431 research outputs found

    Issues on human acceleration tolerance after long-duration space flights

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    This report reviewed the literature on human tolerance to acceleration at 1 G and changes in tolerance after exposure to hypogravic fields. It was found that human tolerance decreased after exposure to hypokinetic and hypogravic fields, but the magnitude of such reduction ranged from 0 to 30 percent for plateau G forces and 30 to 70 percent for time tolerance on sustained G forces. A logistic regression model of the probability of individuals with 25 percent reduction in +Gz tolerance after 1 to 41 days of hypogravic exposures was constructed. The estimated values from the model showed a good correlation with the observed data. A brief review of the need for in-flight centrifuge during long-duration missions was also presented. Review of the available data showed that the use of countermeasures (such as anti-G suits, periodic acceleration, and exercise) reduced the decrement in acceleration tolerance after long-duration space flights. Areas of further research include quantification of the effect of countermeasures on tolerance, and methods to augment tolerance during and after exposures to hypogravic fields. Such data are essential for planning long-duration human missions


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    Alice Walker, an advocate of eco-otherworldliness, attempts to usher the prospering soul of fortitude furthermore, Justice through little demonstrations of natural capacities which may change our current circumstance and embellish the environmental factors with great hint of normal excellence. Natural joys consistently in bounty, delight and perceive completeness and honesty, however sadly it is man himself who never tries to investigate and profit the adoring fortunes of ecstasy on this planet. Walker as an eco-mystic endeavors to migrate the redemptive springs of natural sticking that clearly secures and sustains human family with no maltreatment or abuse

    A generalization of midzuno-sen sampling scheme for finite populations

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    This paper proposes a generalization of the classical Midzuno-Sen sampling procedure to allow more than one PPSWOR selection followed by SRSWOR draws. The Horvitz-Thompson (H-T) estimator, its variance and variance estimator are discussed. Two methods of controlling the sampling variability of the H-T estimator are outlined. These require simple transformations of the study or the auxiliary variates. They can also be viewed as attempts to make the sampling scheme IPPS. Simple numerical illustrations are given

    The study of thyroid dysfunction in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is the most common gynecological condition observed during many women's reproductive period. AUB affects the quality of life, causing distress. Most of the cases are undiagnosed or not properly diagnosed. Multiple reasons are causing AUB, one of them is thyroid dysfunction. Nowadays, thyroid testing is readily available, which helps in diagnosis and better management of AUB. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted with 124 AUB cases using simple random sampling after approval from the ethics committee. Results: Total thyroid dysfunction was noted in 32.26% of cases, and 70.16% were multiparous. About 34.1% of cases of menorrhagia and 54.2% of cases of oligomenorrhea had thyroid abnormalities. Conclusions: For appropriate management of AUB, testing of thyroid levels is necessary

    Synonymous Codon Usage Analysis of Thirty Two Mycobacteriophage Genomes

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    Synonymous codon usage of protein coding genes of thirty two completely sequenced mycobacteriophage genomes was studied using multivariate statistical analysis. One of the major factors influencing codon usage is identified to be compositional bias. Codons ending with either C or G are preferred in highly expressed genes among which C ending codons are highly preferred over G ending codons. A strong negative correlation between effective number of codons (Nc) and GC3s content was also observed, showing that the codon usage was effected by gene nucleotide composition. Translational selection is also identified to play a role in shaping the codon usage operative at the level of translational accuracy. High level of heterogeneity is seen among and between the genomes. Length of genes is also identified to influence the codon usage in 11 out of 32 phage genomes. Mycobacteriophage Cooper is identified to be the highly biased genome with better translation efficiency comparing well with the host specific tRNA genes

    Analysis of the individual risk of altitude decompression sickness under repeated exposures

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    In a case-control study, researchers examined the risk of decompression sickness (DCS) in individual subjects with higher number of exposures. Of the 126 subjects, 42 showed one or more episodes of DCS. Examination of the exposure-DCS relationship by odds ratio showed a linear relationship. Stratification analysis showed that sex, tissue ratio, and the presence of Doppler microbubbles were cofounders of this risk. A higher number of exposures increased the risk of DCS in this analysis

    Maternal and foetal outcome in preterm births in a rural tertiary care centre: a retrospective study

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    Background: Preterm birth (PTB) is one of the main causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality. It can also result in long term health consequences for both mother and the newborn. The objective was to assess maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality in PTBs.Methods: A retrospective study was done in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in a tertiary care hospital during January 2020 and June 2020. Ninety-three women with records of preterm births were analyzed for maternal and fetal outcomes. coGuide statistical software was used for data analysis.Results: 48.39% of the women were between 20 to 24 years of age. The majority (50.54%) were primigravida. The main causes for PTB among the study participants were medical disorders (39.78%), PPROM (29.03%), spontaneous labor without any underlying cause (18.28%). 51.61% had a vaginal delivery, 88.17% had a live birth. The majority of 52 (55.91%) neonates had birth weights between 1.51 to 2.5 kg. Fifty-nine neonates (63.44%) needed NICU admission. The reason for NICU admission in majority 25 (26.88%) was respiratory distress.Conclusions: Timely, diagnosis and treatment of medical disorders among antenatal women can aid in reducing the occurrence of preterm births and their associated morbidity and mortality. Medical disorders and premature preterm rupture of membrane remain the main causes of preterm birth

    Risk of decompression sickness in the presence of circulating microbubbles

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    In this study, we examined the association between microbubbles formed in the circulation from a free gas phase and symptoms of altitude decompression sickness (DCS). In a subgroup of 59 males of mean (S.D) age 31.2 (5.8) years who developed microbubbles during exposure to 26.59 kPa (4.3 psi) under simulated extravehicular activities (EVA), symptoms of DCS occurred in 24 (41 percent) individuals. Spencer grade 1 microbubbles occurred in 4 (7 percent), grade 2 in 9 (15 percent), grade 3 in 15 (25 percent), and grade 4 in 31 (53 percent) of subjects. Survival analysis using Cox proportional hazards regression showed that individuals with less than grade 3 CMB showed 2.46 times (95 percent confidence interval = 1.26 to 5.34) higher risk of symptoms. This information is crucial for defining the risk of DCS for inflight Doppler monitoring under space EVA. Altitude decompression sickness (DCS) occurs when there is acute reduction in ambient pressure. The symptoms of DCS are due to the formation of a free gas phase (in the form of gas microbubbles) in tissues during decompression. Musculo-skeletal pain of bends is the commonest form of DCS in altitude exposures. In the space flight environment, there is a risk of DCS when astronauts decompress from the normobaric shuttle pressure into the hypobaric space suit pressure (currently about 29.65 kPa (4.3 psi) for extra-vehicular activities (EVA). This risk is counterbalanced by a judicious combination of prior denitrogenation and staged decompression. Studies of DCS are limited by the duration of the test at reduced pressure. Since only a proportion of subjects tested develop symptoms, the information on DCS is generally incomplete or 'censored'. Many studies employ Doppler ultrasound monitoring of the precordial area for detecting circulating microbubbles (CMB). Although the association between CMB and bends pain is not causal, CMB are frequently monitored during decompression. In this paper, we examine the association between CMB and symptoms of DCS under simulated EVA profiles

    The maternal and perinatal outcomes in heart disease in pregnancy in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: The incidence of cardiac diseases in pregnancy ranges from 1 to 3%. Pregnancy in women with heart disease is associated with considerable mortality and morbidity. Thorough prenatal care and team approach involving obstetricians, cardiologists, anaesthesiologists and neonatologists can improve the maternal and fetal outcome in these women. Rheumatic heart disease is still the leading cause of maternal heart disease during pregnancy in developing countries. Methods: Between February 2022 and August 2022, a retrospective research at the RL Jalappa Hospital in Kolar was carried out. Out of 764 deliveries made at the facility throughout the study period, 30 singleton pregnancies complicated with heart disease admitted department of obstetrics and gynaecology at different periods of gestation. The maternal and perinatal outcome was thus noted. Results: Out of 764 deliveries, 30 women were found to have been complicated with heart disease. Overall incidence was 3.9%.  Rheumatic heart disease was the most common heart disease seen among them. The most common congenital heart disease present was atrial septal defect (ASD). The most common cause for LSCS was fetal distress. 93.3% of the babies delivered were shifted to NICU, with the most common cause being, preterm and low birth weight. No maternal mortality seen, though 1 neonatal mortality present due to extreme low birth weight. Conclusions: A multidisciplinary team approach including obstetrician, cardiologist, pediatrician and anesthesiologist is needed in the cases of pregnancy with heart disease to determine the mode of delivery, timing of delivery, change in anticoagulant drugs in pregnancy, type of anesthesia, care of neonate, and follow-up of mother for better maternal and fetal outcomes