361 research outputs found

    Non-celiac wheat sensitivity: rationality and irrationality of a gluten-free diet in individuals affected with non-celiac disease: a review

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    Non-celiac gluten or wheat sensitivity (NCWS) is a “clinical entity induced by the ingestion of wheat leading to intestinal and/or extraintestinal symptoms that improve once the wheat-containing foodstuff is removed from the diet, and celiac disease and wheat allergy have been excluded”. This mostly accepted definition raises several points that remain controversial on this condition. In the present review, the authors summarize the most recent advances in the clinic and research on NCWS through an accurate analysis of different studies. We screened PubMed, Medline, Embase, and Scopus using the keywords “non-celiac gluten sensitivity”, “non-celiac wheat sensitivity”, and “diagnosis”. We would like to emphasize two main points, including (A) the controversial clinical and etiological aspects in different trials and experiences with particular attention to the Salerno criteria for the diagnosis of NCWS and (B) the histological aspects. The etiology of NCWS remains controversial, and the relationship with irritable bowel syndrome is obscure. Histologically, the duodenal mucosa may show a variable pattern from unremarkable to a slight increase in the number of T lymphocytes in the superficial epithelium of villi. The endorsement of this disease is based on a positive response to a gluten-free diet for a limited period, followed by the reappearance of symptoms after gluten challenge. The Salerno expert criteria may help to diagnose NCWS accurately. Social media and inaccurate interpretation of websites may jeopardize the diagnostic process if individuals self-label as gluten intolerant

    Severe anaemia after gastric biopsy in an infant with eosinophilic gastritis

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    Background: Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders (EGID) are characterized by eosinophilic inflammation and are subclassified according to the affected site(s) as eosinophilic esophagitis, eosinophilic gastritis, eosinophilic enteritis and eosinophilic colitis. Clinical presentation includes dyspeptic symptoms, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and gastrointestinal bleeding. Peripheral eosinophilia is usually found but is not required for the diagnosis. The treatment is based on dietary elimination therapy, consisting of removal of common food triggers, most frequently cow's milk in infants. Corticosteroids are used as first line drug therapy in EG if dietary therapy fails to achieve an adequate clinical response or is impractical. Case presentation: A four month old infant was admitted for an episode of melena and hematemesis. An esophagogastroduodenoscopy showed haemorrhagic gastritis with ulcerative lesions and fibrin. A significant gastric bleeding was noted after the procedure. The gastric mucosa biopsies showed an eosinophilic infiltration. Conclusions: A clinically relevant anaemia is a quite rare complication in infants with eosinophilic gastritis and a biopsy may worsen bleeding, to a potentially severe level of low haemoglobin. In infants with low haemoglobin levels and suspect eosinophilic gastritis a watchful follow up after the biopsy should be considered, as well as the possibility of postponing the biopsy to reduce the bleeding risk

    The significance of duodenal mucosal atrophy in patients with common variable immunodeficiency: a clinical and histopathological study

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    Gastrointestinal manifestations and villous atrophy can be seen in patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID). In some patients, infectious agents may be responsible, whereas in Others, celiac diseases (CD) may be the cause. In this study, we investigate the causes and th ehistopathologic festures seen in patients with CVID. Eleven patients with CVID and villous atrophy underwent duodenal biopsies, human leukocyte antien (HLA) typing, and testing for all celiac antibodies. Fifteen patients with CVID and normal villi and 6 patients with CD but without CVID served as controls. Histologic response to a gluten-free diet (GFD) allowed a diagnosis of CD in 3 of 11 patients. In the remaining 8, the lack of a histologic response to a GFD or HLA typing excluded CD. Celiac antibodies gave conflicting results and were of no help. Polymorphonuclear infiltrates and lesions like graft-versus-host disease are seen more ofter in flat mucos aunresponsive to a GFD. However, the specificity of these findings remains to be determined and response to a GFD remains the only diagnostic criteria for CD in these patients. Villous atrophy was gluten-sensitive in 3 of 11 patients with CVID. It was not related to gluten-responsive CD in most patients

    Pneumococcal vaccination in celiac disease

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    Introduction: Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated disorder associated with gluten exposure in genetically predisposed subjects. Areas covered: Infectious disease is one of the causes of morbidity and mortality in CD patients. Invasive streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a particularly dangerous morbid condition in both the general population and celiac patients. Pneumococcal vaccination is the most effective means for its prevention. Expert opinion: In CD, evaluation of spleen function should be useful to select patients who may benefit from vaccination to reduce the risk of pneumococcal disease. Different strategies could be employed: physicians could search for signs of hyposplenism on peripheral blood smear or abdominal ultrasound. However, the best strategy to identify which patients will benefit from pneumococcal vaccination has not yet been defined

    hERG1 Potassium Channel Expression in Colorectal Adenomas: Comparison with Other Preneoplastic Lesions of the Gastrointestinal Tract

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    Preneoplastic lesions represent a useful target for early diagnosis and follow-up of gastrointestinal malignancies. hERG1 channel expression was tested by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in a cohort of colorectal adenoma samples belonging to Italian subjects. Overall, hERG1 was expressed in 56.5% of cases with both high staining intensity and a high percentage of positive cells. Moreover, hERG1 was expressed in a higher percentage of dysplastic adenomas with respect to hyperplastic lesions, and the proportion of positive samples further increased in patients with high-grade dysplasia. Comparing hERG1 expression in other preneoplastic lesions of the GI tract (gastric dysplasia and Barrett’s esophagus), it emerged that in all the conditions, hERG1 was expressed with a diffused pattern, throughout the cell, with variable staining intensity within the samples. The highest expression was detected in gastric dysplasia samples and the lowest in Barrett’s esophagus at similar levels observed in colorectal adenomas. Our results show that hERG1 is aberrantly expressed in human preneoplastic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and has a different pattern of expression and role in the different sites. Overall, the detection of hERG1 expression in preneoplastic lesions could represent a novel diagnostic or prognostic marker of progression in the gastrointestinal tract

    Long non-coding RNA gas5 and intestinal mmp2 and mmp9 expression: A translational study in pediatric patients with IBD

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    Background: The long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) growth arrest–specific transcript 5 (GAS5) seems to be involved in the regulation of mediators of tissue injury, in particular matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We investigated the role of GAS5 in regulating MMP2 and MMP9 expression in pediatric patients with IBD and in vitro. Methods: In total, 25 IBD patients were enrolled: For each patient paired inflamed and non-inflamed biopsies were collected. RNA was extracted and GAS5, MMP2, and MMP9 were quantified by TaqMan assay. The expression of GAS5 and MMPs was also determined in the human monocytic THP1 cells differentiated into macrophages and stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The function of GAS5 was assessed by overexpressing the lncRNA and evaluating the MMPs levels. Results: Real-time PCR results demonstrated a downregulation of GAS5 and an upregulation of both MMPs in inflamed tissues. In vitro data confirmed the trend observed in patients for the three genes: The stimulation with LPS promoted a downregulation of GAS5 while an increase of MMPs was observed. Overexpression experiments showed that higher levels of GAS5 lead to a decrease of both enzymes. Conclusion: These results provide new information about the role of GAS5 in IBD: The lncRNA could mediate tissue damage by modulating the expression of MMPs

    Misinterpreting Diarrhea-Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Functional Diarrhea: Pathophysiological Highlights

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    Irritable bowel syndrome with predominant diarrhea (IBS-D) and functional diarrhea (FD) are disorders of gut–brain interaction characterized by recurring symptoms which have a serious impact on the patient’s quality of life. Their pathophysiology is far from being completely understood. In IBS-D growing evidence suggests that bile acid malabsorption (BAM) could be present in up to 30% of patients. Microscopic colitis (MC) is a well-known cause of watery diarrhea and some patients, at first, can be diagnosed as IBS-D or FD. Both BAM and MC are often responsible for the lack of response to conventional treatments in patients labelled as “refractory”. Moreover, because BAM and MC are not mutually exclusive, and can be found in the same patient, they should always be considered in the diagnostic workout when a specific treatment for BAM or MC is unsatisfactory. In the present review the possible shared pathogenetic mechanisms between BAM and MC are discussed highlighting how MC can induce a secondary BAM. Moreover, a brief overview of the current literature regarding the prevalence of their association is provided