20 research outputs found

    Wall Materials on the Base of Burned Rocks

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    Показана возможность получения эффективных безобжиговых стеновых строительных материалов на основе горелых пород месторождений Красноярского края. Приведены результаты исследований основных эксплуатационных свойств разработанных материалов. Рассмотрены технологические способы изготовления безобжиговых стеновых материалов на основе горелых пород. Установлено, что изделия на основе горелых пород сопоставимы по прочности при сжатии с керамическим кирпичом (ГОСТ 530-2012), но имеют значительно более высокую прочность при изгибе, чем у керамического кирпича данной марки. Отражены вопросы преодоления неоднородности состава и строения горелых пород (глиежей). Дан анализ свойств безобжиговых стеновых материалов в зависимости от методов производстваThe possibility of obtaining effective wall building materials on the basis of burut rocks of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is shown. The results of studies of basic operational properties of the materials developed are given. The technological methods of making bezobzhigovyh wall materials on the basis of burnt rocks are considered it is found that the products on the basis of burnt rocks are comparable with compression strength of ceramic bricks (GOST 530-2012), but have a significantly higher flexural strength than the ceramic bricks of this mark. Issues of overcoming the heterogeneity of the composition and structure of burned rocks are reflected. The analysis of the properties of wall materials, depending on the production methods is presente

    On a Regev-Seeman conjecture about Z_2-graded tensor products

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    In the Theory of Polynomial Identities of algebras, superalgebras play a key role, as emphasized by the celebrated Kemer’s results on the structure of T -ideals of the free associative algebra. Kemer succeeded in classifying the T –prime algebras over a field of characteristic zero, and all of them possess a natural superalgebra structure. In a celebrated work Regev proved that the tensor product of PI-algebras is again a PI-algebra, and the so-called Kemer’s Tensor Product Theorem shows that the tensor product of T -prime algebras is again PI-equivalent to a T -prime algebra, explicitly described. When dealing with superalgebras, however, it is possible to define an alternative tensor product, sometimes called super, or graded, or signed tensor product. In a recent paper Regev and Seeman studied graded tensor products, and they proved that the graded tensor product of PI-algebras is again PI, as for the ordinary case. Then natural questions arise: is the graded tensor product of T -prime algebras again T -prime? If so, do the graded and ordinary tensor products of T -prime algebras give the “same results” up to PI-equivalence? Among their results, Regev and Seeman noticed cases for which a graded version of Kemer’s Tensor Product Theorem does hold. More precisely, the re- sulting algebra is still a T -prime algebra, possibly “different” from the “natural” one. Then they conjectured this should be true in general. The present paper positively solves the conjecture. More precisely, we can prove that, in zero characteristic, the graded tensor product of T -prime algebras “is” again T -prime, and we describe the resulting algebra up to PI-equivalence

    Neutron diffraction studies of temperature induced phase transitions in Rb2KFeF6 elpasolite

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    A neutron diffraction study of temperature induced phase transition in Rb2KFeF6 elpasolite has been performed. At room temperature the structure is cubic with space group Fm3m. At T = 170 K a structural phase transition takes place. Space group and atom coordinates in this phase has been defined. The crystal structure is good refined by orthorhombic space group Pmnn. Possible models are discussed

    Wall Materials on the Base of Burned Rocks

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    Показана возможность получения эффективных безобжиговых стеновых строительных материалов на основе горелых пород месторождений Красноярского края. Приведены результаты исследований основных эксплуатационных свойств разработанных материалов. Рассмотрены технологические способы изготовления безобжиговых стеновых материалов на основе горелых пород. Установлено, что изделия на основе горелых пород сопоставимы по прочности при сжатии с керамическим кирпичом (ГОСТ 530-2012), но имеют значительно более высокую прочность при изгибе, чем у керамического кирпича данной марки. Отражены вопросы преодоления неоднородности состава и строения горелых пород (глиежей). Дан анализ свойств безобжиговых стеновых материалов в зависимости от методов производстваThe possibility of obtaining effective wall building materials on the basis of burut rocks of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is shown. The results of studies of basic operational properties of the materials developed are given. The technological methods of making bezobzhigovyh wall materials on the basis of burnt rocks are considered it is found that the products on the basis of burnt rocks are comparable with compression strength of ceramic bricks (GOST 530-2012), but have a significantly higher flexural strength than the ceramic bricks of this mark. Issues of overcoming the heterogeneity of the composition and structure of burned rocks are reflected. The analysis of the properties of wall materials, depending on the production methods is presente

    Neutron diffraction studies of temperature induced phase transitions in Rb2KFeF6 elpasolite

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    A neutron diffraction study of temperature induced phase transition in Rb2KFeF6 elpasolite has been performed. At room temperature the structure is cubic with space group Fm3m. At T = 170 K a structural phase transition takes place. Space group and atom coordinates in this phase has been defined. The crystal structure is good refined by orthorhombic space group Pmnn. Possible models are discussed