986 research outputs found

    A review of ethnobotanical research in southern Africa

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    The diversity of plant species in southern Africa is matched by an equally rich cultural diversity, but traditional uses of plants have not yet been systematically recorded. Available information is fragmentary and widely dispersed in many different journals and books. A survey by Liengme (1983a) has shown several gaps in the scientific literature and some progress has been made towards a more complete record of indigenous plant use in the region. Information on some ethnic groups, such as the Khoi, Ndebele and Swazi, as well as the interaction between plants and people, folk taxonomies, plant-related mythology, ethnoveterinary medicine and pre-colonial plant use are some of the aspects that still remain poorly recorded. In contrast, ethnopharmacology — particularly the testing of biological activity of crude extracts and isolated compounds — has received considerable attention in recent years. The aim of these studies is usually to validate traditional uses rather than to provide information for product development. A review of the literature on various categories of plant use, including recent publications and some hitherto unpublished research, is presented. Ethnobotany remains an underdeveloped discipline in southern Africa and there is an urgent need to systematically document indigenous knowledge on traditional plant use before it becomes irretrievably lost to future generations

    A new species of Lotononis section Oxydium (Fabaceae, Crotalarieae)

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    AbstractA new species, Lotononis macroloba B-E. Van Wyk and H. Kolberg, is described. It is similar to L. rabenaviana Dinter and Harms but differs in its greatly expanded sepals, larger leaves with short petioles, differently shaped petals and the silky rather than strigillose vestiture. The new species appears to be endemic to north-western Namibia, while the putative relatives, L. rabenaviana and L. sparsiflora (E. Mey.) B-E. Van Wyk, are restricted to the southern parts of Namibia and the adjoining dry western region of South Africa

    Kyrgyzian Umbelliferae as part of a critical revision of the Asian representatives of the family

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    In Kyrgyzstan 193 species of the Umbelliferae, representing 65 genera, have been recorded. A list of Kyrgyzian Umbelliferae is presented. There are no endemic Umbelliferae genera. The number of endemic species is 27, belonging to 11 genera. The concentration of species and genera is presented according to the three floristic provinces and 15 floristic districts of Kyrgyzstan. Biomorphic groups of species and their distributional patterns are presented

    The ethnobotany and pharmacognosy of Olea europaea subsp. africana (Oleaceae)

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    AbstractThe ethnobotanical uses of wild olive, O. europaea subsp. africana (sometimes referred to as subsp. cuspidata) in southern Africa and in other parts of Africa are reviewed. Chromatographic analyses of secoiridoids (oleuropein and other oleuropeosides) in 25 wild olive leaf samples from 10 localities in South Africa showed substantial amounts of oleuropein (up to 110mg/g dry weight) and not trace amounts as reported in the literature. Oleuropein is the main active compound in olive leaf, with demonstrated anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, hypolipidemic and hypotensive activities. A comparison with nine cultivated olive leaf samples (subsp. europaea) from six cultivars and two localities showed that commercial olive leaf can be distinguished by the presence of verbascoside, which is absent in wild olive. Extraction methods and solvent systems (TLC and HPLC) were compared, using pure oleuropein (isolated from wild olive leaf and identified by NMR) as an authentic reference sample. The unique peltate scales on the leaves are useful to identify olive leaf raw material (but are the same in both subspecies). The main conclusion is that wild olive leaf is chemically closely similar to cultivated olive leaf and therefore suitable as an alternative source of raw material for olive leaf extract

    Unusual carpological characters in Marlothiella gummifera (Apiaceae)

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    AbstractFlowers and fruits of the monotypic Namibian endemic Marlothiella gummifera were examined to explore anatomical variation and to highlight problems associated with the homology of certain character states. Some unusual new features observed in the fruits and ovaries raise questions regarding the homology of fruit heteromorphy, rib oil ducts, vittae and carpophores in subfamily Apioideae. These include the irregular occurrence of heterocarpic ovaries, oil ducts on both the internal and external sides of the vascular bundles (the inner dwarf ducts), short ducts in the commissural area, and carpophores (only rarely present). The fruits of Marlothiella share several unusual features with the genus Lichtensteinia, namely concentric rings of cells around the rib oil ducts, of which the innermost are irregular in size and shape, very small vascular bundles that are usually comprised of two separate strands, and the occurrence of heteromorphy in fruits and ovaries. These two genera are morphologically very different and it is encouraging to find anatomical data to support their presumptive relationship based on molecular studies

    Implementation of a Psychosocial Support Intervention for Adolescents on Antiretroviral Treatment: Challenges and Experiences from Ehlanzeni District, South Africa

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    Adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV) need support from family, peers and health workers to remain on antiretroviral therapy and achieve and sustain viral suppression. This paper qualitatively explores the implementation of a psychosocial support intervention (PSS) in five primary health care facilities in the Ehlanzeni district, South Africa. Data were collected through key informant interviews and focus group discussions with ALHIV on ART. Data analysis employed inductive thematic analysis. Informed consent was obtained prior to all data collection. The PSS intervention facilitated full disclosure of HIV status to adolescents, supported treatment adherence through health education, peer support, health care provider- and client relations, and quick access to health service delivery. However, COVID-19 restrictions and regulations challenged the implementation of the intervention. The PSS intervention showed promise to support adolescent’s adherence and retention in care. We recommend innovative approaches to account for systemic disruptions, as evidenced by the COVID-19 pandemic

    Fruit anatomy of the genus Bupleurum (Apiaceae) in northeastern China and notes on systematic implications

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    The fruit anatomy of all eight species of the genus Bupleurum L. mentioned in the most recent literature from northeastern China was studied for the first time. The eight species were divided into two groups based on the shape of the mericarps in transverse section. The first group (round mericarps without prominent ribs) includes B. longiradiatum and B. komarovianum, and the second group (angular mericarps with prominent ribs) includes B. angustissimum, B. bicaule, B. chinense, B. euphorbioides, B. scorzonerifolium and B. sibiricum. The second group can be further subdivided into group 2a (large vittae, very small vascular bundles) — B. euphorbioides and B. sibiricum, and group 2b (small vittae, large vascular bundles) — B. angustissimum, B. bicaule, B. chinense and B. scorzonerifolium. This result closely supports the traditional classification system which was based on gross morphology (plant height; leaf shape and size; involucre number, size and shape). The only exception is that B. komarovianum should not be close to the second group, but close to B. longiradiatum. Group 1 corresponds with Bupleurum sect. Longifolia and group 2 with sect. Eubupleura; group 2a with ser. Ranunculoides and group 2b with ser. Falcata. Fruit anatomical characters seem to have potential for evaluating infrageneric relationships in the genus Bupleurum
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