58 research outputs found

    Prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes: importance of a screening program for the early detection of risk conditions in a target population

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    Introduction. Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In their genesis, an important role is played by some behavioral risk factors that may act inducing the onset of “intermediate risks factors” represented by hypertension, prediabetes, overweight and obesity. This study aimed to show the importance of the screening methodology to early detect these risk conditions in order to reduce the burden of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes complications. Methods. We carried out a screening program involving a cohort of people aged 45-60 in which risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes were evaluated. The subjects were then classified in four groups according to the risk conditions. Results. A high percentage (27.0%) of the sample resulted with some alteration in the detected anthropometric and/or clinical-laboratory parameters but unaware of this condition and, consequently, not under therapeutic treatment. Conclusions. The screening program allowed the early detection of hypertension and prediabetes or full-blown diabetes conditions in subjects that unknown their pathological condition, and consequently to proceed with adequate investigations and start healthy lifestyles/pharmacological therapies. Overall, the results highlight the need to anticipate these screening campaigns, especially in men, to increase the effectiveness of the prevention programs

    Health education intervention to improve vaccination knowledge and attitudes in a cohort of Obstetrics students.

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    Introduction. To improve the vaccination coverage in pregnant women it is important to increase their knowledge of vaccines and related preventable diseases. Midwifes can play an important role because they are often the first contact for woman during her pregnancy. This study aimed to explore the vaccination knowledge and attitudes in a cohort of Obstetrics students in Italy and improve their knowledge through an informative health education intervention. Methods. The study consisted in the administration of a first questionnaire followed by a health education intervention concerning all aspects of vaccinations. Then, a second questionnaire to evaluate the efficacy of the educational program was administered. Results. From the pre-intervention questionnaire resulted that almost the whole sample (97.1%) were favorable to vaccines in general. Moreover, 65.7% of the participants declared a sufficient level of vaccination knowledge but 62.9% found herself unprepared to answer questions and provide information about vaccinations. Concerning the answers about vaccination in pregnancy, the correct answers went from 17.1%, to 68.6% respectively before and after educational intervention. The training intervention obtained a total consensus (100%). The most part of the students (85.7%) declared that the received information changed some of their beliefs and the entire sample (100%) stated that it improved their preparation. Conclusions. Our results revealed some critical issues in the preparation of midwifes about vaccinations and confirm the necessity to carry out health intervention campaigns to these health professionals that, for the role they play, they must necessarily be well prepared


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    In last years, Campylobacter spp has become one of the most important foodborne pathogens even in high-income countries. Particularly, in Europe, Campylobacteriosis is, since 2005, the foodborne disease most frequently notified and the second in USA, preceded by the infection due to Salmonella spp. Campylobacter spp is a commensal microorganism of the gastrointestinal tract of many wild animals (birds such as ducks and gulls), farm animals (cattle and pigs) and companion animals (such as dogs and cats) and it is responsible for zoonoses. The transmission occurs via the fecal-oral route through ingestion of contaminated food and water. The disease varied from a watery diarrhea to a severe inflammatory diarrhea with abdominal pain and fever and can be burdened by some complications. The main recognized sequelae are Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), the Reactive Arthritis (REA) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Recently, many cases of Campylobacter spp isolated from human infections, showed an important resistance to various antibiotics such as tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones. For these reasons, the prevention of this infection plays an essential role. Many preventive measures exist to limit the transmission of the pathogens and the subsequent disease such as the health surveillance, the vaccination of the poultry and the correct food hygiene throughout the entire production chain. A global surveillance of Campylobacteriosis is desirable and should include data from all countries, including notifications of cases and the microbiological data typing of strains isolated from both human and animal cases

    Interleukin‑6 signalling as a valuable cornerstone for molecular medicine (Review)

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    The biological abilities of interleukin‐6 (IL‐6) have been under investigation for nearly 40 years. IL‐6 works through an interaction with the complex peptide IL‐6 receptor (IL‐6R). IL‐6 is built with four α‐chain nanostructures, while two different chains, IL‐6Rα (gp80) and gp130/IL6ÎČ (gp130), are included in IL‐6R. The three‐dimensional shapes of the six chains composing the IL‐6/IL‐6R complex are the basis for the nanomolecular roles of IL‐6 signalling. Genes, pseu‐ dogenes and competitive endogenous RNAs of IL‐6 have been identified. In the present review, the roles played by miRNA in the post‐transcriptional regulation of IL‐6 expression are evaluated. mRNAs are absorbed via the ‘sponge’ effect to dynamically balance mRNA levels and this has been assessed with regard to IL‐6 transcription efficiency. According to current knowledge on molecular and nanomolecular structures involved in active IL‐6 signalling, two different IL‐6 models have been proposed. IL‐6 mainly has functions in inflamma‐ tory processes, as well as in cognitive activities. Furthermore, the abnormal production of IL‐6 has been found in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐coV‐2; also known as cOVId‐19). In the present review, both inflammatory and cognitive IL‐6 models were analysed by evaluating the cytological and histological loca‐ tions of IL‐6 signalling. The goal of this review was to illustrate the roles of the classic and trans‐signalling IL‐6 pathways in endocrine glands such as the thyroid and in the central nervous system. Specifically, autoimmune thyroid diseases, disorders of cognitive processes and SARS‐coV‐2 virus infection have been examined to determine the contribution of IL‐6 to these disease states


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    AbstractIntroduction. Measles continues to be a major public health issue worldwide, with high morbidity and mortality rates. The disease remains endemic in 14 European countries, including Italy where, from 2013 to 2016, over 5,000 cases have been reported. In 2017, many Italian regions, including Sicily, have reported many cases of measles. In this study, we described the latest measles outbreak in the city of Messina, from 1st February to 31st August 2017.Methods. We considered all reported measles cases that came to the “Public Health, Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine” Operative Unit of the Messina Provincial Health Agency Prevention Department, which receives all reported cases of measles in the Messina province.Results. From 1st February to 31st August 2017, a total of 59 measles cases were reported, of which 44 were confirmed, nine were classified as possible, four were probable and two cases were discarded. Of the 57 possible, probable and confirmed cases, 31 (54%) were males and 26 (46%) were females. Moreover, 54 (95%) had not been previously vaccinated while the remaining cases had documented evidence of one (two cases) or two doses (one case). Genotype B3 was identified in 39 cases (68%) by the regional reference laboratory in Palermo.Conclusion. Despite the development of an effective vaccination, unfortunately measles continues to threaten the lives of millions of children worldwide each year. The suboptimal immunisation level in Italy has led to an increase in the transmission of measles with detrimental effects on both public health and ongoing measles elimination efforts

    Knowledge of sexually transmitted infections among younger subjects of the city of Messina (Sicily)

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    Introduction. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are considered a serious public health problem worldwide, affecting especially young people. The international monitoring data indicate that 70% of patients with STIs are aged between 15 and 24 years and the World Health Organization estimates that one out of 20 teenagers contracts an STI each year. We wanted to evaluate, through this work, what high school students of Messina know about the STIs. Material and methods. From February to May 2013 questionnaires were distributed to students of the last three classes of seven high schools, three of which belonging to humanistic area and four to technical area. The completed questionnaires collected were 1588. Results and discussion. The investigation carried out showed a better knowledge of the STIs by students of humanistic schools than students of technical-scientific schools, the percentage of correct answers was 74% and 60% respectively; this probably also depends on the family context, in fact, there is a statistically significant correlation between the percentage of correct answers and parents education level. Young people have a limited knowledge on the subject. We concluded our work by stressing the importance and the need to deepen and improve the training and information of the medical staff, teachers and families, as it is from their knowl- edge and their ability to provide complete and accurate information about the risks posed by STIs that can derive knowledge and choices of appropriate lifestyle between the youth population

    Epidemiological HIV infection surveillance among subjects with risk behaviours in the city of Messina (Sicily) from 1992 to 2015.

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    Introduction. Epidemiological studies are a key element to know the evolution and spread of HIV infection among the world population. The knowledge of the epidemiological dynamics improves the strategies of prevention and monitoring.Methods. We examined 2,272 subjects who voluntarily underwent to HIV testing from January 1992 to December 2015. For each subject, an anonymous form was filled to get information on personal data, sexual habits and exposure to risk factors.Results. The number of subjects who underwent to the screening test has increased over the years and the average age of the tested subjects has decreased over time. The main motivation to undergo HIV testing was unprotected sex. Even if the heterosexual subjects who carried out the test were more numerous of homosexuals, it is highlighted, during the years, an increase in the latter.Conclusions. Although the number of performed tests has increased over the years, the persistence of unprotected sex shows an inadequate perception of risk. Therefore, it is necessary to implement programs to increase the general awareness of HIV infection. It is also essential to constantly monitor behaviour, risk perception and the application of the screening test via surveillance systems in order to implement effective and efficient prevention

    Role of the 1st booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine in the protection against the infection: A fundamental public health tool

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    Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic is having a huge impact on human health with high morbidity and mortality rates worldwide. Healthcare Workers (HCWs) are one of the most at risk categories to contract the infection. Effective anti-COVID-19 vaccines were approved in a very short time. Making the 1st booster dose is essential to induce a good protection against the infection. Methods. We conducted a retrospective sero-epidemiological survey of already existing data concerning the antibody response of a HCWs sample vaccinated with the primary cycle and the 1st booster dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and, specifically, after three weeks from the third dose of vaccination. Results. In our analysis, after the primary cycle, a 95.15% efficacy was detected. Among the non-responders, women were significantly more frequent (69.56%). Moreover, we found a significant reverse correlation between the immune response and the age of the sample, especially in women. However, the 1st booster dose completely cancelled these differences. Conclusions. Our data are perfectly in line with what has been declared by the conducted studies in terms of efficacy. However, it is important to highlight that people with only the primary cycle are at high risk to contract the COVID-19 infection. Therefore, it is necessary to not consider people vaccinated with the primary cycle completely risk-free and to stress the importance to perform the 1st booster dose


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    Introduction. Voluntary interruption of pregnancy (VIP) is one of the most frequent healthcare procedures in the world and a Public Health concern in many countries, especially after liberalization of the abortion laws. The study has been carried out to identify the factors that still influence a fraction of female population towards abortion in the absence of fetal malformations.Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional study in the period 2012-2016. The survey was carried out on all VIPs performed at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Unit of the University Hospital "G. Martino" in Messina, Italy. Results. The analyzed sample consisted of 1131 women, aged between 16 and 50 years. Only 4% of VIPs was due to a diagnosis of fetal malformation. In relation to the presence or absence of fetal malformations as the possible reason for VIP, the sample was split up into two groups and the socio-demographic characteristics were considered. VIPs in the absence of malformations were significantly more frequent in younger women with a lower educational level, in unmarried and unemployed women and in women who already had children. Multivariate analysis, including as covariates education level, marital status, profession, number of children, number of previous abortions and nationality, indicated that the variables mainly related to using VIP in the absence of malformations were marital status, age and number of sons.Conclusions. Based on our results, it is crucial to further prevent requests for VIPs through information and sex education programs for adolescents in schools and consultants, and responsible procreation promotion programs
