25 research outputs found

    Effect of voluntary waiting period on metabolism of dairy cows during different phases of the lactation.

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    An extended calving interval (CInt) by extending the voluntary waiting period (VWP) could be associated with altered metabolism in dairy cows. The aim of this study was first to evaluate the effects of VWP on metabolism and body condition during the first 305 days after the first calving in the experiment (calving 1), around the end of the VWP, and during pregnancy (280 d before calving 2). Second, the effects of the VWP on metabolism were determined from 2 wk before until 6 wk after calving 2. Third, individual cow characteristics were used to predict milk production and body condition of cows after different VWP. Holstein-Friesian cows (N=154, 41 primiparous (PP), 113 multiparous (MP)) were blocked for parity, milk production, and lactation persistency, randomly assigned to a VWP of 50, 125, or 200 days (VWP50, VWP125, or VWP200) and followed from calving 1 until 6 wk after calving 2. In the first 6 wk after calving 1 and from 2 wk before until 6 wk after calving 2, weekly plasma samples were analyzed for non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate, glucose, insulin, and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). From wk 7 after calving 1 until 2 wk before calving 2, insulin and IGF-1 were analyzed every 2 wk. Fat- and protein-corrected milk (FPCM) and body weight (BW) gain were measured weekly. Cows were divided in two parity classes based on calving 1 (PP and MP) and remained in these classes after calving 2. During pregnancy, MP cows in VWP200 had greater plasma insulin and IGF-1 concentration and lower FPCM compared with MP cows in VWP125 (insulin: 18.5 vs 13.9 µU/mL, CI 13.0 - 19.7, P<0.01; IGF-1: 198.5 vs 175.3 ng/mL ± 5.3, P=0.04; FPCM: 22.6 vs 30.0 kg/d ± 0.8, P<0.01) or VWP50 (insulin: 15.8 µU/mL, P<0.01; IGF-1: 178.2 ng/mL, P<0.01; FPCM: 26.6 kg/d, P<0.01) and had a greater daily BW gain compared with cows in VWP50 (3.6 vs 2.5 kg/d ± 0.2; P<0.01). After calving 2, MP cows in VWP200 had greater plasma NEFA concentration (0.41 mmol/L) compared with MP cows in VWP125 (0.30 mmol/L, P=0.04) or VWP50 (0.26 mmol/L, P<0.01). For PP cows, the VWP did not affect FPCM or body condition during the first lactation in the experiment, or metabolism after calving 2. Independent of the VWP, higher milk production and lower body condition before insemination were associated with higher milk production and lower body condition at the end of the lactation. Variation in these characteristics among cows could call for an individual approach for an extended VWP

    Udder health of dairy cows with an extended voluntary waiting period from calving until the first insemination

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of an extended voluntary waiting period (VWP) on SCC, SCC elevations and clinical mastitis incidence during the complete lactation and the first 6 weeks of the next lactation. Holstein-Friesian dairy cows ( N = 154) were blocked for parity, expected milk yield, calving season and breeding value for persistency and were randomly distributed across 3 VWP (50, 125, or 200 d: VWP-50, VWP-125, VWP-200). Cows were monitored from calving until 6 weeks into the next lactation, or until culling. An elevation of SCC in milk was defined as SCC in milk ≥200 000 cells/ml after two previous weeks with SCC < 200 000 cells/ml. Over the complete lactation, extending the VWP did not affect SCC elevations and the occurrence of clinical mastitis per lactation or per cow per year. There was no clear effect of VWP length on SCC in the complete lactation, except that multiparous cows in VWP-125 had a higher SCC compared with multiparous cows in VWP-50. Dry-off antibiotic usage per cow per year was lower in VWP-200 compared with VWP-50 for multiparous cows. In the first 6 weeks of the next lactation, cows in VWP-200 had a higher SCC compared with cows in VWP-50, with no effect of VWP on the number of elevations of SCC or the occurrence of clinical mastitis. Extending the VWP may therefore be used to reduce the frequency of transition periods and the associated use of dry-cow antibiotics, with limited impact on udder health, and a similar occurrence of SCC elevations and clinical mastitis per year

    Effect of voluntary waiting period on metabolism of dairy cows during different phases of the lactation

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    An extended calving interval (CInt) by extending the voluntary waiting period (VWP) could be associated with altered metabolism in dairy cows. The aim of this study was first to evaluate the effects of VWP on metabolism and body condition during the first 305 d after the first calving in the experiment (calving 1), around the end of the VWP, and during pregnancy (280 d before calving 2). Second, the effects of the VWP on metabolism were determined from 2 wk before until 6 wk after calving 2. Third, individual cow characteristics were used to predict milk production and body condition of cows after different VWP. Holstein-Friesian cows (N = 154, 41 primiparous [PP], 113 multiparous [MP]) were blocked for parity, milk production, and lactation persistency, randomly assigned to a VWP of 50, 125, or 200 d (VWP50, VWP125, or VWP200) and followed from calving 1 until 6 wk after calving 2. In the first 6 wk after calving 1 and from 2 wk before until 6 wk after calving 2, weekly plasma samples were analyzed for nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate, glucose, insulin, and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). From wk 7 after calving 1 until 2 wk before calving 2, insulin and IGF-1 were analyzed every 2 wk. Fat- and protein-corrected milk (FPCM) and body weight (BW) gain were measured weekly. Cows were divided in two parity classes based on calving 1 (PP and MP) and remained in these classes after calving 2. During pregnancy, MP cows in VWP200 had greater plasma insulin and IGF-1 concentration and lower FPCM compared with MP cows in VWP125 (insulin: 18.5 vs. 13.9 µU/mL, CI 13.0-19.7, P < 0.01; IGF-1: 198.5 vs. 175.3 ng/mL ± 5.3, P = 0.04; FPCM: 22.6 vs. 30.0 kg/d ± 0.8, P < 0.01) or VWP50 (insulin: 15.8 µU/mL, P < 0.01; IGF-1: 178.2 ng/mL, P < 0.01; FPCM: 26.6 kg/d, P < 0.01) and had a greater daily BW gain compared with cows in VWP50 (3.6 vs. 2.5 kg/d ± 0.2; P < 0.01). After calving 2, MP cows in VWP200 had greater plasma NEFA concentration (0.41 mmol/liter) compared with MP cows in VWP125 (0.30 mmol/liter, P = 0.04) or VWP50 (0.26 mmol/liter, P < 0.01). For PP cows, the VWP did not affect FPCM or body condition during the first lactation in the experiment, or metabolism after calving 2. Independent of the VWP, higher milk production and lower body condition before insemination were associated with higher milk production and lower body condition at the end of the lactation. Variation in these characteristics among cows could call for an individual approach for an extended VWP

    Dry period length affects rumen adaptation in dairy cattle precalving and during the first weeks after calving.

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    Omitting or shortening the dry period may result in a fairly constant ration throughout the transition period of dairy cows, reducing the need for adaptation of cow metabolism and rumen function to a new lactation. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dry period length on rumen adaptation and cow metabolic state during the transition period. Twelve pregnant, rumen-cannulated Holstein Friesian dairy cows at the end of their first lactation were assigned to one of 3 treatments: a conventional (60 d), short (30 d) or no dry period (0 d). At dry-off, cows received a dry cow ration until calving. Lactating cows received a lactation ration. Cows were monitored from 8 wk before calving until 8 wk after calving for milk yield and dry matter intake (DMI). Rumen biopsies were taken from 3 locations in the rumen at 60, 40 and 10 d before calving and 3, 7, 14, 28 and 56 d after calving to assess papillae dimensions. Blood was sampled weekly from 3 wk before until 8 wk after calving, and liver biopsies were taken at wk -2, wk 2 and wk 4 relative to calving. Prepartum, DMI and milk yield were greater for cows with a short or no dry period, compared with cows with a conventional dry period. Postpartum, DMI was greater for cows with a short dry period compared with cows with a conventional dry period. Plasma glucose concentration was greater for cows without a dry period, compared with the other dry period lengths postpartum. Plasma concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate, and liver triglyceride content, did not differ among dry period. Rumen papillae differed in size based on biopsy location, but there was no interaction between biopsy location and the effect of dry period length. Rumen papillae surface area for cows managed for a 30 d or 60 d dry period decreased toward calving. At 40 d prepartum, papillae surface area was greater for short and no dry period treatment compared with a conventional dry period. At 10 d prepartum, papillae surface area was greater for the no dry period treatment compared with both other treatments, and this difference was still present 3 d postpartum. Cows managed for a short dry period showed faster increase in papillae dimensions after calving compared with cows managed for a conventional dry period. From d 28 onwards, no differences in papillae surface area were observed. The faster rumen adaptation postpartum may be related to the increased DMI during the first weeks postpartum for cows managed for a short dry period. However, this did not result in improved metabolic status or milk yield. The results from the present study demonstrate that the dietary changes related to a conventional dry period length affected rumen papillae development, not only prepartum but also early postpartum. Further optimization of dry period length as well as dietary composition throughout the transition period may support cows in their adaptation to a new lactation

    Physical exercise prepartum to support metabolic adaptation in the transition period of dairy cattle: A proof of concept

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    In dairy cattle, the hormonal changes around calving induce large metabolic changes to support milk production. Mobilization of adipose reserves is one of the changes involved, imposing a metabolic load on the liver. We hypothesized that the risk for excessive lipolysis and hepatic lipidosis postpartum can be reduced by starting fat mobilization and processing during the prepartum period by physical exercise, especially in cows with a high body condition score (BCS). As a proof of concept, 32 pregnant Holstein-Friesian dairy cows were selected for a 2 × 2 experimental design. Sixteen cows had a BCS < 3.25 (group LOW) and 16 cows a BCS ≥ 3.25 (group HIGH). Cows within each group were randomly allocated to one of two treatments: group STEP was walked twice daily for 45 min during the dry period while group CON remained indoors. Treatment was stopped at calving and cows were monitored until 6 weeks after calving. Liver biopsies were taken in a subset of 16 cows to determine liver triglyceride (TG) concentration. We found that calculated energy balance was more negative for group STEP prepartum, resulting in higher plasma non-esterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations. During the first 6 weeks postpartum, neither dry matter intake nor milk yield was affected by exercise. As expected, the cows in group HIGH had increased liver TG concentrations postpartum relative to group LOW with increased plasma non-esterified fatty acids directly after calving. Exercise during the dry period mitigated postpartal liver TG accumulation, but this did not seem to be related to increased plasma lipoprotein transport. We conclude that substantial physical activity prepartum can induce lipolysis and lipid utilization, thereby starting an early adaptation to lactation. This may be instrumental to reduce the risk for excessive liver TG accumulation postpartum, especially in cows with a high BCS at dry-off

    Effects of reduced intramammary antimicrobial use during the dry period on udder health in Dutch dairy herds

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    Dry cow therapy (DCT) in the Netherlands changedfrom mainly blanket to selective antimicrobial DCT.This transition was supported by a national guideline,with the individual somatic cell count (SCC) at thelast milk recording before dry-off as the main selectioncriterion for antimicrobial DCT. The aim of this retrospectiveobservational study is to evaluate the SCCdynamics during the dry period at the herd and individualdry period level following the national transitionfrom mainly blanket to selective antimicrobial DCT.At the herd level, we used 2 data sets to evaluate theSCC dynamics during the dry period: (1) a nationaldata set containing 3,493 herds with data availablefrom 2011 through 2015 and (2) a veterinary practicedata set containing 280 herds with data available from2013 through 2015. The herd level analysis was carriedout using key performance indicators provided via milkrecording (CRV, Arnhem, the Netherlands): the percentageof cows that developed a new intramammaryinfection (IMI) during the dry period and the percentageof cows cured of an IMI during the dry period.The effect of DCT at individual dry period level wasanalyzed with a mixed-effects logistic regression modelbased on 4,404 dry periods from 2,638 cows in 20 herdswithin the veterinary practice data set. For these 20herds, individual SCC data from milk recordings andindividual cow DCT were available from 2013 through2015. No significant changes were observed to the SCCdynamics during the dry period at the herd level. Thepercentage of cows that developed a new IMI duringthe dry period ranged between 16 and 18%, and thepercentage of cows cured from an IMI during the dryperiod ranged between 74 and 76%. At the individual dry period level, a low SCC at the first milk recordingfollowing a dry period was associated with the use ofintramammary antimicrobial DCT with or without theconcurrent use of an intramammary teat sealer [oddsratio (OR) = 2.16 and OR = 2.07, respectively], the useof DCT with an intramammary teat sealer only (OR =1.35), and a low SCC at the last milk recording beforedry-off (OR = 1.78). This study demonstrates that theselection of cows for DCT without antimicrobials basedon SCC thresholds at the last milk recording is possiblewithout significant changes to udder health andreduced the use of antimicrobials