat for these species. Understanding the role of matrix habitat use in fragmented landscapes is an important factor in small mammal conservation, as it asymmetrically affects the rate and mode of individual movements of different species

    Use of space by the yellow-footed antechinus, Antechinus flavipes, in a fragmented landscape in South Australia

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    An understanding of how individual species are able to persist and move within fragmented landscapes is critical for elucidating the effects of fragmentation and aiding in the management of species. Here, we studied movement behaviour of the dasyurid Antechinus flavipes in a heavily fragmented landscape using trapping and radiotracking. We assessed the ability of animals to move within and amongst small (<6 ha) remnants and make use of the matrix, and investigated how females used the available space within remnants. Seventeen between-remnant movements were detected from 428 recaptures, ranging in length from 30 to 720 m and averaging 352 m. Most were by adult males during the breeding season, with 40% more than 500 m. Landscape types traversed would have included exotic pine plantations, open grazed areas and roads. Between-site movements of juveniles were only detected on three occasions. However, few young males were captured as adults, suggesting high dispersal rates and considerable matrix use. Conversely, despite high female recapture rates, again only three between-site movements were recorded. Radiotracking further indicated that females confined foraging to remnants, with occasional forays to isolated trees in paddocks. Female home range areas were similar for remnants and forest (0.04-0.66 ha). A. flavipes is clearly able to persist in very small patches of native vegetation in the landscape studied here. Its long-term persistence appears dependent on the ability of females to maintain a presence in the small remnants, and of unrelated males to move between remnants to breed with resident females. This study illustrates the importance of recognising the occurrence of metapopulations in fragmented landscapes for conservation management. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.Doreen Marchesan and Susan M. Carthe

    Matrix is important for mammals in landscapes with small amounts of native forest habitat

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    Acknowledgment that the matrix matters in conserving wildlife in human-modified landscapes is increasing. However, the complex interactions of habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, habitat condition and land use have confounded attempts to disentangle the relative importance of properties of the landscape mosaic, including the matrix. To this end, we controlled for the amount of remnant forest habitat and the level of fragmentation to examine mammal species richness in human-modified landscapes of varying levels of matrix development intensity and patch attributes. We postulated seven alternative models of various patch habitat, landscape and matrix influences on mammal species richness and then tested these models using generalized linear mixed-effects models within an information theoretic framework. Matrix attributes were the most important determinants of terrestrial mammal species richness; matrix development intensity had a strong negative effect and vegetation structural complexity of the matrix had a strong positive effect. Distance to the nearest remnant forest habitat was relatively unimportant. Matrix habitat attributes are potentially a more important indicator of isolation of remnant forest patches than measures of distance to the nearest patch. We conclude that a structurally complex matrix within a human-modified landscape can provide supplementary habitat resources and increase the probability of movement across the landscape, thereby increasing mammal species richness in modified landscapes