73 research outputs found

    Industrial Robot Programming and UPnP Services Orchestration for the Automation of Factories

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    The integration of equipment and other devices built into industrial robot cells with modern Ethernet interface technologies and low‐cost mass produced devices (such as vision systems, laser scanners, force torque‐sensors, PLCs and PDAs etc.) enables integrators to offer more powerful and smarter solutions. Nevertheless, the programming of all these devices efficiently requires very specific knowledge about them, such as their hardware architectures and specific programming languages as well as details about the system¿s low level communication protocols. To address these issues, this paper describes and analyses the Plug‐and‐Play architecture. This is one of the most interesting service‐oriented architectures (SOAs) available, which exhibits characteristics that are well adapted to industrial robotics cells. To validate their programming features and applicability, a test bed was specially designed. This provides a new graphical service orchestration which was implemented using Workflow Foundation 4 of .NET. The obtained results allowed us to verify that the use of integration schemes based on SOAs reduces the system integration time and is better adapted to industrial robotic cell system integrators.The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Plan Nacional de I+D (FEDER-CICYT, Spanish Government) and to the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain) for the financing of this work, which was made under the research projects DPI2010-20814-C02-02, DPI2011-28507-C02-01 and PAID/2011/039. In addition, they also want to acknowledge the assistance of Elena Ruiz Gomez for her help in the translation of the article.Valera Fernández, Á.; Gómez Moreno, J.; Sánchez Salmerón, AJ.; Ricolfe Viala, C.; Zotovic Stanisic, R.; Vallés Miquel, M. (2012). Industrial Robot Programming and UPnP Services Orchestration for the Automation of Factories. 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