568 research outputs found

    Demonstration of a robust pseudogap in a three-dimensional correlated electronic system

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    We outline a partial-fractions decomposition method for determining the one-particle spectral function and single-particle density of states of a correlated electronic system on a finite lattice in the non self-consistent T-matrix approximation to arbitrary numerical accuracy, and demonstrate the application of these ideas to the attractive Hubbard model. We then demonstrate the effectiveness of a finite-size scaling ansatz which allows for the extraction of quantities of interest in the thermodynamic limit from this method. In this approximation, in one or two dimensions, for any finite lattice or in the thermodynamic limit, a pseudogap is present and its energy diverges as Tc is approached from above; this is an unphysical manifestation of using an approximation that predicts a spurious phase transition in one or two dimensions. However, in three dimensions one expects the transition predicted by this approximation to represent a true continuous phase transition, and in the thermodynamic limit any pseudogap predicted by this formulation will remain finite. We have applied our method to the attractive Hubbard model on a three-dimensional simple cubic lattice, and find that for intermediate coupling a prominent pseudogap is found in the single-particle density of states, and this gap persists over a large temperature range. In addition, we also show that for weak coupling a pseudogap is also present. The pseudogap energy at the transition temperature is almost a factor of three larger than the T=0 BCS gap for intermediate coupling, whereas for weak coupling the pseudogap and BCS gap energies are essentially equal.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Aerogels for energy and environmental applications

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    Aerogels are emerging as one of the most intriguing and promising groups of microporous materials, characterized by impressive properties such as low density, high surface area, high porosity and tunable surface chemistry. Fostering unique thermal and acoustic insulation features, for several decades they mainly received attention from the aerospace and building sectors. More recently, new great opportunities arose due to significant advances in the drying technologies that currently, represent the enabling step for aerogel synthesis and fabrication. This process-ability dramatically increased the interest toward aerogels from new disciplines. This explains why in the last decade the Environmental Science and Energy fields significantly contributed to the expansion of the aerogel technology, suggesting novel uses and applications and contributing to extend the group of materials that can be synthetized by aerogel processing. New, unforeseen properties emerged for aerogel materials, such as adsorption of contaminants and fluids purification, catalysis of different reactions, electrical conductivity. The present short-review aims at providing a critical overview of the key advances in the development of aerogels for energy and environmental applications, especially emphasizing the common strategies and properties that are turning aerogels into one of the new key emerging technologies of these areas of science

    Evaluation of skin temperature change as stress indicator in rabbit through infrared thermography

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    AbstractStress-induced reactions in animals include behavioural and physiological modifications aiming at coping towards the stressor, such as manipulations. Thermography, that is the detection of ..

    Workflow for the Validation of Geomechanical Simulations through Seabed Monitoring for Offshore Underground Activities

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    Underground fluid storage is gaining increasing attention as a means to balance energy production and consumption, ensure energy supply security, and contribute to greenhouse gas reduction in the atmosphere by CO2 geological sequestration. However, underground fluid storage generates pressure changes, which in turn induce stress variations and rock deformations. Numerical geomechanical models are typically used to predict the response of a given storage to fluid injection and withdrawal, but validation is required for such a model to be considered reliable. This paper focuses on the technology and methodology that we developed to monitor seabed movements and verify the predictions of the impact caused by offshore underground fluid storage. To this end, we put together a measurement system, integrated into an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, to periodically monitor the seabed bathymetry. Measurements repeated during and after storage activities can be compared with the outcome of numerical simulations and indirectly confirm the existence of safety conditions. To simulate the storage system response to fluid storage, we applied the Virtual Element Method. To illustrate and discuss our methodology, we present a possible application to a depleted gas reservoir in the Adriatic Sea, Italy, where several underground geological formations could be potentially converted into storage in the futur

    Design, Fabrication, and Experimental Validation of Microfluidic Devices for the Investigation of Pore-Scale Phenomena in Underground Gas Storage Systems

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    The understanding of multiphase flow phenomena occurring in porous media at the pore scale is fundamental in a significant number of fields, from life science to geo and environmental engineering. However, because of the optical opacity and the geometrical complexity of natural porous media, detailed visual characterization is not possible or is limited and requires powerful and expensive imaging techniques. As a consequence, the understanding of micro-scale behavior is based on the interpretation of macro-scale parameters and indirect measurements. Microfluidic devices are transparent and synthetic tools that reproduce the porous network on a 2D plane, enabling the direct visualization of the fluid dynamics. Moreover, microfluidic patterns (also called micromodels) can be specifically designed according to research interests by tuning their geometrical features and surface properties. In this work we design, fabricate and test two different micromodels for the visualization and analysis of the gas-brine fluid flow, occurring during gas injection and withdrawal in underground storage systems. In particular, we compare two different designs: a regular grid and a real rock-like pattern reconstructed from a thin section of a sample of Hostun rock. We characterize the two media in terms of porosity, tortuosity and pore size distribution using the A* algorithm and CFD simulation. We fabricate PDMS-glass devices via soft lithography, and we perform preliminary air-water displacement tests at different capillary numbers to observe the impact of the design on the fluid dynamics. This preliminary work serves as a validation of design and fabrication procedures and opens the way to further investigations
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