147 research outputs found

    Strategie di consumer-brand engagement. Il punto di vista delle imprese e delle agenzie di comunicazione

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    Obiettivi del paper: Il lavoro si propone di studiare le strategie di consumerbrand engagement (CBE), sviluppando un originale framework integrato, basato sui punti di vista dei player appartenenti a due categorie chiave del communication network: le imprese inserzioniste (‘clicks-and-mortar’ e ‘pure play’) e le agenzie di comunicazione (tradizionali e digitali). Metodologia: Seguendo un approccio esplorativo ed induttivo di tipo qualitativo abbiamo condotto 44 interviste in profondità a esperti di marketing e di comunicazione (consulenti e manager). I dati qualitativi sono stati analizzati attraverso un’analisi tematica del contenuto. Risultati: I risultati mostrano similarità e specificità nelle prospettive manageriali rispetto al CBE in relazione alla categoria di appartenenza e all’orientamento al digital degli intervistati. Limiti della ricerca: Questo paper non ù esente da limiti, soprattutto legati alla natura qualitativa ed esplorativa del lavoro. I risultati non possono essere generalizzati. Implicazioni pratiche: I risultati offrono utili suggerimenti ai diversi attori studiati (imprese ‘clicks-and-mortar’ e ‘pure play’, agenzie tradizionali e digitali) per migliorare l’efficacia delle strategie di CBE. Originalità del paper: Le precedenti ricerche sul CBE si sono concentrate soprattutto sull’analisi del punto di vista del consumatore. Focalizzando l’attenzione sui differenti tipi di imprese e agenzie, il nostro studio rappresenta il primo contributo accademico che mira ad approfondire il punto di vista manageriale all’interno di un framework concettuale che integra i diversi temi chiave relativi allo sviluppo delle strategie di CBE

    Strategie di consumer-brand engagement. Il punto di vista delle imprese e delle agenzie di comunicazione

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    Il lavoro si propone di studiare le strategie di consumer-brand engagement (CBE), sviluppando un originale framework integrato, basato sui punti di vista dei player appartenenti a due categorie chiave del communication network: le imprese inserzioniste (\u2018clicks-and-mortar\u2019 e \u2018pure play\u2019) e le agenzie di comunicazione (tradizionali e digitali). Seguendo un approccio esplorativo ed induttivo di tipo qualitativo abbiamo condotto 44 interviste in profondit\ue0 a esperti di marketing e di comunicazione (consulenti e manager). I dati qualitativi sono stati analizzati attraverso un\u2019analisi tematica del contenuto. I risultati mostrano similarit\ue0 e specificit\ue0 nelle prospettive manageriali rispetto al CBE in relazione alla categoria di appartenenza e all\u2019orientamento al digital degli intervistati. Le precedenti ricerche sul CBE sono state concentrate soprattutto sull\u2019analisi del punto di vista del consumatore. Focalizzando l\u2019attenzione sui differenti tipi di imprese e agenzie, il nostro studio rappresenta il primo contributo accademico che mira ad approfondire le dimensioni del punto di vista manageriale all\u2019interno di un framework concettuale che integra i diversi temi chiave relativi allo sviluppo delle strategie di CB

    Multiparametric MRI and Radiomics in Prostate Cancer: A Review of the Current Literature

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) represents the fourth most common cancer and the fifth leading cause of cancer death of men worldwide. Multiparametric MRI (mp-MRI) has high sensitivity and specificity in the detection of PCa, and it is currently the most widely used imaging technique for tumor localization and cancer staging. mp-MRI plays a key role in risk stratification of naive patients, in active surveillance for low-risk patients, and in monitoring recurrence after definitive therapy. Radiomics is an emerging and promising tool which allows a quantitative tumor evaluation from radiological images via conversion of digital images into mineable high-dimensional data. The purpose of radiomics is to increase the features available to detect PCa, to avoid unnecessary biopsies, to define tumor aggressiveness, and to monitor post-treatment recurrence of PCa. The integration of radiomics data, including different imaging modalities (such as PET-CT) and other clinical and histopathological data, could improve the prediction of tumor aggressiveness as well as guide clinical decisions and patient management. The purpose of this review is to describe the current research applications of radiomics in PCa on MR images

    CT and MR Imaging of Retroperitoneal Sarcomas: A Practical Guide for the Radiologist

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    Primary retroperitoneal sarcomas (RPS) represent around 10–16% of all sarcomas, with liposarcomas and leiomyosarcomas being the most common subtypes. RPS have some peculiar characteristics, imaging appearances, worse prognosis, and complications compared to other locations of sarcoma. Commonly, RPS primarily present as large masses, progressively encasing adjacent structures, causing mass effect, and complications. RPS diagnosis is often challenging, and these tumors may be overlooked; however, failure to recognize RPS characteristics leads to a worse prognosis for the patients. Surgery is the only recognized curative treatment, but the anatomical constraints of the retroperitoneum limit the ability to achieve wide resection margins; therefore, these tumors have a high rate of recurrence, and require long-term follow-up. The radiologist has an important role in the diagnosis of RPS, the definition of their extent, and their follow-up. Specific knowledge of the main imaging findings is required to reach an early diagnosis, and, ultimately, to guarantee the best patient management. This article provides an overview of the current knowledge regarding cross-sectional imaging features of patients with retroperitoneal sarcomas, presenting tips and tricks to improve imaging diagnosis of RPS

    Advances in liver US, CT, and MRI: moving toward the future

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    Over the past two decades, the epidemiology of chronic liver disease has changed with an increase in the prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in parallel to the advent of curative treatments for hepatitis C. Recent developments provided new tools for diagnosis and monitoring of liver diseases based on ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), as applied for assessing steatosis, fibrosis, and focal lesions. This narrative review aims to discuss the emerging approaches for qualitative and quantitative liver imaging, focusing on those expected to become adopted in clinical practice in the next 5 to 10 years. While radiomics is an emerging tool for many of these applications, dedicated techniques have been investigated for US (controlled attenuation parameter, backscatter coefficient, elastography methods such as point shear wave elastography [pSWE] and transient elastography [TE], novel Doppler techniques, and three-dimensional contrast-enhanced ultrasound [3D-CEUS]), CT (dual-energy, spectral photon counting, extracellular volume fraction, perfusion, and surface nodularity), and MRI (proton density fat fraction [PDFF], elastography [MRE], contrast enhancement index, relative enhancement, T1 mapping on the hepatobiliary phase, perfusion). Concurrently, the advent of abbreviated MRI protocols will help fulfill an increasing number of examination requests in an era of healthcare resource constraints

    \u201cStrategie di consumer-brand engagement. Il punto di vista delle imprese e delle agenzie di comunicazione\u201d.

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    Purpose of the paper: The aim of the paper is to deepen the managerial perspectives towards consumer-brand engagement strategies (CBE) by developing an original integrative framework based upon two key players\u2019 categories within the marketing communication network: enterprises (\u2018clicks-and-mortar\u2019 and \u2018pure play\u2019) and agencies (traditional and digital). Methodology: Following an exploratory inductive and qualitative approach, we have drawn upon 44 in-depth interviews with marketing and communication experts (consultants and managers). Qualitative data was analysed through a thematic content analysis. Findings: The findings show similarities and specificities in the managerial perspectives towards CBE depending both on the players\u2019 category and the digital orientation. Research limits: This paper is not exempt from limitations, especially related to the qualitative and exploratory nature of the study, and the results cannot be generalised. Practical implications: The results offer useful suggestions to the different players studied (clicks-and-mortar, pure play enterprises, digital and traditional agencies) with the aim to improve the effectiveness of the CBE strategies. Originality of the paper: Previous research on CBE mainly focused on the analysis of the consumer\u2019s point of view. Focusing on different types of enterprises and agencies, our study provides the first academic contribution to the understanding of the managerial point of view within an original conceptual framework that integrates multiple key issues faced in developing CBE strategies


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    The aims of our poster are: -to review the MRI technique and protocol in preoperative local staging of rectal cancer (RC); -to identify radiological signs that are useful for both the clinician and the surgeon; -to provide some “tips & tricks” in the radiological evaluation of MR images in RC staging

    Spontaneous Resorption of an Occipital Meningocele: Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation

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    Cranial meningocele is a very rare variant of encephalocele. Meningocele can be associated with other disorders and may cause complications. Therapy is usually based on surgical treatment. To our knowledge, we describe the first case of spontaneous resorption of an occipital meningocele in a full-term newborn boy. A full-term newborn was noted to have a large non-skin covered, semitransparent cystic lump in the occipital bone. He underwent computed tomography and a diagnosis of meningocele was proposed. After a few hours, the cystic lump spontaneously readsorbed. After 1 week the patient underwent magnetic resonance. Histology confirmed the diagnosis


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    -To create a MR radiological template for endometriosis -To review MR reports and images in patients with endometriosis to assess the accurancy of the reports

    Hemoperitoneum following mild blunt abdominal trauma: First presentation of Crohn's disease

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    Introduction: Inflammatory bowel diseases are heterogeneous in their presentation. Crohn's disease (CD) has been described as an unusual cause of massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding. We present a patient with CD whose first presentation was hemoperitoneum following mild blunt abdominal trauma Case presentation: A 54-year-old woman came to the emergency room with a blunt abdominal trauma. The patient underwent an abdominal CT scan with i.v. contrast medium injection, which showed hemoperitoneum with stenotic strictures of the small bowel and active massive bleeding from ileocolic artery. The rapid anemia onset and the CT report induced us to perform blood transfusion and an emergency exploratory laparotomy. Histological examination of the resected terminal ileum revealed a Crohn's disease. Discussion: Crohn's disease has been associated with hemoperitoneum, but to date there is no exact protocol regarding treatment of massive hemorrhagic Crohn's disease, which is rare. A conservative approach with medical therapy has been suggested for initial treatment. However, if medical treatment fails or bleeding continues even with intervention, bowel resection through surgical therapy should be performed
